V-Ray 6, update 2.2.1
Official release
Date - Nov 28, 2024
Build 6.20.24
Modified Features
Chaos Licensing
- Updated the Chaos License Server to version 6.2.0
V-Ray 6, update 2.2
Official release
Date - May 30, 2024
Build 6.20.02
New Features
- Maya 2025 support
- Allow selection of USD provider in V-Ray standalone
- Added support for 0.23.11 USD for V-Ray standalone
- Support for MaterialX Stack
- Added support for color space correction of image nodes
- Added AdobeRGB and Display P3 color space support for image node
MaterialX, V-Ray GPU
- Extended initial support for MaterialX nodes on GPU
Chaos Scatter
- Added support for Altitude
- Added support for Camera Clipping
- Added support for Planar mapping
Chaos Vantage
- Render Animation with Chaos Vantage
- Added Vantage Live-Link Settings
- Added Cancel Vantage Live-Link option
- Add Phase Function to Environment Fog
- Added support for crease weights
Modified Features
- Add support for procedural textures
- Add support for colorcorrect and randomcolor nodes
- Allow negative colors for all textures in MaterialX
- Add closest filtertype support for image node
- Add support for Pivot and Scale in place2d node
- Add fileprefix attribute support
- Add MEL command for average Total value
Bug Fixes
- Fixed low Dynamic memory limit in old scenes
- Fixed IPR crash when adding lights to scenes with specific Cosmos assets and VRayLightMix
- Fixed matte properties not working on some V-Ray materials
- Fixed one-sided geometry not rendering
- Fixed disabling Visibility Options not working
Chaos Vantage
- Fixed a freeze when Vantage Live Link cannot find a suitable GPU device
- Fixed SSS scale
- Use degrees instead of radians for the place2d rotation values
- Fixed rendering of Academy software materials
- Wrong gamma applied to MaterialX image node
- Retain material connection when duplicating geometry from USD stage to Maya Data
- Fixed artefacts and slowdowns in some scenes with VRayHairNext
- Fixed IPR crash with proxy inside a .vrscene loaded in Geometry mode in Maya
- Fixed Rotation Texture in VRayTriplanar not exporting connected nodes
V-Ray 6, update 2.1
Official release
Date - Mar 27, 2024
Build 6.20.01
New features
- Added support for VRaySubdivisions as geometry attributes;
- Added support for custom camera plugin
Modified features
- Added support for MayaUSD 0.27.0 for Maya 2024
- Reworked displacement and subdivision export to USD
- Add support for textures with alpha
Bug fixes
- Fixed "Export Materials to USD" tool exporting empty shading groups
- Fixed incorrect UV mapping when exporting materials to USD
- Fixed Maya failing to render USD materials and proxy on macOS
- Fixed default file asset resolution not working in certain cases
- Fixed resolving asset tags in USD in Maya 2022 and Maya 2023
- Fixed export of Subdivision and Displacement when "Merge Transform and Shape Nodes" is enabled
- Fixed crash with USD Export All if VFB is not initialized
- Fixed crash when material in USD stage is deleted while IPR is running
- Fixed export of animation settings
- Fixed export of initialShadingGroup when exporting animation
- Fixed discrepancy between rendering V-Ray subdivisions in Standalone and in Maya
- Fixed crash with MaterialX in Standalone on Linux
- Fixed crash when connecting texture to non-texturable VRayColorCorrection attribute
Volume Grid, Environment Fog
- Incorrect shading of backfacing geometry in scenes with Phoenix Simulator, V-Ray Volume Grid or Environment Fog
V-Ray 6, update 2
Official release
Date - Feb 15, 2024
Build 6.20.00
New features
- Support for rendering MaterialX shaders in USD stages
- New VRayMaterialX node for loading mtlx files
- Tool for exporting VRayMaterials to MaterialX
- Support for rendering V-Ray materials exported to mtlx
- Initial support for LookdevX
- Support for V-Ray materials and nodes in LookdevX
- IPR support for edits in LookdevX
- New Hydra-compatible USD implementation
- Initial IPR support for USD
- USD support in Chaos Cloud
- Support for USD in V-Ray Standalone
Chaos Scatter
- Support for Areas Include and Exclude lists
- Support for Edge Trimming
- Support for scattering Lights
- Support for instancing entire groups
- Tool for converting Chaos Scatter instances to Maya geometry
- Option for Axis for Transformation Step and Map
Shadow Selects
- Add Direct Diffuse and Direct Specular shadow select render elements
- Add a Matte objects only option for Direct diffuse shadows
- VRayDecal cylindrical projection with viewport representation
- Introduce Adaptivity clamp to avoid high sampling in overexposed regions of the image
- Use System Memory mode for texture loading
- Direct Diffuse and Direct Specular shadow select render elements support
- Support for VRayEnmesh
- Support for Image planes
- Add support for Raw render elements in V-Ray GPU
Modified Features
- Export to USD has been updated to be Hydra-compatible
- Exporting UV sets to USD will now preserve set names
- Support for MayaUSD 0.26.0 for Maya 2024
- Droped support for MayaUSD versions lower than 0.16
- Optimise USD export file size when one texture node is mapped to multiple input slots
- Improved geometry compilation for instanced USD
VRayProxy, Viewport 2.0
- Improved memory consumption of a VRayProxy for preview
- Improved memory consumption for smooth normals calculation during alembic load
- Ability to assign material directly to the proxy without changing all material overrides one by one
- Added VRayNormalMap for more control over bump map parameters
- Improved geometry compilation speed for subdivision surface objects on high core count machines
- Rename "Hidden Lights" option to "Export hidden lights" in render settings
- Rename VRayLightSelect render element Material label to "Emissive material"
- Fixed cases of incorrect character encoding in installer console output;
- Redesigned the V-Ray Textures, Volumetrics and Utility nodes icons
- Remove the Prepass Samples attribute in render settings
- Always export scene_name for cameras in vrscene
- Objects with attached volumetrics are not rendered correctly when the camera is inside them
- Improved bump sampling method that eliminates artifacts with procedural textures
Chaos Scatter
- New viewport visualization enhancements
- Viewport visualization of transform randomization maps
- Viewport visualization of target density maps
- Move the Instance Count Limit to System
- Added option to flip UVs for randomization
Material importer
- Added native import for VRayCarPaint2
Path Guiding
- Updated path guiding support
- Progressive path guiding training during light cache build;
- Added support for scanned materials
- Added button to select the Denoiser render element in Outliner
- Add a link in the VFB History panel for enabling it
V-Ray Standalone
- Print error and exit when a non-existing camera name is passed
- Cache bitmaps between frames when rendering animation
- Added support for rendering Particle colors based on input channels
- Fixed slow aborting of rendering while uploading bitmaps
- Updated the minimum driver version for CUDA 12 and added a warning print
- Added Affect atmopherics and Atmopheric Contribution options
Light Select
- Add support for LPE light labels
- Add a directional strength parameter
- Added negative axis projection
- VRayMtl SSS is written in Refraction render element
Bug Fixes
- Export Dome lights textures with arbitrary node graphs
- SettingsVFB not exported to USD
- IPR support for animation
- Fixed aur caches simulated on Windows randomly not rendering correctly with Linux distributed rendering
- Fixed random 1KB cache export on Linux
- Certain channels should be always 32-bit
- Specific frames rendering black in V-Ray Standalone
- Fixed slow progress printing in some cases
- BitmapBuffer reported black as invalid color
- Maya 2024.2 crash with VRayGeoSun animated
- Crash when changing Diffuse Color option in Hypershade during swatch update
- Shadow Catcher is not affected by Camera's Image Plane
- VRay Bercon Noise value parameters cannot be animated
- Flake scale in VRayStochasticFlakesMtl loses texture connections
- Particle Shader does not get updated with V-Ray IPR GPU in Maya when changing the current timeline frame
Chaos Scatter, VRayProxy
- Scatter not showing in the viewport when using alembic proxy
Material Importer
- VRayDirt radius multiplier wrong import
- Progress tasks don't get cleared in the VFB progress bar after finishing
- Fixed "overbright or invalid color" warnings with light meshes
- Changing the Textured channel option causes a "qualityMenu not found" mel
- Some connections to materials are not exported
- IPR is rendering slower than production rendering with the Progressive image sampler
- "Abort rendering on missing assets" does not work correctly for UDIM on GPU
- Crash when scenes containing Image sequences and V-Ray Sky are rendered with CUDA and then RTX engine
- Select object and Pick object material functionality in VFB is broken with V-Ray GPU IPR
- Environment Background multiplier does not affect the Sky Clouds
- GPU rendering performance is slower when some of the VRam is occupied
- Render freeze when rendering animated object with RTX, motion blur and V-Ray Denoiser
- VRaySphere is not rendered with RTX
- Rendering stucks when using the Bucket image sampler and Textured render mask
- VRayProxy with assigned Multi/Sub-Object material in V-Ray GPU has incorrect shading with material override
- rhel8: V-Ray denoiser OpenCL sporadic initialization failure
- Parsing version 470.161.03 failed
- VRayClipper does not have correct material IDs when rendering with V-Ray GPU
- Bump mapping differs comparing small objects between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU
- Bump mapping doesn't work correctly on a plane
- MultiMatteID is not propagated through nested materials
Viewport 2.0, VRayBlendMtl, VRayMtlWrapper, VRaySwitchMtl
- The viewport color attribute does not work in Blend and Switch materials
- Environment Fog is missing from Light Select AOV if the fog is textured
- Crash to desktop with specific alembic in V-Ray Proxy
- VRayLightRect viewport preview is inverted when a texture is used
VRayProxy, Cryptomatte
- Cryptomatte's VRay user attribute ID type does not work with alembics in VRayProxy
- Wrong VRaySphereFade in IPR with Dome Spherical ON
Viewport 2.0
- Unnecessary shader fragment debug info written to a file
- Light-caused edge artefacts in the viewport preview of a spherical mesh with VRayMtl
Known Issues and Limitations
- Difference between IPR and Production rendering with distance text/bercon noise in Chaos Scatter
- Disclaimer: Differences in export and render to USD - the old behaviour can be temporarily re-enabled with VRAY_USD_HYDRA_TRANSLATOR=0 environment variable
- IPR crash when switching between materials in VRayMaterialX
V-Ray 6, update 1.1
Official release
Date - Sep 28, 2023
Build 6.10.01
New features
Chaos Cosmos
- "Check for missing Cosmos assets" tool to automatically download and resolve missing assets
Modified features
- Updated tooltips in the GI tab of the render settings
Bug fixes
- Fixed objects having wrong transformations at random
- Fixed No lights in the scene warning appearing incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where OCIO color spaces are not applied to textures
- Fixed .cube LUT files not saved from the VFB
- Fixed incorrect LPE contribution for coat and sheen with AlSurface
- Fixed Debug shading - Isolate Selected not working with V-Ray Proxy
- Fixed wrong bounding box for V-Ray Proxy in Preview mode
- Fixed missing velocity from V-Ray Proxy with V-Ray subdivision
Chaos Cloud
- Fixed failing Chaos Cloud submit when the option to export vrscene to separate files is enabled
Chaos Cosmos
- Fixed wrong material assignment when drag-and-dropping V-Ray Decal assets from Chaos Cosmos
- Fixed an issue with previewing textures for Chaos Cosmos assets in Maya 2024
Chaos Scatter
- Fixed a crash with Chaos Scatter when density is mapped with VRayDirt
- Fixed a crash with Chaos Scatter in V-Ray Standalone on Linux CentOS 7
- Fixed an issue that prevented Chaos Scatter from sometimes loading on Linux
- Fixed a crash when a user attribute with no value is exported to USD
V-Ray 6, update 1
Official release
Date – May 18, 2023
Build 6.10.00
New Features
- Added support for Chaos Scatter
- Added support for Maya 2024
- Added support for Maya 2024 macOS universal builds for Apple Silicon and x86
- Implemented a Bump To Glossiness model
- Added light attenuation controls for custom decay
- Added support for emissive materials in VRayLightSelect and VRayLightMix
- Implemented Intel Open Path Guiding rendering with Light Cache (experimental)
- Added system profiler mode for tracking scene export, geometry compilation, bitmap loading and other render and pre-render events
- Implemented Compressed Textures
- Added support for Clipper mesh mode
- Initial support for RAW render elements in V-Ray GPU
- Added support for MayaUSD 0.22 and 0.23
- Added support for render settings in USD
- Added support for VRayProxy in USD
- Added support for ExtraTex render element in USD
- Added support for V-Ray Object Properties in USD
- Added support for Dome Camera in USD
- Added masking support for the Lens Effects, Denoiser and Sharpen/Blur layers in the VFB
- Light Mix render element can be added directly from the VFB layers tab
- Denoiser render element can be added directly from the VFB layers tab
Chaos Cosmos
- Added support for VRayEnmesh assets from Chaos Cosmos
- Added support for VRayDecal assets from Chaos Cosmos
- Added NVIDIA AI upscaling denoiser
Modified Features
- Faster rendering and geometry compilation of hair
- Faster mesh geometry compilation
- Improved progressive caustics convergence
- Added support for multiple VRayEnvironmentFog nodes as Environment Volumes
- Аdded Affect Alpha option for VRayAerialPerspective and VRayEnvironmentFog
- Added an option to delete the resumable file when resumed rendering completes successfully
- Scripts for starting vrayserver from portable installation now auto-discover paths
- Dropped support for Maya 2019
- Added surface bump blend options
- Animatable thickness parameters for thin film in VRayMtl
- Gray out IOR control in the UI when Metalness is 1.0
V-Ray GPU, VRayMtl
- Added support for the Uniform Illumination mode of VRayMtl translucency
- Added new sky cloud options for clouds density, seed and contrails
- Changed sky model default to "PRG Clear Sky" for new scenes
- Faster loading time with Alembic
- Ability to load a separate viewport preview file for the new V-Ray Proxy node
- Generate Profiler reports as browser-agnostic HTML
- Added an option to control the trace depth when profiling shading
- Profiler now writes a fixed number of files and overwrites the oldest ones for easier file management
- Added a button for showing the last profile
- LightMix now works immediately in IPR even during Light Cache build and progressive undersampling
- Textured Finite Dome viewport preview
- Added soft min and max limits to Dome Tex A
- Installer no longer modifies Maya MEL scripts
Bug Fixes
- Execute Pre and Post Render MEL scripts in Viewport IPR. This allows rendering 3rd party plugins like Yeti in Viewport IPR.
- Fixed artifacts with Adaptive Lights on Linux
- Fixed EXR with just a red channel not rendering correctly
- Fixed error "Extra attributes file not found"
- Fixed renderable curves not working with Render Layers
- Fixed a crash with VRayBerconNoise driving density of volume and displacement with UVW Explicit 2D
- Fixed region render in IPR restarts the sampling
- Fixed wrong Material Viewer render with ACEScg
- Fixed Light Cache not working correctly with render regions in IPR
- Fixed wrong source visibility when creating VRayEnmesh while IPR running
- Fixed Enmesh Force Invisible Source not working in IPR with a moving source
- Fixed animated V-Ray Perfect Sphere not animated in the viewport
Chaos Cosmos
- Fixed a crash on Linux and macOS when importing materials
- Fixed certain assets with multiple materials not importing correctly
- Fixed crash when changing the renderer to V-Ray GPU in the Hypershade Material Viewer
- Fixed memory leak with textures when rendering animation
- Fixed include option in exclude/include lists for V-Ray Clipper in mesh mode not working
- Fixed incorrect render with mapped VRayCarpaintMtl with zero Flake density and Compressed textures
- Fixed stuck render when specific nodes are used for 2D displacement
- Fixed Cryptomatte render element not working for objects behind glass
- Fixed "CUDA error 700" when toggling the Volumetric Environment in GPU IPR
- Fixed crash with some VRayScannedMtl materials
- Fixed a crash and artifacts with NVlink when a V-Ray light is at 90 degrees to a matte surface
- Fixed wrong render of dynamic geometry with VRayMultiSubTex in Random By Poly Shell mode
- Fixed incorrect clipping of V-Ray lights with OOC when VRayClipper is set to Use Object Material
- Fixed a freeze with GPU Light Cache when scrubbing the timeline in IPR with a specific scene
- Fixed Reflect/Refract Affect All Channels not working with VRayBackground RE
- Fixed a crash in IPR with Brute Force GI and refractive glossy VRayMtl when changing translucency modes
- Fixed render difference with VRayMultiSubTex Random By Poly Shell and non-default motion blur geometry samples
- Fixed missing UVs with motion blur and viewport subdivision
- Fixed a crash when GPU rendering is aborted early
- Fixed deforming dynamic geometry not updared in IPR
- Fixed broken Cryptomatte masks for lights in V-Ray GPU
- Fixed missing VRayPhysical camera extra attributes for invisible cameras
- Fixed viewport preview for textures going through VRayColorCorrection
- Fixed VRayDecal missing in reflections and refractions
VRayDecal, VRayScene
- Fixed missing VRayDecal viewport gizmo when loaded from VRayScene nodes
- Fixed VRayScene objects with frozen transformations are rendered as bounding boxes
- Fixed missing viewport preview of VRayClipper when loaded from VRayScene nodes
- Fixed VRayDirt "Ignore Self Occlusion" not working
- Fixed wrong viewport visibility when proxies are part of render setup collections in Maya 2023.2
- Fixes wrong render when the reflection glossiness is 1
- Fixed node name not incremented for duplicated VRayVolumeGrid nodes
- Fixed excessive memory used for exporting XGen groomable splines
- Fixed temporal instability with VRayHairNextMtl Glint and XGen hair
- Fixed the Light Path Expressions presets for reflection, refraction and SSS
- Fixed installer not uninstalling environment variables on macOS
- Stopped creating Maya.env files on macOS which duplicates envrionment variable storage
V-Ray 6, hotfix 1
Official release
Date - Dec 07, 2022
Build 6.00.03
New features
- Added support for profiler full mode for full ray path profiling;
Material importer
- Added VRayMultiSubTex support in importer;
- Added support for MayaUSD 0.20;
- Added support for V-Ray user attributes in USD;
Modified features
- CPU IPR should read the mtl_maxdepth settings;
- Profiler performance improvements;
- Added new version notification in VFB;
Viewport 2.0
- Higher viewport resolution of VRayDomeLight when texture goes through intermediate nodes;
- VRayDomeLight viewport resolution will be affected by viewport quality presets in the V-Ray settings;
- GPU support for Affect All Channels;
- Improved Alembic render times;
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when rendering Coat Render Elements in USD scene;
- Fixed crash when rendering USD files with missing varname input;
- Fixed slowdown in specific scene from V-Ray Next;
- Mask render elements do not appear through refraction even when the refract_affect_alpha = 2 for the material;
- Sun disk from VRaySky environment map is rotated with VRayLight dome's texture;
- Incorrect Diffuse filter render element when All channels option is selected under Affect Channels.;
- Fixed low CPU utilization with Intel Alder Lake CPUs on Windows 11;
Fixed crash when changing Engine on denoiser;
Decreasing the Start Width for renderable curves is not detected in IPR;
Missing Maya native 3d procedural textures when selecting a texture for the ExtraTex RE;
Changing Input texture correction does not grey out the Texture input gamma for Linear or RGB;
Inconsistent behavior of Texture input gamma option with applied texture;
- Fixed module file for MacOS -unpackInstall installation;
- Wrong installation layout after unpacking for portable install on macOS;
- Fixed VRAY_OSL_PATH not being set by installer;
- USD Camera read with incorrect transform;
- Stray UsdUVTexture when exporting materials to USD;
- Wrong value of Angle of View for Physical camera in USD scenes;
- Invalid handling of instanced non geometry primitives;
- Fixed crash with alembic when hair width multiplier is not 1;
- Crash when importing proxy with full geometry mode;
- Fixed slow geometry compilation with hundreds of proxy files referencing the same vrmesh file;
- Fixed light mix light selection not working in IPR;
- Show "Save RGB primaries conversion to image" only for sRGB Display Correction;
- VFB color corrections in unsaved scene not baked in batch rendering output;
- IPR doesn't detect changes to texture extra attributes;
V-Ray, USD, VRayScene
- Disable render elements from mayaUsdProxyShape;
V-Ray GPU/VRayFur
- V-Ray GPU not finding the correct UV channel;
- VRayDecal shouldn't project on objects with vrayLightMeshProperties or VRayLightMtl;
VRayProxy/Viewport 2.0
- Fixed high VRAM usage in the viewport with textured view disabled;
- V-Ray Decal Inconsistent Behavior when imported as a vrscene;
- Artifacts with Toon and ToonMtl;
- Incorrect VRayToonMtl shadow blend;
- VRayMtl2Sided's Translucency does not work with VRayToonMtls;
- Wrong render of USD file with triplanar texture;
V-Ray 6
Official Release
Date - Aug 31, 2022
Build 6.00.02
New features
Added VRayEnmesh for efficient procedural geometry tiling
Added NoiseLevel render element
Added RenderTime render element
Add Metalness render element
Implement optimized auto-bump mode for displaced meshes
V-Ray Sun
Clouds for the V-Ray sky
V-Ray Profiler
Added V-Ray Profiler v1 for profiling materials, layered materials and heavy textures
Added -profilerMode option to profile scenes with V-Ray standalone
Finite radius for the dome light with option for ground projection
New SSS translucency illumination mode in VRayMtl
Added a Thin Film layer in VRayMtl with easy thickness controls
Energy compensation option for the GTR BRDF
VRayDecal displacement support
Added the Chaos Cloud Collaboration service
Added V-Ray Perfect Sphere
Ability to combine randomization options in VRayMultiSubTex
Added "by user ID" random option in VRayMultiSubTex
Light cache support option for IPR
New GPU device selection tool
Support for VDB shaders in USD
Add support for MayaUSD versions up to 0.19
Chaos Cloud
Non-blocking Cloud export in the background (Windows only)
Faster light shading in fog
Faster textured fog with probabilistic shading option
Added support for light depth sampling in the volume grid
Phase Function control in Ray-Traced Scattering mode for the Smoke Color allowing to render realistic clouds with V-Ray CPU
Velocity and Normals render elements in Volumetric mode with V-Ray 6 CPU
Cryptomatte and Multimatte render elements in Volumetric mode with V-Ray 6 CPU
New "Volume Motion Blur" option allowing to choose between Ray-traced and Grid-based methods - the Grid-based method creates more visible streaks for fast moving fluids
Modified Features
- -unpackInstall option to produce portable installation instead of separate zipped install
- Added all V-Ray for Maya environment variables to the module file for easier portable install deployment
- Changed default installation paths to be outside the Maya folder, matching portable install folder structure
- Use online changelog
- Embeded the Chaos Unified Login
- Stop downloading the material library from the installation
Use dedicated icon for VRayProxy in the Outliner
Chaos Cosmos
- Added support for Cosmos procedural materials and Cosmos-based material library
VRayMtl, Viewport 2.0
- Viewport quality presets for VRayMtl
- Add support for the V-Ray 6 VRayMtl features in the Viewport 2.0 shader
- Support for Normal and bump maps with V-Ray materials in Viewport 2.0
- Added a new Samples Limit quality control that replaces the min and max subdivs for GPU
- Auto-upgrade old scenes to the new Samples Limit control
- Synchronize CPU bucket settings with the new samples limit GPU settings
- New Device Selection options
- Moved the RTX engine selection to the new Device Selection options
- Add denoising options and per-device low thread priority in the GPU device select
- Exposed the Global Material Overrides for V-Ray GPU
- Improved the Trace Depth workflow
- Support for "Affected by" in VRayDirt
- Implement auto bump mapping for smoothed and displaced meshes
- Autovoxelize dynamic geometry in V-Ray GPU
- Optimize memory consumption by not subdividing objects that are far away from the camera
- Redesigned the V-Ray Shelf and Material icons
- Added a Shadow Catcher functionality to the V-Ray shelf
- Added a search filter in the list of available render elements
- Added an option to always write the frame number to the output file even for still images
- Allow vfbControl MEL command in batch mode
- Ability to prevent proxy import when drag-and-dropping in Maya through VRAY_DISABLE_DRAG_DROP_FILEEXT envvar
- Use float controls for the explicit displacement bounds values
- Added a C++ API for exporting simple parameters for third party translators
- The VRAY_FOR_MAYA_SHADERS environment variable can now be used by third-party devs to point to additional extra attribute txt files
- Add fit aspect ratio to material/bitmap functionality for VRayDecal
- Added support for dynamic USD plugins
- Improved USD material importer UI
- Export VRayMtl as V-Ray material and USD Preview Surface
- Improve error handling and add help to the vrayExportUsdMaterials command
- Assume -chaser "vray" flag when using mayaUSDImport command
- Added a Soap Bubble material preset
- Hide the double-sided option in VRayMtl
Material Importer
- Add VRayMultiSubTex support in importer
Add native support for MtlGLSL in importer
- Added a "Show in folder" option to the VFB History context menu
- Added functionality to select lights in LightMix
- Better visibility of the A|B line in the VFB
- Add menu items for enabling/disabling history and layers
- Mark the scene dirty when making changes to layer compositing in VFB2
- Added options to include the Rest channel when saving to file and to Denoise the Light Mix
- Expose temporal mode option for NVIDIA denoiser
V-Ray ExtraTex
- Added a custom background color option in VRayExtraTex render element
- IPR should stop sampling after reaching the noise threshold
- Аdded an Affect Alpha option for VRayEnvironmentFog
VRayMtl, VRayBumpMtl
- Hide Local space bump map mode for BRDFBump and BRDFVRayMtl
- Restored the Ray Distance options for the Dome light
- Added VRayTriplanar option to use displaced surfaces
- Support OSL camera shaders
- Allow direct cloud submit with no project selected
- Animatable VRayDecal parameters
- Correctly apply proxy material overrides in the viewport
- Limit number of faces per voxel to a sensible number
- Enable parallel XGen export
Viewport IPR
- Rename Viewport HUD label from VRayRT to VRay IPR
Sped up rendering of grid volumes with up to 25% when Fully Visible Fire or Volume Light Cache is used
VRayVolumeGrid: Sped up rendering of grid volumes with up to 10% when the RGB channel was used
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash on macOS Monterey caused by exceeding the OS max file handle limit
- Fixed old scenes randomly using OCIO Display correction when rendered in batch
- Wrong viewport preview for TX textures from Cosmos on macOS
- Fixed memory tracking results discrepancy for "Texman" and "Tiled bitmap"
- Wrong font on installer on MacOS
- VRayTexOCIO Maya node crashes when used with Maya software renderer
- VFB2 OCIO display corrections not synced with Maya in batch
- Reflections computed in fully diffuse VRayMtl materials
- Time reported by the progress for "Compiling geometry" is incorrect in Standalone
- Memory leak in TexLut
- Memory leak when saving multichannel/multipart OpenEXR files
- TexLut fails to read file on Linux when the path is specified with backslashes
- BitmapBuffer: <frame0*> tag support
VFB2 OCIO display correction not found with Maya batch on Linux
Wrong vrscene lights export when combined with "Separate files" option
Print a message for unsupported Chaos Cosmos Browser for Maya 2019 on both Linux and macOS
Ray derivatives are not computed for perfect refractions
Incorrect reflection on objects with motion blur and vray subdivisions
Recalculating bloom/glare lens effects produces artefacts on Linux
Error when selecting "Lens File" Distortion type of V-Ray Physical camera in IPR
Standalone installation cropped UI on HighDPI MacOS
Standalone installation cannot start a distributed rendering server on macOS
- Log typo in Estimated time remaining line
- Fixed endless warnings for USD export material with UV linking
- Importing V-Ray materials via mayaUSDImport does not work with MayaUSD 0.16
- Invalid handling of instanced non geometry primitives
- Show the warning for unsupported USD versions during render
- Physical camera from USD scenes are imported with Depth of Field enabled
- Mismatch with displacement in Houdini
- Correctly export VRayMtl bump type as integer USD attribute
- Importing USD scenes with usdPreviewSurface material is rendering wrong
- Crash when rendering VRayMtlGLSL in USD scene with GPU
- USD scenes with textures are imported black in Viewport
- Crash when importing USD scenes with the -shadingMode flag and USD 0.15
- USD scenes with particles are imported wrong in Maya Viewport
- Locked camera parameters when imported from USD
- Crash when importing specific USD scene with bitmap
- Crash when importing USD scene with VRayPhysicalCamera through MEL command
- Transform mismatch with Skel USD file
- Unsupported shader parameters in USD
- Fixed USD with VDB in IPR crashing on transform
V-Ray, VRayTriplanar
- Wrong Normals when object has Triplanar mapped displacement and is a Texture Reference Object
- Clipped light geometry when 'Clip lights geometry' option is disabled and non-light geometry is in front of lights
- Wrong VRayClipper material on clipped VRayLight objects when set to Use object material
- VRayPhysicalCamera: Rendering on GPU with Depth of Field prints errors in the Log Window
- Fixed XGen button label on high-DPI displays
Material Importer
- Nodes connected to Thin Film attributes don't get imported in Maya
USD, Material Importer
- Specific Skel USD scene is not rendered
- The persistent VFB setting to resize on resolution change does not persist
- The VFB2 test resolution button isn't reflecting the current resolution if it's enabled when re-opening a scene
- The VFB history option to copy the scene path also copies the project path
Fixed excessive memory usage and low performance with GPU Light Cache
Crash with Physical camera's position constraint
Crash when rendering specific alembic particles file
Some threads never finish with low_gpu_thread_priority=1
VRayMtl with translucency is not rendered properly after resuming a render using RTX mode of V-Ray GPU and Light cache
Projections using Spherical camera are not rendered correctly with V-Ray GPU
Instanced textured VRayLights don't share loaded textures
Difference in HairNextMtl on surface geometry between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU
Crash with GPU Light cache subdivisions set to 2000 and sample size >0.1
Scene with Light Cache crashes if run in parallel on Linux
Render time difference between V-Ray versions
Wrong render of VRayMultiSubTex on geometry with motion blur
Incorrect render with VRayEdgesTex on subdivided geometry
Out of core related crashes in V-Ray GPU
Crash with texture baking and geometry with displacement
Wrong fog color alpha results when refraction set to affect all channels
The alpha of a transparent VRayMaterial is not working correctly
Different alpha compared to the CPU and older V-Ray GPU versions
VrayLayeredTex not working with more than 6 inputs on GPU;
Crash when importing specific alembic with particles
Wrong UV linking with multiple UV sets in VRayProxy
Textures are not shown in the viewport on some Cosmos assets
Proxy2 frame transformations not reflected in Viewport 2.0 in Maya 2023
AppSDK shipped in V-Ray for Maya installation doesn't work on Linux and macOS
Memory Tracking
Illegible symbols in memory tracking for Dynamic geometry on Linux
Differences between VRayMtl and stochastic flakes with reflection glossiness=1
Outline on objects with VRay Stochastic Flakes Mtl
Missing Color and Intensity in UI for lights created from PluginNode
VRayMtl, V-Ray GPU
Artifacts on specific scene with VRayMtl SSS translucency
Wrong render with SSS2
VRayProxy, Cryptomatte
Cryptomatte's VRay user attribute ID type does not work with alembics in VRayProxy
VRayProxy, V-Ray GPU
The 'Per instance materials' options for alembics does not work properly in GPU
Diffuse artifacts with anisotropic reflections and sheen or diffuse roughness
Viewport 2.0, V-Ray GPU
Rendering artifacts with anisotropy reflections
Viewport 2.0, VRayPluginNodeMtl
Some Maya materials are imported black in Viewport
Standalone Vdenoise tool doesn't work with multi-part .exr files