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This page provides information on the MakeTX utility and its usage.


MakeTX is a command-line utility that converts images to tiled, mip-mapped textures, e.g. a png or jpg image into a mi-mapped .tx file. Such optimizations make files in the .tx format faster to render, and also smaller as the files require less memory.

MakeTX is part of OpenImageIO and was developed by Larry Gritz at Sony Pictures Imageworks.


 This is the same for ZIP builds.

  1. Go to the V-Ray install folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Houdini 19.0.383\
  2. Go to the /appsdk/bin folder
  3. Open a Command Prompt / Terminal window and call maketx.exe
  4. A lot of options are available → for more info on those, see Arnold's MakeTX


Print help message


Verbose status messages

-o %s

Output filename

--threads %d

Number of threads (default: #cores)


Update mode

--format %s

Specify output file format (default: guess from extension)

--nchannels %d

Specify the number of output image channels.

-d %s

Set the output data format to one of: uint8, sint8, uint16, sint16, half, float

--tile %d %d

Specify tile size


Use planarconfig separate (default: contiguous)

--fov %f

Field of view for envcube/shadcube/twofish

--fovcot %f

Override the frame aspect ratio. Default is width/height.

--wrap %s

Specify wrap mode (black, clamp, periodic, mirror)

--swrap %s

Specify s wrap mode separately

--twrap %s

Specify t wrap mode separately


Resize textures to power of 2 (default: no)


Do not resize textures to power of 2 (deprecated)

--filter %s

Select filter for resizing (choices: box triangle gaussian catrom blackman-harris sinc lanczos3 radial-lanczos3 mitchell bspline, disk, default=box)


Do not make multiple MIP-map levels 


Check for NaN/Inf values (abort if found).

--Mcamera %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f

Set the camera matrix

--Mscreen %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f

Set the camera matrix


Embed SHA-1 hash of pixels in the header (deprecated. hashes are always computed).


Add prman specific metadata


Create 1-tile textures from constant color inputs


Create 1-channel textures from monochrome inputs


Drop alpha channel that is always 1.0


Print runtime statistics

--mipimage %s

Specify an individual MIP level

Basic modes (default is plain texture)

Create shadow map


Create lat/long environment map


Create cubic env map (file order: px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz) (UNIMP)

Color Management Options
--colorconvert %s %s

Apply a color space conversion to the image. If the output color space is not the same bit depth as input color space, it is your responsibility to set the data format to the proper bit depth using the -d option. (choices: linear, sRGB, Rec709)


Unpremultiply before color conversion, then premultiply after the color conversion. You'll probably want to use this flag if your image contains an alpha channel.

Configuration Presets

Use OIIO-optimized settings for tile size, planarconfig, metadata, and constant-color optimizations.


Use PRMan-safe settings for tile size, planarconfig, and metadata.

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