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This page provides information on the Bake Vector Displacement utility material.


VRayVectorDisplBake is a utility material that when used along with texture baking allows you to generate displacement maps for Vector displacement. The workflow requires that you have a low poly "base" geometry and a high poly "target" geometry. You can then generate a map that when used with vector displacement turns the base geometry into the target geometry.

To do that first we assign the VRayVectorDisplBake material to the base geometry and in the material settings we specify the target geometry. Next using texture baking we bake a VRayCompleteMap for the base geometry. This generates a vector displacement texture that we can use with the VRayDisplacementMod and vector displacement to turn the base geometry into the target geometry.


Target geometry – Specifies the high polygonal geometry that we want our displacement to result in.

Map channel – Specifies the map channel to which the texture is baked

Displacement amount – Used to set a limit for how far a point can be moved in the direction of the normal.

Displacement shift – Used to set a limit for how far a point can be moved in the direction opposite of the normal.

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