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This page describes how to import a V-Ray Proxy for rendering in Maya.


The proxy import process creates a VRayProxy node, which references geometry from a file on disk. The node can load V-Ray proxy (.vrmesh) and Alembic (.abc) files. After the V-Ray proxy is imported, its parameters are accessible in the Attribute Editor.

To see how to import a V-Ray Proxy using the "vrayCreateProxy" command, please refer to vrayCreateProxy scripting page.

To see how to work with the V-Ray Proxy, please refer to V-Ray Proxy page or V-Ray Proxy courseware page.


UI Path: Create menu > V-Ray > Import proxy (enable Use the new VRayProxy node option)


Create menu > V-Ray > Import V-Ray Proxy (enable Use the new VRayProxy node option)


||V-Ray Shelf|| > Import V-Ray Proxy (enable Use the new VRayProxy node option)


||V-Ray Menu|| > Import V-Ray Proxy




A VRayProxy object can also be created by dragging and dropping a .vrmesh or .abc file directly in your active viewport. 





Importing a V-Ray Proxy

A Mesh file loaded in a VRayProxy node is rendered with the scene. There are a few different ways to load a proxy file:

  1. Use the Import V-Ray Proxy button from the interface.
  2. Through the Create menu: Go to Create > V-Ray > Import V-Ray Proxy.
  3. By drag-and-dropping a mesh file into the scene.

  4. With script: use the vrayCreateProxy command.

The command returns an array of the newly created mesh objects, or undefined when there are no valid VRayProxy objects specified.

You can also import a group of .vrmesh or .abc files.

The Use the new VRayProxy node option must be enabled to use the new and improved VRayProxy.

Scenes using the old V-Ray Proxy node can be automatically converted to the new VRayProxy from the V-Ray menu > Tools > Convert to New V-Ray Proxy Node.


Default window


Importing a single file with frame formatting


Importing multiple files




This dialog offers basic import options and creates the VRayProxy node(s) that load the specified files from disk.

Single file (frame formatting is supported) – Allows loading one proxy file at a time. Frame formatting allows you to specify reading animated proxies where each frame is in a separate file. The formatting is displayed in the import window and it automatically sets the Animation parameters .

Multiple files – Allows loading multiple proxy files at once. Frame formatting is not supported for this mode, and the Object path option works only if all imported proxies are Alembic files sharing the same object structure.

Node name – Name of the scene object to be created in Maya. If the field is left empty, the scene object takes the name of the .vrmesh or .abc file.

File(s) – File(s) to load.

Object path – Specifies which objects to load based on their starting paths in the Alembic file structure. Additional parameters are available in the Alembic proxy parameters rollout after import.

Geometry – Select the viewport preview mode from the drop down menu. This does not affect the final render. This parameter is Keyable and can be used as a driven key as Geom Type in the Channel Box.

Flip axis – When enabled, this option switches the proxy's up axis between Y and Z. It allows the user to align the vertical axis of the proxy with the vertical axis in the scene in cases where the proxy was not exported from Maya or when loading Alembic files.

Use the new VRayProxy node – When enabled, uses the new VRayProxy node. Note that when drag-and-dropping proxies into the viewport the last used state of this option is used.

Create – Imports the proxy object and closes the dialog. Additional parameters are accessible in the Attribute Editor after the proxy is created. 


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