Build 6.20.05
Official release, Update 2
Date - Feb 15, 2024
New features
- Add new instancing backend for lower time to first pixel and optimized scene size
- Implement multithreaded "Compiling geometry" step for polygon meshes
- Add Houdini 20: GCC 11 Linux builds support
- Add support for Houdini 20.0.590 production build
- Add support for Houdini 20.0.547 production build
- Update V-Ray Core to 6.2
- Make single installer for all supported minor HDK builds, per major HDK version
- Image File VOP "File Path" parameter promotion
- Add "Save Cryptomattes Separately" toggle under the Image tab of the V-Ray Renderer ROP
- Add V-Ray Decal Displacement parameters
- Add ability to assign V-Ray Object Properties at the SOP level
- Add support for V-Ray Material Metalness and Roughness AOVs
- Add support for the "Preserve Geometry Borders" toggle for Subdivision
- Add support for Light Select for Environment Fog with texture attached to it
- Add support for Houdini's native Parameter VOP
- Add support for positive and negative axis textures for the Triplanar texture
- Add "Path Guiding" for Light Cache GI to the V-Ray Render Settings
- Add "Adaptivity Clamp" option to the V-Ray Render Settings
- Add "Directional Strength" parameter for V-Ray Rect Light
- Add "Adaptivity Prepass" parameter for Brute Force GI
- Add custom OCIO control for providing a config file under the Units tab of the V-Ray Render Settings
- Add Phase Function control for the V-Ray Fog Effect
- Add support for V-Ray crease data with subdivision through the "creaseweight" attribute
- Add support for shader overrides based on "scene_name" for Rayserver Instancer
- Add support for subnet connector VOP
- Add Sheen, Sheen Glossiness, Coat and Coat Glossiness AOV support
- Add "Light Select Matte" toggle for isolating shadows over matte/holdout surfaces with Light Select AOV
- Add "Direct Diffuse Shadow" and "Direct Specular Shadow" modes for Light Select AOV
- Support for VRScene unpacking with RenderStats, Wrapper or Multi ID material export from 3ds Max
- Add Volume Shader Velocity Smoothing "Threshold" and "Similarity" options
- Export the V-Ray Material SSS to the SSS render element instead of Refraction
- Add support for SOP level V-Ray Object Properties for packed disk primitive VDBs
- Add "Min.Pixel Size" render setting to support very small lights that are far from the camera
- Add support for Cryptomatte by Attribute for alembic primitives and string string attributes placed over the packed alembic primitive
- Add "Bump Delta Scale" control for the V-Ray Material
- Add support for Renderer ROP Material Overrides for Volumetrics
- Add N attribute sampling support through User Color VOP
- Add support for Resumable rendering
- Add support for the V-Ray Toon environment effect through the Single VOP and the Render Geometry Settings LOP
- Add support for Unpacking nested instances to improve Time to First Pixel - through the Render Settings LOP
- Implement Python Post Translate support through the Render Settings LOP
- Add support for VDB vector fields for Smoke Color
- Solaris: add support for vec3 and float3 volumes for smoke color
- Solaris: аdd support for live/native Houdini volumes
- Solaris: Add support for V-Ray Clipper through the Render Geometry Settings LOP
- Solaris: Add support for OSL texture and material
- Solaris: Add support for Trace Sets
- Solaris: Use V-Ray Camera settings for viewport IPR
- Solaris: Instance detection to reduce time to first pixel and RAM used for rendering
- Solaris: Added COP (/img) nodes support
- Solaris: Write denoiser generated render elements through Hydra for standalone denoising post-render
- Solaris: Support for Cryptomatte primvars for instanced particles
- Solaris: Support for Cryptomatte primvars for instanced hair
- Solaris: Initial implementation of V-Ray light filters
- Solaris: Faster output for beauty render element through LPE (C.*)
- Solaris: Add support for Light barn door parameters
- Expose V-Ray Fur "Lock to Surface" and "Reference Frame" for "Per Area" distribution type
- Add support for Per Area distribution type for V-Ray Fur with live geometry
- Allow for separate material assignment for V-Ray Fur when using Displaced geometry as the source
- Add CUDA/RTX support for the Random VOP
- GPU: Add support for object properties reflection/refraction mask in RTX mode
- Add GPU support for Mtlx Image's Signature type
Modified features
- Solaris: Add UsdUVTexture scale/bias support
- Solaris: Ensure smooth normals on crowd caches
- Cosmos: use space_multiplier for proper scaling of imported objects
- Set Cosmos asset materials using a Material SOP instead of assigning the material at the object level
- Expose the "Scale Opacity by Scene Units" option of the Volume Shader so Smoke Alpha can be based on scene units rather than voxel count
- Hide the old Hair3 material from the GUI
- Add missing "Position Across Strand" output for the V-Ray Hair Sampler
- Show the"Use Focus Distance from Camera" parameter for the Depth of Field settings of the V-Ray Renderer ROP
- Expose the UV Bercon Variance Offset, Size and Angle as textureable parameters
- Enable IPR info logging by default
- Specified VFB History folder should be automatically created if not present on disk
- Combine Light materials and Lights with duplicate names in a single element when using Light Mix in "Instanced Lights" mode
- Solaris: Do not clamp velocity by default for Velocity AOV
- Apply Enmesh from Cosmos import on all selected object nodes
- Rendering noise pattern may remain the same for a few frames even with "animated noise pattern" option enabled
- Ability to promote parameters for textures in VOP context
- Add support for automatic UV channel handling for VRScene materials from Houdini to 3ds Max
- Solaris: Speed up translation of V-Ray shaders
- Solaris: Improved viewport volume speed
- USD: Add standalone V-Ray 6 builds
- Set /obj V-Ray light node shape to 'light' and color to yellow on creation
- Vantage: Instanced geometry is not loaded from live link to Vantage
- Allow post translate scripts to change VFB settings and layers
Bug fixes
- Solaris: toggling control on one of the Volumetrics settings triggers the VFB
- LightSelect : shadow select modes are missing in Type dropdown menu
- Solaris/USD : "Use Blend Input" of TexFalloff breaks the IPR
- Solaris: TexFalloff is not updating in IPR
- Solaris: Light linker does not trigger an IPR update
- Solaris/USD: Light Linker does not respect instances
- Solaris: Render hair and smooth normals on Crowd assets as Karma does
- Solaris: TexSoftbox ignores vignette
- Solaris: Light Linker does not respect include/exclude when subobjects are used
- Solaris: Rect Light has wrong control parm definition for directional_strength
- Solaris: Error when trying to create a V-Ray Standard Render Vars LOP
- Solaris: Light Filters go missing in Viewport rendering when changing the node display flag
- Crash when rendering multiple hair systems with with different time/geometry samples
- Installer button for "Help make V-Ray better" is missing
- Installer will hang if you run the V-Ray installation while Houdini is open
- Solaris: Crash with the p_ref AOV
- Solaris: Cylinder light flickers on every frame
- Solaris: V-Ray light filters have stopped working
- MaterialX: MtlX Mix VOP in "Surface Shader" mode has no effect
- Very small lights will flicker or completely disappear from final render
- Solaris: when no lights are present in /stage, a default light with very high intensity is generated for husk with Houdini 20.0.506
- Houdini 20: V-Ray Material builder is not shown in the menus by default
- MtlX: UVtiling and UVoffset parameters of MtlX Tiled Image are not working with V-Ray
- Volumes in Volumetric Geometry mode disappear when object level transform is modified
- Hang on sequence render end on Linux with hython and volumes when passing a python file with a list of Houdini files to render
- Hang when rendering volumes with Motion Blur starting Nov. 23, 2023
- Solaris: Discrepancy between Production and Interactive when rendering volumes
- Aperture Offset with Data Window doesn't work
- Render Region in Solaris is wrong in Houdini 20
- Environment fog container renders empty when Dome Light shadows are enabled
- Hair crash/hang when there are repeating vertices on the same hair strand
- "Mix. Map" is always exported and used for V-Ray Mix texture, making the "Mix Amount" parameter redundant
- Wrong export and rendering for UV Projection for Solaris and vanilla Houdini
- Compiling geometry in V-Ray Standalone with specific scene takes high amount of time
- Solaris/USD : MtlX Geometry Property Value has stopped working
- Enabling the "W Coord" for Hair will cause the Z component of custom attributes to be overridden when read with UserColor VOP
- Solaris/USD : Custom primvars have stopped working with the latest nightly builds
- Solaris/USD : Instanced geometry is not showing in Viewport render with the latest nightly build
- Solaris/USD : Wrong color for V-Ray Toon effect
- Solaris/USD : Light material's "Double-Sided" and "Emit on Back Side" options have no effect with the latest nightly build
- Solaris/USD : expose "Occlude Lights" parameter for Rectangle, Disc and Sphere lights
- Different displacement on Linux and Windows on a triangle fan with a degenerate triangle
- Mac OS: QT errors when rendering with Husk
- Ocean Spectra's pointmask doesn't work correctly when the grid is offset
- Solaris: Artifacts in Noise Level AOV when rendering through Husk using the Bucket Sampler
- Blank Velocity pass when Displacement is enabled
- Solaris: Motion Blur and Depth of Field are disabled by default for Husk
- Scanned material: file parameter has wrong value
- Disabling the Render Stats "Cast Shadows" option has no effect for self-shadowing when used in a Material Override shading network
- MacOS: Immediate crash on render and/or VRScene export
- Solaris/USD : attenuation parameters for mesh light have wrong names
- Ocean Spectra "cusp" output has varying intensity during animation rendering causing a flickering effect
- Cosmos: textures of cosmos assets not rendered starting with builds from July 12
- Solaris/USD: wrong bitmap path when <frame04> in file name
- Export Camera Screen Window X/Y parameter for each frame in the VRScene file
- Inability to choose In / Out Color Space Parameters with aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.1 config
- Ocean Spectra Wave Instancing - crash when "Radius" option is disabled
- Ocean Spectra Wave Instancing artifacts when instance point radius overlaps for multiple points
- Solaris: Camera Aperture Offsets are ignored when rendering through Husk with V-Ray
- Significant rendering slowdown with Ocean Spectra displacement between Core 6.0 and 6.1
- The Sun Light Clouds "Seed" parameter should default to "0" instead of "1024"
- The first render after disabling "Override Camera Resolution" on the Renderer ROP is cropped incorrectly
- Resolved unnecessary object cooking
- Wrong alembic frame is loaded when using a looping sequence with Motion Blur enabled
- Missing export for nodes inside Subnet VOPs when using a Parameter VOP to create the I/O sockets
- Solaris: missing primvar export when Reference LOP "Make Instanceable" is enabled
- Velocity AOV output is wrong when using a Digital Asset for the Render Elements parameter on the V-Ray Renderer ROP
- Changes to Log Verbosity aren't being saved when changing it after ending IPR session
- Support for the Alembic file format for V-Ray Fur
- Render Elements are not exported separately when Write Deep Data is enabled
- Animated Focus Distance parameter is not exported when Physical Camera is not present
- Update V-Ray Fur distribution slider range
- Alembic Velocity blur bounds are computed based on geometry time samples blur
- Support for Displaced Geometry for V-Ray Fur
- Solaris: IPR is not updated on shader parameters change
- Wrong V-Ray Material SSS with Rayserver Instancer enabled
- Solaris: V-Ray Dome Camera FOV is not correctly exported
- Solaris: Materials always force create a preview shader
- Solaris: Translate promoted parameters to the main shader primitive
- SOP level material assignments are ignored for instanced Alembic primitives using Rayserver Instancer
- LightMix: all materials are rendered as AOV when Light groups are Instanced Lights
- V-Ray About Window is too big
- Data conversion for socket type "color" to socket type "vector" fails
- LPE: wrong contribution when light LPE tag is used
- Solaris: V-Ray Toon material is not working
- EULA: installer does not save ".eulaAcceptedXXXXXX..." file , so second acceptance is required in Houdini
- Solaris: VFB may be not shown for husk
- Solaris: Missing geometries with instancing detection on Linux
- Plastic Translucent Cosmos Materials renders incorrectly
- Textures' parameters do not show up in Houdini 19.5.605 on OSX
- Wrong parameter label for Transform Matrix Rotation Order control
- Wrong displacement amount exported for V-Ray Decal
- V-Ray Renderer "Show Frame Buffer" button does not work until V-Ray is initialized through a render
- Bump does not work when Attributes are added to the Triplanar
- Solaris: Match multiple texture user tags
- Object Properties visibility settings have no effect for very small objects when Subdivision is applied
- Cast Shadows option from V-Ray Object Properties does not work with static geometry when a material is assigned
- Solaris: vector displacement options are not exported
- Solaris: export float AOVs for Denoiser "defocusAmount" and "noiseLevel"
- Very slow forced materials translation
- Mesh Light disappears on second frame of a sequence render in GUI rendering only
- 3ds Max VRMat import of VRScene material coming from Houdini has no UV mapping
- Solaris: Duplicated frames when rendering specific USD with Husk
- Velocity render element with motion blur disabled causes triplanar offset
- Post Translate script effect is lost during IPR for Physical Camera, if changes to the camera parameters are made
- Solaris: Render Region is sometimes not updated correctly until a camera move
- Crash or Freeze when scrubbing the timeline while IPR is active
- Environment Fog is missing from Light Select AOV if the fog is textured
- GPU: Matte Shadows is wrong with Rect lights when Shadow Bias is very low
- Slow export for VRScene files when batch rendering
- Solaris: Performance issues on some configurations with certain Ocean setup
- Solaris: V-Ray Sampler bumpNormals output is wrong for rayserver
- Solaris: V-Ray Sampler random_by_polyShell does not work with rayserver instancer
- Solaris: Add support for Velocity AOV with disabled motion blur
- Solaris: Cryptomatte for Material Name and Material Path modes has wrong manifest
- Pack Scene command throws an error with latest builds
- Popping alembic transform when motion blur is enabled with Duration of 1.0 and Interval Center of 0.0 when exporting single VRScene for entire sequence length
- Solaris: Discrepancy in Mapping compared to V-Ray for Maya with a provided .USD file
- Specific tiled EXR file returns black color when applied as texture due to only channel present in file being rgb.R
- LPE light tags are not treated as events which causes wrong output for tagged lights
- GI from all lights is included in Light Select when using LPEs with Light Cache instead of Brute Force
- Ocean Spectra texture with motion-blur produces slightly different displacement than without motion-blur
- Solaris: display flag change makes all the geometry go transparent
- Wrong transforms in Hydra with specific USD scene
- IPR: Decal displacement is not handled by IPR
- Light Material: texture as color multiplier produces different result than direct value
- LightInstancer: Add support for instancing of textured lights
- Primary visibility for geometry with overlapping parts cuts to alpha
- V-Ray Enmesh: add support for alembic as source and reference objects
- V-Ray Enmesh: add support for packed source and reference objects
- Installer: prevent installing over running V-Ray if Houdini or Husk are running
- Instanced objects transform is ignored when using Light material with Direct Illumination
- Solaris: Displacement VOP parameter "Use Global Settings" is ignored
- Color Correct VOP is not exported to .vrscene when GPU is chosen
- High memory usage and geometry compile time when using Alembic with instanced shapes instead of vrmesh
- MaterialX Color Ramp has wrong output when used with a Geometry Property Value sampling the UVs of the geometry
- Solaris empty viewport when using Distributed Rendering
- VRScene Material Import fails due to missing plugins: MultiplyDivide and PlusMinusAverage
- Solaris: Changing the material connected to the output node of a V-Ray Material Builder VOP does not cause an update
- VRayDirt's "Ignore Self Occlusion" does not work
- Solaris - "Use" options for SettingsEnvironment from Dome Light for GI/Reflect/Refract/Secondary Matte are not used
- Standalone: illumination masks exported from VFH not rendered in standalone
- Incorrect motion-blurred displacement when expansion type is dynamic
- Light Textures - <frame> token is exported in the file path instead of evaluating the expression
- Deadline: ${FBATCH} is not evaluated correctly
- Incorrect displacement for moving objects motion-blurred with geom_samples >= 3
- Crowd: Smaller values of Random Clip Offset lead to wrong render results
- Add OCIO to color space menu
- VFB - using an EXR as Background image with "As Foreground" enabled causes the image to go black
- VFB - do not tint RGB channels when displaying them isolated
- IPR: Constant updates for volumes when changing shader params if Motion Blur On and rendering the last file in the VDB sequence
- Solaris: custom volume used for smoke color is not rendered correctly
- Square artifacts on using Adaptive Dome Light on GPU
- Crowd: Missing delay in animation when rendering the whole sequence compared to smaller frame ranges
- Wrong applying and mapping of imported via .vrscene materials
- Wrong mapping after Unpacking to Polygons a .vrscene export from 3dsMax
- Crowd: Discrepancy in animation result when rendering sequence and per frame in a specific scene - missing agents
- Wrong material assignments when using animated switch node and uploading to Chaos Cloud
- Solaris: options in Display Options > Renderer are not handled
- Solaris: float to color automatic conversion does not work
- Missing texture animation export for particular scene on first export, if no GUI render is initiated
- Solaris: crash when shader has wrong connection
- Add native support of light labels in the LPE manager
- Ocean surface sometimes differs from the one in Houdini
- Animated shader parameters are not exported for static meshes
- Add support for RGBA Combine VOP for GPU
- Displacement via V-Ray TexTriPlanar results in holes in the geometry with specific scene
- Triangular artifacts on packed .abc when Bitmap Filtering type is not set to None or Nearest
- Immediate crash when Denoiser and Volume Grid shader with the Volumetric Z-Depth parameter set to 'Separate V-Ray Element' is added on volumes
- Hang after render of packed geometry is finished and when exporting .vrscene
- Lighting discrepancy between CPU and GPU results when Direct Light is used with Intensity higher than 1
- Enable Probabilistic Volumetrics by default
- Empty About V-Ray window
- V-Ray Clipper does not work for Lights
- Mesh lights are clipped by V-Ray clipper even when "Clip Lights Geometry" is disabled
- Falloff Curve is faulty set to Constant interpolation when TexFalloff texture is unpacked from an imported .vrscene file
- Unpacking to polygons provokes error and crash with a specific .vrscene
- VFB2 resizes by itself on render if the layer panel is collapsed
- VFB constantly loses focus on OSX and gets hidden behind the main Houdini window
- Disable light materials option of the V-Ray Renderer has stopped working
- Ignored ROP parameters when changing camera to animated one
- Failed to create node for plugin TexBezierCurveColor when unpacking a vrscene from 3ds Max
- Attributes are not correctly interpolated for geometry with OpenSubdiv applied
- V-Ray ROP inside an HDA is not handling referenced parm when HDA is locked
- Light Instancer with 100k lights failed to render on Chaos Cloud
- Textures assigned through image file path tokens referencing a string attribute are ignored when rendering on the Chaos Cloud
- Hang or crash when assigning a COP network as texture during IPR on OSX
- Alembic with baked shop_materialpath loses its material assignment when subdivision is applied
- UV Channel Named exports UVWGenProjection when used directly in ImageFile
- Wrong results for Normals and BumpNormals AOVs when rendering with GPU
- Environment Fog is missing in Light Select element when Deep Output is enabled
- Preview of .vrscene with many proxies is very slow - add proxy preview type and cache data in preview
- Textures provided to OSL Texture as input are not evaluated
- VRScene viewport preview is broken on Windows
- VFB gets smaller and smaller every time it shows
- Difference in refractive objects rendering between CPU, IPR and CUDA rendering.
- Geometry node's Render>Geometry>Point scale parameter is not considered when rendering packed alembics
- The position of an animated camera is not updated when changing the timeline frame during an IPR session
- Crash in a specific scene with adaptive lights
- Crash when rendering particular vrscene with Standalone on Linux
- Forced hidden objects are not rendered
- VFB disappears when deselecting the Houdini window on Linux
- IPR not updating copied instances
- Switch with expression is not updated in IPR
- Channel Reference in rendered image name is not evaluated correctly
- Hang when changing resolution in VFB IPR
- Mesh and Hair merged in the same object breaks material assignments
- Creating lights and geometry during IPR leads to some light include/exclude issues
- IPR not handling object level transformations with expression
- Cryptomatte by attribute is not working on crowds
- IPR - first created light is not disabling the default one
- IPR is not always updating regular mesh copied to simulated points
- Crash to desktop when mesh geo is switched to a packed one
- IPR not handling SOP transforms
- Houdini Digital Asset crash with "V-Ray Environment" or "V-Ray Render Elements"
- Crash in VFB when switching between images in the History panel
- Freeze with specific user scene by trying to select nodes on first IPR run
- Crash when attempting to import a Cosmos asset
- Crash in standalone sequence render of volumes from a single VRScene
- Crash when changing MaterialX Image VOP's "Signature" parameter back and forth
- Crash on export when particles with velocity are present in the scene
- Crash when rendering with instanced lights and using LPEs
- IPR hang if Render Node license is not present
- IPR: crash on exit after an IPR session
- Geometry compilation fails for specific Alembic file with Displacement assigned to it
- Crash on exiting Stage/Houdini when a render is initiated in both Solaris and Regular
- Hang when attempting to import a specific VRScene containing instanced alembics
- OSL: Crash when loading a particular OSL file
- Crash in IPR when modifying the render region while scene changes are synced
- Solaris: crash when changing the render flag from MaterialX to a V-Rray Material Library LOP
- Setting "Screen Window Size" to negative during IPR crashes V-Ray & Houdini
- Solaris: Crash when enabling than disabling "instancable" parameter of Configure Primitive LOP
- NUMA Standalone render fails in scene with a lot of Alembic files that have a large number of attributes
- Crash on last alembic frame export when motion blur is enabled and using per-frame alembic files
- Crash when Reflection Glossiness is present before Light Mix element in AOVs channels container
- Crash with Light Instancer and 250K lights
- In a newly created blank scene using certain python code provokes a crash
- Solaris: Immediate GPU crash after using Instancer
- Crash when importing materials from .vrscene
- Exception in Core when using frag file in a GLSL Texture as Extra Texture AOV
- Crash after rendering with IPR after production render with Light Mix in the scene
- Alembic: Crash with polygon with 1 vertex
- GPU crash with a specific setup including V-Ray UVW Explicit and Bercon Noise
- Crash or Hang when rendering a sequence with Phoenix Foam Shader assigned to particles
- Crash when enabling matte/shadow object properties options while GPU IPR is running
- Crash to Desktop if Volume Grid Shader is copied during an IPR session
- Animated SettingsOutput "img_file" and "img_dir" can't be overridden with -parameterOverride
- Export the smoke volume to PhxShaderCache even if rendering of smoke is disabled to ensure the transform is inherited from the smoke field
- Solaris: displacement is not updated for changes to the input shading graph
Build 6.10.09
Official Release, Update 1
Date - June 12, 2023
New features
Chaos Cosmos
- Add support for Chaos Cosmos Enmesh assets
- Add V-Ray Sun Procedural Clouds
- Export sphere primitive as GeomPerfectSphere for V-Ray 6
- V-Ray GPU Texture Compression
- V-Ray GPU - Mesh Mode support for V-Ray Clipper
- Add Volume Shader Phase Function parameters
- Update V-Ray Material
- Add support for Cosmos on OSX and Linux
- Add support for the Phoenix Particle Shader
- Add V-Ray profiler support in Solaris
- Chaos HDRI Import - link the texture UV generator "Horizontal Rotation" to the parent Dome Light's Rotate Y
- Add Finite Dome parameters
- V-Ray Profiler Improvements
- Houdini: Add NVidia AI Denoiser Upscaling and Panorama options for Denoiser
- Emissive Materials in Light Select and Light Mix
- Light Mix "To Scene" button has no effect for BRDFLight materials
- RenderVar LOP - expose extraTex "force_32_bit_output" in V-Ray Tab if sourceType is primvar
- Support for Cryptomatte primvars from unpacked instancers
- Add PhxShaderSim::scene_name export when volume shader is in volumetric mode for Cryptomatte
- Faster output for beauty (C.*) LPE render element
- Add Hair Width Multiplier option to Render Geometry Settings LOP
- Add an option whether to use reference points or not
- Add beginning forward slash for Cryptomatte Node Path output
- Use primvars from prototypes instead of instancer template points when available
- Support for Cryptomatte primvars for instanced particles
- Support for Cryptomatte primvars for instanced hair
- Slow translation of V-Ray shaders
- Displacement - override settings globally not working
- Fixed - Displacment VOP parameter "Use Global Settings" is ignored
- Add overscan support
- Fixed - Dome Light Finite Dome options missing in UI
- Fixed - RenderVar sampler:pointReference not rendered for hair
- Fixed - Respect USD Texture Gamma control in Solaris
- Hydra: Export only used primvars
- Fixed - Fast movements in the V-Ray scene view are showing only the initial and final positions of the objects
- Fixed - Black zDepth when using specific settings
- Always export Probabilistic Volumes controls to SettingsOptions or update plugin default to enabled
- Fixed - Wrong render when Data Window NDC of RenderSetings LOP has different values for minX/Y or maxX/Y
- Fixed - No AOV output starting with nightlies from Jan 09 2023
- Fixed - Wrong result when using nested instances with Retime Instance LOP
- Fixed - Wrong color mapping for textures coming from Maya due to export of color_space instead of transfer_function for BitmapBuffer plugin
- Fixed - Adding primvar aov causes hair width value to be exported divided by 2
- Fixed - Render is stretched when using overscan
- Fixed - Pixel shift when overscan or regionrender
- Fixed - Visibility properties has stopped working on meshes since january27
- Fixed - Velocity AOV with disabled motion blur
- Fixed - Velocity and interval center
- Fixed - Domelight intensity - wrong expression
- Fixed - TexSampler::random_by_polyShell does not work with rayserver
- Fixed - Instanced objects Cryptomatte for Material Name and Material Path modes has wrong manifest
- Fixed - Render Region is sometimes not updated correctly until a camera move is made
- Fixed - Transform applied to volumes used as prototypes is ignored for instances
- Fixed - Default Color for Image File VOP has no effect
- Fixed - Empty Deep Output file path causes V-Ray to fail saving a rendered image
- Fixed - GPU render settings are not exported
- Fixed - No motion blur for lop level animated object
- Fixed - Wrong render region with physical camera in Solaris
- Fixed - OSL: Missing input parameters
- Fixed - Curves and ramps in VolumeGrid Shader are not translated
- Fixed - Smoke volume does not have color
- Fixed - Instances has no moblur with particular scene
- Fixed - Transform of a single instanceable volume primitive is ignored
- Fixed - Clicking the render region tool "Clear Render Region" button with Physical Camera enabled causes wrong camera transform
- Fixed - Parts of instanced geometry go missing randomly with specific scene on Linux
- Fixed - Normal bump not rendered
- Fixed - Vector displacement options are not exported
- Fixed - "Invalid property name error.!" for a lot of shaders
- Fixed - Volumes are not rendered because of missing parameters of PhxShaderSim
- Fixed - Displacement texture file path is not handled
- Fixed - Object properties shadows_visibility is ignored by vrproxy
- Fixed - GeomInstancer crash
- Fixed - Meshlight causes "EXCEPTION IN CORE"
- Fixed - Mesh light crash
- Fixed - Change display flag from meshlight to its geo causes a crash
- Fixed - LightLinker causes a crash with builds after January 27
- Fixed - Crash when change renderFlag from materialX to V-Ray material library lop
- Fixed - Crashes when Environment Fog as a material is present in the scene
Modified features
- Add new V-Ray Sky Clouds options for density, seed and contrails
- Add support for exporting Decal displacement texture for each decal object
- Ply2vrmesh/vrscene: use path user attribute as object path if exists
- Show correct V-Ray version in installer
- Update installer images for official V-Ray 6 for Houdini release
- Add support for vector volumes for smoke color in the volume grid shader in Houdini
- Expose Volume Shader Volumetric Render Elements controls
- Add ultra low thread priority option to render settings
- Add TexLayered plugin to Houdini
- Hide "Layered Texture" from the shelf and remove (Max) suffix from "V-Ray Layered Texture (Max)"
- Add missing "allow_negative_colors" option for the Layered texture
- Update changelog - V-Ray 6 for Houdini Beta Release
- Add support for point integer attributes for shading
- Pick support for Houdini 19.5.534 for the stable builds for V-Ray 6
- Mac OS notarization for V-Ray for Houdini builds
- Set "Thread Priority" to "Lowest" by default
- Standalone -frames=range is broken if path keyframes are used
Bug fixes
- Option to use velocity only
- Cryptomatte "Per Attribute Value" does not work for Alembics
- V-Ray Enmesh: obj_scale is always exported as 1
- V-Ray Sun: clouds_phase_y parameter is not exported at all
- Tests regression related to export after specific commit on Feb 1, 2023
- Missing scene_name export
- VolumeVRayToon - depthCurveOn and angularCurveOn are not exported
- Material Overrider plugin is not exported starting with nightly builds from Apr 07 2023
- Attributes on packed primitives are not exported to Rayserver
- OSL Texture and Material are not exported
- Device Select window is empty until render
- CUDA/RTX : white zDepth when using bucket sampler
- Crash when render mesh with attributes in shader and moblur ON
- Decal displacement is not handled by IPR
- Selecting a node in the root /obj context will restart IPR
- Multi ID Material does not trigger ipr update if builder is used as input
- Fire Opacity Multiplier in "Fully Visible" mode has no effect in IPR
- Black region in the render when changing camera windows size during a session
- Crash if start a render after an ipr session
- Crash when using the Bypass flag and node doesn't have inputs
- Debug and Ignore flags do not work for nodes inside shaders assigned as material overrides through the Renderer ROP
- Python is not packed into the V-Ray 6 for Houdini beta installer
- V-Ray 6 installer says "V-Ray 5" when uninstalling
- Licensing server and crash problems
- LightInstancer: Instanced lights are always invisible regardless of visibility parameter
- Non-uniform scaling of instances
- Rash with Decal Displacement when applied to geometry in Instancer2 plugin
- Massive hair in
- LPE light tags support
- V-Ray 6 "C.*" LPE accumulates lighting for LPEs using a light tag such that the illumination is doubled for each tagged light
- V-Ray Enmesh: enmesh material ignores attributes
- Toon material error in log due to dynamic parameters flag
- Cast Shadows option from V-Ray Object Properties does not work with static geometry when a material is assigned
- User shader translator crash on Linux in hbatch/hython
- String parameter creates a vector4 input instead of color input
- Volume emission not rendered in beautyLPE
- "Probabilistic Volumetrics" option is ignored for GUI rendering in VFB but is exported correctly to VRScene for Standalone
- VRayObjectProperties plugin: matted objects appear in AOVs even if generate_render_elements=0 and visibility settings are enabled as well
- Instances: v@pscale with same value for all components is rendered different than f@pscale
- Instances: v@scale and v@pscale are rendered same way
- Animated cache path for instanced meshes is ignored for instances that point to the same file on the first frame of a render sequence
- Tri-Planar texture randomization changes on every frame when using the "Auto" or "Instance ID" Mode with a sequence render from GUI or VRScene
- Ocean Spectra "Downsample" option is increased on every frame when rendering an animation
- Attribute "uv" for hairs in Alembic file render black
- TriPlanar into Bump in Normal (Tangent Space) has artifacts if the rendered geo has additional map channels
- Omni/point light with far decay is not rendered
- Mesh Light disappears on second frame of a sequence render in GUI rendering only
- Karma hangs on sequence renders when V-Ray in installed
- VRayProxy: Hang after second Render to Disk
- Randomly missing UDIM textures
- Very small triangles are ignored when Texture Baking causing black artifacts
- Wrong evaluation for frame token $F when used in expression for texture baking UDIM range
- Light Mix "To Scene" option sets the Light color to black if a texture is present on the light
- Hide Cosmos Browser from V-Ray menu on Linux and OSX
- Settings Environment UI - wrong parameter disable expression
- BakerTool: tool icon is missing
- V-Ray 6 - do not force BF/BF for GI in V-Ray 6
- "Force Objects" ignores volumeGridCache
- Fog Effect - wrong labels in "Options" folder
- Wrong Interface license is being engaged in V-Ray 6 beta builds
- Can't Pack a Scene with V-Ray 6 for Houdini 19.5.403
- V-Ray Enmesh: replace "core" enmesh with the HDA
- ObjectPropertiesSOP: overriten properties are ignored
- Can't Load V-Ray 6 for Houdini 18.5.759
- Pack Scene command throws an error with latest builds
- Pack Scene option throws an error with Houdini 19.0 builds
- Physical Camera - do not gray out Center Bias and Bokeh control when Bokeh blades control is disabled
- VrayDeadline ROP: command line args are not provided to Deadline Job
- VrayDeadline ROP: error messages printed when submitting a job
- BakerTool: uv attribute name has no effect
- VolumeVRayToon: asterisk as exclude list inverts exclude type
- Displacement: lack of details when "view dependent" is OFF
- Displacement Bounds are not computed when using an image file sequence for displacement
- Pack Scene option breaks when using parameter references
- Motion Blur affects image resolution when Screen Window Size options on the camera are non-default
- Invalid Plugin ID warning
- No scene output when a Post-Translate script is present on the ROP
- Decal inside subnet crash
- Random crash/hang on start/stop
- Background Image is not updated when using $F tag for image sequences
- "Ignore VFB Settings for Batch" has stopped working on May 31, 2023
- Crash in VFB when quickly switching between saved images in the History by double-click
- Missing viewport preview for V-Ray Fur, Decal and Enmesh
- PhxShaderCache::raw_vdb_stream wrong ui guide
Chaos Cosmos
- V-Ray 6: Cosmos: Crash / hang after importing 2-3 assets
- Crash when attempting to import a Cosmos asset
- Crash after closing Houdini on Linux and OSX
- Crash when attempting to import material from a specific VRScene
Build 6.00.21
Official Release
Date - Dec. 13, 2022
New features
- Integrated the Chaos Cosmos asset library for Houdini 19 and up, under Windows
- Implemented the V-Ray Profiler
- Implemented the V-Ray Memory Tracker
- Added Adaptive Bucket Splitting
- Implemented the V-Ray Enmesh for render-time generation of patterns over a mesh surface
- Updated V-Ray IPR for better interactive feedback
- Added V-Ray Procedural Clouds in the Sun Light
- Added "Finite Dome" option to Dome Light
- V-Ray Light Cache is now available in IPR
- Added "Grouped Lights" option for Light Select AOV
- Added "Volumetric Contribution" control for Lights
- Added new "PRG Clear Sky" model for V-Ray Sun
- Added support for Location/Date/Time in V-Ray Sun
- Added Volume Shader "Absorption Color" support
- Added Volume Shader "Phase Function" (anisotropic scattering) support
- Added support for Vector fields for the Volume Grid Shader
- Added Thin Film layer for V-Ray Material
- Added new random walk scattering "SSS" and "Volumetric" modes for V-Ray Material Translucency
- Added Coat and Sheen layers for V-Ray Material
- Add support for exposing parameters on Material Builder VOP
- Update Toon Material UI to match V-Ray 6 in Maya
- Now shipping the "MakeTX" utility with V-Ray for Houdini
- Implemented V-Ray Random VOP to generate a random value in the range of 0-1 based on an Float or Color input
- Curvature texture can now work either in "Convex" or "Concave" mode
- Added input sockets for arbitrary "rest" attributes for the TriPlanar texture
- Added "Temporal Mode", "Hardware Acceleration" and "Denoise Alpha" options for the V-Ray Denoiser
- Added "Panorama View" and "Proportion Guides" option for the V-Ray Frame Buffer
- Rest attributes for Alembics are read directly from the ABC file thus reducing export time
- Significant time to first pixel optimizations for Alembic and VDB caches
- Implemented "Material Overrides" system for Objects under the V-Ray Renderer ROP
- Added motion blur support for the generated ocean displacement
- Add support for multiple spectra inside VDB
- Add support for masks when using ocean spectra
- Add support for separate mask geometry input for the Ocean Spectra texture
- Add support for Wave instancing
- Add support for Ocean Spectra Time Scale and Time Offset parameters
- Restructured Ocean Spectra code to improve performance
Add an option to remove resumable file after successful render
- Add V-Ray support for Solaris Render Region Tool
- Add support for USDZ files
- Added Plate Workflow support through the V-Ray Environment settings on the Dome Light LOP
- Add texture tint/simple color correction controls for Dome and Rect lights
- Implemented LPE light tags support for lights in Solaris
- Add support for Motion blur based on velocity attribute
- Add support for integer PrimVars with User Integer VOP
- Add Deep Output support
- Add support for "constant" PrimVars in Cryptomatte
- Add Camera Overscan support
- Add support for writing Cryptomatte data through husk
- Add support for live volumes
- Add V-Ray Environment Fog
- Add Viewport Denoiser Result toggle
- Add support for MaterialX position and normal output via husk
- Add V-Ray Proxy support with V-Ray Proxy LOP
- Add support for native Houdini volumes
- Add "V-Ray Render Vars" LOP HDA similar to the Karma standard variables with presets for common AOVs
- Add Hair Properties in Geometry Render Settings LOP
- Add "Render as Disc" option for points in Geometry Render Settings LOP
- Add NSamples/Velocity support
- Add Bercon Noise support
- Add Deep Output support for VDBs
- Add support for Nested Instancing
- Add Visibility Settings for Volumes in Solaris
- Add Deep EXR options in Render Settings LOP
- GPU crash to desktop with instanced geometry
- Crash when the shader has wrong input connector type
- Combine texture causes a crash
- Crash when enabling and disabling the “instanceable” option of the Configure Primitive LOP
- Hydra delegate crash to desktop in CentOS
- Scene import (All) crashes in Python in Houdini 19.5
- Crash to desktop with new GeomInstancer plugin
- Meshlight causes "EXCEPTION IN CORE"
- Crash when toggling any of the Render Geometry Settings LOP options
- Light Linker not working
- Preview shader is rendered grayscale - Linux only
- Switching BRDFs inside the V-Ray Material Builder does not update the Viewport
- Randomizer VOP does not work
- Mismatch between Karma and V-Ray renders for points with “pscale”
- V-Ray skips point with index 0 when rendering points
- TexUserScalar does not work
- Opacity of V-Ray material is not working when color output of ImageFile VOP is used
- PrimVars/User Color on points is not rendered
- Invisible parameter state of lights is ignored when changing delegates
- Velocity blur for Volumes is not working
- Remap texture does not work in "Color" mode
- Impossible to select anything in the viewport when V-Ray is set as the Viewport Renderer
- Adding a dot in the shader graph breaks the shader
- Mesh Light Texture is not used or exported to the VRScene
- Expose "Max. MipMap Resolution" in the Render Settings LOP > Options > Textures
- Some parameters are not taken into account when saving Deep data
- Missing "Affect Reflections" toggle on V-Ray light properties
- Light material with "Direct Illumination" enabled does not update color changes in the Viewport
- Displacement isn't present in final render through husk
- Wrong default value export for "Preserve Map Borders" parameter when using subdivision
- Hair when "Use Embree" is disabled is missing from the final render through husk
- Chaining Switch VOPs does not work
- Memory leak with husk and specific scene
- LPE render var settings are not exported
- Change render var format to color3f for color elements in VRayStandardRenderVars LOP
- Image File VOP always uses "Inverse Gamma" as "Transfer Function"
- "Use" options for Environment settings from Dome Light for GI/Reflect/Refract/Secondary Matte are not considered
- Spotlight angle does not match Karma
- Spotlight softness affects only shadows but the light borders are always sharp
- Integer attributes are not supported
- Material Output VOP does not trigger an update in Houdini 19.0
- Missing vertex, face and normals lists for reference mesh when importing alembics with rest attributes
- Vector primvars are not picked up
- Render Settings LOP fails to load V-Ray UI due to ds file typo
- Different color mapping between render passes
- "Override Settings Globally" for Displacement is not working
- Displacement VOP parameter "Use Global Settings" is ignored
- Remap texture in "Float to Color" mode does not work with Blend material
- Geometry goes missing after switching delegate from V-Ray to Karma and back to V-Ray
- Viewport selection doesn't work
- Overscan is not saved in husk's output EXR
- V-Ray Remap node adds gamma shift
- Empty viewport/render after switching delegates
- Add OSL support
- Pixel shift when rendering with overscan or using region render
- Denoiser does not work
- Wrong render region top coordinate
- RenderVar sampler:pointReference not rendered for hair
- Volumes rendered to disk through Husk have no emission
- Wrong transforms in Hydra with specific USD scene
- Coat and/or Sheen element breaks all the elements when render to MPlay
- Hydra USD wrong render - "darg", "earg" and "targ" parameters for volume shader are not exported to USD
- Error when V-Ray delegate is started on scene open instead of OpenGL on Linux
- Parts of the geometry are missing when rendering via Husk
- Volumes are not rendered because the cache path is not passed to PhxShaderSim
- Vector Operations VOP does not export vector_a and vector_b parameters
- Exposed the Extra Tex "force_32_bit_output" in the V-Ray Tab if sourceType is primvar for a RenderVap LOP
- Added standalone precompiled V-Ray 6 USD builds
- The AOV Bind VOP can now be used without a "bind:" prefix in the RenderVar LOP
- Fixed Karma hanging on sequence renders when V-Ray is installed
- Crash when Mesh light is present in the stage
- Crash when changing the render flag from a MaterialX to a V-Ray material library LOP
- Changing the display flag from a Mesh light to its source geometry causes a crash
- Add support for MtlX Adjust as HSV to V-Ray
- Add support for MtlX Range
- Add support for Mtlx Burn
- Add support for Mtlx Difference
- Add support for Mtlx Screen
- Add support for Mtlx Dodge
- Add support for Mtlx Minus
- Add support for Mtlx Disjointover
- Add support for tan function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for sqrt function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for sin function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for log function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for floor function for color3,4 and vector3,4
- Add support for exp function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for Mtlx Divide
- Add support for cos function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for ceil function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for asin function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for acos function for vector3 and vector4
- Add support for Mtlx Overlay
- Add support for Mtlx Plus
- Add support for Mtlx In
- Add support for Mtlx Mask
- Add support for Mtlx Matte
- Add support for Mtlx Out
- Add support for Mtlx Over
- Add support for Mtlx Sign
Modified features
- Add support for SOP and OBJ level transform for Alembic primitives piped into a Mesh Light
- Add support for Object Properties "Geometry Samples" for per frame particle Alembics with multiple subsamples
Chaos Cosmos
- Ability to re-import the same model from Cosmos browser without using the same node
- Keep the last imported object's node selected
- Assigning a material to many objects while IPR is running is very slow and blocks the UI
- Update V-Ray Softbox texture changes in IPR
- Changes to geometry added as a gizmo for Fog effect causes the fog to disappear in IPR
- Isolate for IPR in Light Lister does not show its status and it is impossible to find isolated light in a big list of lights
- Add support for IPR Progressive spiral pattern similar to May and Max plugins
- Remove V-Ray IPR ROP node - only keep Renderer ROP node
- Export IPR "GI Depth" 16 bounces if V-Ray Material with Translucency mode SSS is present
- Decouple IPR updates for surface and shader so e.g. displacement shader is not updated when changing the surface shader
- Dome Light - hide Adaptivity parameter and enable Adaptive Dome by default
- Light Mix - add support for HDAs when the light parameters are exposed at the HDAs top level
- Light Mix - add "Name" parameter for Grouped lights mode
- Set /obj V-Ray light node shape to 'light' and color to yellow on creation
- Hide the Volume Shader "Scale Opacity by Scene Units" option under Smoke tab
- Disable "Compensate Energy" for Hair material by default
- Rename "Use Subdivision from Material" to "Use Displacement from Override Material"
- Pick Velocity Blur Multiplier fix for Volume Grid Shader for single vector fields
- Update V-Ray Material Translucency parameter names when Type is changed from "SSS" to "Volumetric"
- Set V-Ray Material Reflection and Refraction depth to default 8
- Hide "Multiply by Particle Age" toggle on the Foam shader
- Add support for VRScene material overrides with Rayserver Instancer and Pattern ID texture through "scene_name" shader override
- Support SOP level material assignment to volumes
- Extend shader import to support custom plugins
- Expose input texture slots for "depth" and "amount" parameters for V-Ray Material Translucency
- Add support for camera shaders to Physical Camera
- Add support for exclusion flag in Material Overrides object list
- Add support for bundles in Material Overrides object list
- MtlX Switch to V-Ray
- Removed the "From Bump" option for bump mapping through the V-Ray Material or Bump Material
- Add support for Cryptomatte by Material Path
- Rename new sky model to "PRG Clear Sky" from "Improved" to match V-Ray for Maya
- Missing import for Tex Float Correct
- Add UV mapping tab for V-Ray Procedural textures with some UVW presets
- Remove "Lighting" mode from Gradient Ramp texture
- The TriPlanar texture now has input slots for the "frame_offset" and "texture_rotation" parameters
- Changing OSL code wipes all parameter values
- Update the Foam Shader UI
- Delete old Volume Shader ramps code
- Expose "Minimum Shading Rate" parameter on the Renderer ROP
- Expose "Metalness" and "Roughness" render elements
- Add "Ignore Render Region" option under Renderer Export tab "Batch Render" section for VRScene export
- Export proper Foam Shader "Advanced" tab visibility options when particles are in ROP node "Phantom" list
- Set "oprelative" to "/obj" instead of "." for V-Ray Renderer ROP
- Add option to set Renderer's "RGB Color Space" based on an environment variable
- Add support for animated textures in the "Render Mask" option of the Renderer ROP
- Add Renderer ROP option for multiple shader overrides for multiple object sets based on the Pattern ID workflow
- Add a Render Settings Lights option to "Disable Light Visibility" with an operator list for specifying the lights to affect
- Export the smoke volume to VRScene even if rendering of smoke is disabled to ensure the transform is inherited from the smoke field
- Match default render settings with V-Ray for Maya and 3dsMax
- Removed ".vrimg" extension and Progressive sampler checks for "Resumable Rendering" options
- Expose "Remove .vrimg on Render End" option in Renderer GUI
Add support for exposing parameters on Material Builder VOP
- Forbid loading of VDBs in the Volume Grid Cache SOP
- Update Image File VOP defaults in V-Ray 5.2
- 2D displacement per primitive needs to be supported by V-Ray.
- Add support for Houdini 18.5.759
- Dirt "Consider Same Object Only" option produces different results when used with packed primitives vs mesh geometry
- Improve message for failing to find .vdb and writing raw data
- Change default image file filter to "Sharp MipMap" for Image File VOP
- Update Physical Camera Cinematic Shutter Offset/Angle default ranges
- Change "VRScans" name to the "Chaos Scans"
- Improve ACEScg workflow in V-Ray for Houdini
- Update "Max. MipMap Resolution" parameter range
- Reduce DWAA EXR compression RAM usage
- Update the "Back To Beauty (Advanced)" AOV preset to ensure proper results automatically
- Old scenes with physical camera show warning for missing parameters
- Update V-Ray Renderer ROP shape in the palette
- Speed up export of instanced VDBs
- Add optional warning for exporting large live geometries on export
- Speed up VRScene export for instanced geometry
- Modified VRProxy export path to match the path user attribute as object path if available
- Add support for exporting Decal displacement texture for each decal object
- Change the export for Material Output AOVs to use the PatternID and MultiID textures
- Remove installer python logic in favor of Houdini's houdini_python keyword in packages
- Add method for accepting EULA when installing V-Ray with the ZIP builds
- Prevent installing over running V-Ray if Houdini or Husk are running
- Updated the installer images for the official V-Ray 6 for Houdini release
- Display a warning if the user is attempting to install mis-matching VRay/Houdini versions
- Add support for VFB control through environment variables
- Added support for rest attributes for the TriPlanar texture
- AOV Bind: "instance" node not shown
- Implemented a faster instancer plugin
V-Ray Decal
Add support for VOP nodes as Decal Stencil
Added displacement amount and shift controls
- Remove "Auto Transfer Function" toggle and script from Image File VOP
Bug Fixes
- VFB2 isn't updating the V-Ray Log information
- Debug flag does not work when a VOP node inside a Material Builder is assigned to the geometry
- Animated Ocean Spectra Mask is not updated on frame change
- Exporting a VRScene in "Export" mode directly after running IPR causes empty standalone renders
- Renderer "Override Camera Resolution" option changes do not update IPR
- Referenced Shader changes do not update IPR
- Parameter changes for nodes inside Material Builder piped into Multi ID material do not affect IPR
- Material Override when using Distance Texture is lost when starting second IPR session
- Persistent updates or crash when changing a Volume Shader parameter assigned at the SOP level
- Render Region disappears on Production render or IPR start
- Material Overrides are lost when changing the Timeline frame during IPR when Extra Texture with the override object in its Exclude list is present
- Removing a Decal object from the SOP network does not affect IPR
- No updates for displacement assigned at the SOP level to Alembic primitives
- Renderer ROP Objects list does not update IPR
- Deleting objects or lights does not affect IPR
- V-Ray Proxy SOP is not updated in IPR
- Geometry goes missing during IPR if there are nodes that are linked to the camera transforms in the scene
- Lost ExtraTexture elements after the first one, on frame change, and if they have the same object in Exclude List
- Material assignments for Multi ID Material are lost when using an input Material Builder instead of BRDF
- Slowly generated mesh is not updated
- No update when enabling/disabling the ROP Material Override options
- Geometry that is hidden when IPR is started remains invisible even when unhidden during IPR
- Unnecessary refresh when changing folders on a BRDF node
- Renderer Camera settings do not update IPR
- Viewport does not update view changes
- Light Instancer not updated
- V-Ray Object Properties are not updated in GPU IPR
- Rendered objects would occasionally disappear when making changes to their geometry or adding additional objects to the scene
- Material assignments are ignored in for the entire scene if a debug flag is present on a VOP node
- Displacement per primitive not always updated in IPR
- "Render with Take" uses the correct take then refreshes and reverts to Main during IPR
- Toon Effect is updated in IPR only once
- Any changes done while IPR is running cause the Fog effect to disappear
- IPR update broken in 5.x for Light Instancer
- Velocity blur is not updated when changing "Shutter Speed" of Physical Camera
- Sun parameters do not update Sky texture for IPR when used in a Dome Light
- Hang if VFB IPR button is clicked multiple times before IPR starts
- Crash with partitioned alembic when using Motion Blur and Displacement
- Crash with Alembics using Displacement and Material AOVs
- Random crash during IPR or when attempting to start a production render
- Crash when toggling on/off the Mesh Light's "Use SOP Geometry" option
- Crash when changing the "Motion Blur Multiplier" on the Volume Shader
- Setting "Screen Window Size" to negative during IPR crashes V-Ray and Houdini
- Crash when starting IPR first then Production Render if "Cache Bitmaps" is enabled
- Crash when disabling the V-Ray Physical Camera during IPR in "Render View" or Viewport
- Crash if starting a production render after an IPR session
- Crash in IPR when modifying the render region while scene changes are synced
- Debug flag on Referenced Shader VOP has no effect in IPR
- ROP Render Scripts are not executed for IPR
- Settings for displacement coming from Override Material do not refresh in IPR
- VFB Render Region does not work if you start IPR when it is disabled
- Constant updates for volumes when changing shader params if Motion Blur On and rendering the last file in the VDB sequence
- Enabling motion blur is not handled during IPR
- Decal displacement is not handled by IPR
- Imported VRScene ignores changes to Objects visibility list
- Disabling a light's Node visibility flag during IPR will incorrectly disable the light
- OSL crash when redrawing UI after render
- Crash with Light Mix on render start
- Crash rendering groomed fur/hair with V-Ray
- Crash when attempting to render a volume without volume shader assigned to it
- Karma hangs on GUI sequence renders when V-Ray is installed
- Freeze on production render start with Rayserver Instancer and Displacement
- Crash if render is quickly started, stopped and started again multiple times
- "-imgFile" flag for standalone rendering causes double output
- VFB is brought to foreground on every frame when rendering a sequence, even when Houdini is minimized
- Wrong frame token exported when using $F4 tag for textures
- Per-primitive displacement does not render correctly
- Add support for vray_renderable packed attribute
- Texture for Dome light is not exported when using a referenced Image File VOP
- Geometry nodes in an Object network inside a parent Geometry node are rendered even when the parent Geometry node has visibility disabled
- Color AOV name expression is not evaluated for VFB
- Material Overrides do not work for more than one object in pattern list
- Forced hidden object with material override does not have material in render
- Overscan disables render region
- When using shader overrides with VRScene SOP the render becomes darker
- NUMA slowdown when rendering Alembics
- Double camera export when using a Switcher to change the render camera per frame
- VFB Render Region in viewport is not always rendered
- Render Region resizes unproportionally when Camera Resolution is increased
- "Visible in Refraction" causes wrong render output when a glossy material is present
- Baked volumes in VRScene produce empty renders in some frames
- Render Mask in "Object" mode does not work
- Physical Camera missing "specify_focus" export causes wrong DoF renders
- Crash rendering groomed fur/hair with V-Ray in a specific scene
- Freeze on production render start with Rayserver Instancer and Displacement
- Immediate crash when pressing Render after upgrading to MacOS Big Sur 11.2
- Standalone - wrong frame loaded for Alembic in Distance texture when rendering with -frames argument
- VFB Compare settings are lost when starting a new render
- Wrong render in Houdini with TriPlanar texture applied to Alembics with rotation in Y
- Missing texture animation export for particular scene on first export, if no GUI render is initiated
- Empty render for live volumes when Motion Blur is enabled
- Alembics exported with object level transforms have double transformations when rendered
- Volume emission not rendered in Beauty ("C.*")LPE
- Randomly missing UDIM textures with specific scene
- V-Ray Material Translucency parameters are grayed out for GPU but should not be anymore
- Wrong Light Linking export for GPU
- Matte Surface not working in GPU render for poly geometry
- Lighting discrepancy between CPU and GPU results when Direct light is used with Intensity higher than 1
- Square artifacts on using Adaptive Dome light on GPU
- CPU instead of RTX mode is started
- Image sequence as texture not rendered on GPU
- Attributes for shading with User Color and User Float do not work for Alembic hair and particles on the GPU
- Freeze with specific volume when using GPU
- Crash with a specific setup including V-Ray UV Explicit and BerconNoise
Extra Texture AOV include list does not work for particles
TriPlanar texture with rest attributes does not work for live geometry and Alembics
Missing bitmap color difference between CPU and GPU
Color Correct (Maya) texture is not exported to .vrscene when GPU is chosen
Crash when rendering a mesh with attributes sampled in the shader and motion blur enabled
- In a newly created blank scene using certain python code provokes a crash
- Crash with Light Mix "To Scene" option when using lights that are not inside an HDA
- Crash in a specific scene with adaptive lights
- Crash on Python module load on Linux
- UDIM tag in the output image name is missing when baking a single UDIM tile
- Fixed an OCIO slowdown in 5.10.20
- Decal include and exclude lists work on single objects only - multiple objects are ignored
- Wrong filename output when using an expression sampling a point attribute with Python
- Add support for time-dependent values for image output file name and folder path
- State of "Enable Large Mesh Warning" toggle is not saved
- Camera motion blur not working with specific builds
- Difference in Ocean surface render compared to Mantra
- Empty export for "Exclude List" in Extra Texture AOV
- Wrong default values for OCIO texture
- Wrong output for Remap texture in "Value" to "Value" mode
- Object Properties SOP overrides own settings when chained in a Geometry network
- Wrong animated visibility output for objects
- Swapped logic for "Use Main Line Controls" toggle
- Set "Adaptive Dome" to enabled by default for Dome light
- Object Level transformations are ignored for Motion Blur when "Use Velocity Blur" is enabled
- Displacement does not accept negative "Amount" values
- Environment Fog does not work with specific builds
- "Geometry Samples" option for Motion Blur for Points has no effect
- Fixed issue causing truncated paths when over 255 characters are used on Linux
- Wrong output for Integer to Float texture
- Added support for per-face string attribute sampling with the PatternID texture
- Added support for V-Ray Scenes for Texture Baking
- Added support for Cryptomatte by attribute for crowds
- Wrong output for Multi ID Texture when using "Round to Integer" option
- Fixed Volume Grid Cache SOP is ignored by Renderer "Force Objects" list
- Fixed Python issue causing empty "About V-Ray" window
Updated the V-Ray EnMesh SOP with a custom HDA to simplify setup
Overridden properties for Object Properties SOP are ignored
Translucency Depth is changing Fog Effect in the opposite way
Non planar faces produce bad UV tiles when V-Ray subdivision is applied to the geometry
Cryptomatte by attribute does not work for crowds
- Light Mix in "Manual" mode does not pick up Light Select elements
- Do not tint RGB channels when displaying them isolated
- ".cube" files specified in the OCIO config for the OCIO View Transform are not used
- Background layer does not work
- Using an EXR as Background image with "As Foreground" enabled causes the image to go black
If you save the .hip file for the first time in the current session "Use Project Path" doesn't enable VFB History
Crash with the VFB Stamp layer
- Light Lister "Isolate" button does not work
- Light Select wildcard "*" for lights parameter returns all scene nodes causing a slowdown with heavy geometry
- Light Mix - Dome Light "Intensity" and "Color" are not updated when inside a locked HDA
- Light Mix crash when attempting to send the changes "To Scene" if the lights are in a locked HDA
The V-Ray Sun clouds_phase_y parameter is not used at all
Added LPE light tags support
Added support for Mesh light with multiple meshes as source geometry
- Material Library download fails if the provided disk path does not exist
- Cryptomatte by material ID and material HDA
- Displacement is not overridden when using multiple Material Overrides on the Renderer ROP
- Parameters set with textures for OSL Material are ignored
- Wrong material assignments when using animated Switch node and uploading to Chaos Cloud
- Enabling Motion Blur breaks Material Overrides
- Add support for Null VOP for Referenced Shader
- Unlocked Depth and Scale Max value for V-Ray Material Translucency
- Lag in V-Ray Material Builder VOP context when opening the nodes menu with Tab or RMB click
- Add support for pattern based material overrides on the Renderer ROP through Pattern ID texture
- Disabling "Primary Visibility" for object with Light material does not work
- ROP's "Disable Light Materials" does not affect Light materials with Direct Illumination enabled
- Material Override is applied to Mesh Light when using wildcard flag for selection
- Enmesh material ignores custom attributes
- Crash with material overrides enabled when a light is present in the scene and using a wildcard flag
- Hang during Light Cache step when using Decal, Rect Light and Diffuse BRDF
- Crash with HDA holding Volume Grid Shader VOPs made in 4.3 when loading the HDA in V-Ray 5 builds
Wrong UI disable index for V-Ray Material "fresnel_ior", "translucency_color" and "fog_color_tex" inputs
V-Ray Materials SSS produces faceted shading with low poly geometry
- Import of Remap texture selects "color" output regardless of what input it is connected to
- Empty drop-down for OCIO tab in Image File VOP
- OCIO node is missing input texture slot
- Distance Texture Objects list is empty when a Subnetwork is specified
- Some TriPlanar texture options do not work
- Image File VOP "Transfer Function" parameter is ignored
- Distance Texture ignores animated transform of target object
- Update User Float and User Integer default attribute names
- Wrong gamma applied to textures in Dome light when using ACES
- Very small triangles are ignored when Texture Baking which causes artifacts
- Adding an object to the Distance Texture "Exclude List" will disable its visibility globally
Creating a new layer for a Layered Texture does not create an input connector for the mask/blend parameter
TriPlanar texture into bump does not work when bump_type is "Bump" when used with rest mesh or rest attributes
Displacement via V-Ray TexTriPlanar results in holes in the geometry with specific scene
Very small triangles are ignored when Texture Baking causing black artifacts
- Particular texture file UI is not loaded
- Warnings printed with specific scene with OSL
UI is not loaded for a specific OSL texture file
Chaining of OSL textures does not work with float parameters
Instant crash when try to load particular ".osl" file
Crash with particular OSL file both when loaded from disk and used as inline code
- Expression including frames and subframes on Alembics isn't working as expected with V-Ray Core 5.10.20
- TriPlanar swimming coordinates when using "rest" attributes with Alembic file
- Double motion blur for Mesh lights using Alembic as source geometry
- Material Overrides do not work for multiple Alembic objects
- Poor Cryptomatte element sampling over overlapping multimaterial Alembic when using Depth of Field
- Triangular artifacts on packed Alembic when texture Filtering type is not set to None or Nearest
- Primitive attributes are ignored for splines/hair
- Add support for velocity sampling even when using single-file deforming Alembics
- Primitive hair attributes are not interpolated correctly for Alembics
- Shading artifacts with Random VOP when using float attribute in Alembic file
Crash in V-Ray Core with Alembics, Motion Blur, Subdivision and V-Ray Material Bump map
Attribute "uv" for hairs in Alembic file can not be sampled for shading
- Possible crash when shader for volume is not a Volume material
- Immediate crash when Denoiser and Volume material with the Volumetric Z-Depth parameter set to 'Separate V-Ray Element' is added on volumes
- Crash when trying to convert particular VDB with the V-Ray VDB to AUR node
- Immediate crash when importing big “.aur” files in V-Ray Volume Grid Cache
- Orientation of instances calculated from @N or @N + @up vectors is wrong
- Invalid velocity handling for Rayserver Instancer when using Motion Blur
- Shadow artifacts with Rayserver Instancer
- Crash with SSS and multiple instances when using new instancing plugin
- Crash with Light Instancer with scene containing 250 000 lights
Massive hair instances strand length crash
Crash with Decal Displacement when applied to geometry in Instancer2 plugin
High memory usage and geometry compile time when using Alembic with instanced shapes instead of ".vrmesh"
- Remove file exists check when exporting packed disk primitive volume by path to speed up VRScene export
- Slow VRScene export time for instances with Motion Blur
- Slow export of animated cached VDBs
- Very slow export and high memory usage for Mesh Light using deforming alembic as source geometry
- Wrong export for frame($F2) token in texture path
- Channel string reference for VRScene Export path on Renderer ROP with frame token causes wrong export
- VRScene export for per frame Alembic files with time offset is not animated
- Export Mesh Lights generated by Light Material with "Direct Illumination" enabled to Light Select element
- No VRScene export for animated objects after first frame when Motion Blur is Enabled
- Empty plugin export for Extra Texture element
- Empty parameters export for Distance Texture - only Objects list is exported
- Empty export for Renderer Image Sampler parameters
- Float to Color is always exported, even when the float output is connected to a float input
- Light Instancer is not exported when texture baking
- Distance Texture object is not exported if part of an Override Material
- Wrong Displacement export for "Vector Displacement" assigned through Material SOP at the SOP level
- VRScene export - missing material AOVs with Alembics and Motion Blur when Offset is 0 and Duration is 1
- Only first frame is exported to VRScene for animated objects in Distance Texture list if their visibility is disabled
- Reflect/Refract mask are exported incorrectly
- Crash if you use VRScene Shader Overrides without typing Scene Name
- Material Overrides are lost for VRScene export after the first frame
- "Clip Mesh" parameter for V-Ray Clipper is not exported
- No export for Image File OCIO tab
- Animated shader parameters are not exported for static meshes
- Proxy Export not working in latest nightly builds
- VRScene export for Mesh Lights with Alembics only uses the first frame of the sequence
- Issues with Proxy export and particles
- Multi-valued params are not exported
- Light Textures - frame ($F) token is exported in the file path instead of evaluating the expression
- Wrong export for Image File VOP into Layered texture causes no color output
- Wrong UV set export for Image File VOP when exporting a .vrscene
- When Mapping of Procedural textures is set to UV, parameters are not exported to .vrscene
- Object Scale for V-Rya Enmesh is always exported as 1.0
- Multiple plugin exports when generating per frame VRScene files
- Crash on last alembic frame export when motion blur is enabled and using per-frame alembic files
- Empty export for Extra Texture element
- Hang after second V-Ray Proxy export
- ".vrscene" file path is truncated to 256 characters on Linux
- Stray points are exported both as vertices for GeomStaticMesh and as particles for GeomParticleSystem
- Wrong Image File VOP transfer_function export when OCIO is enabled on Image File VOP
- Mac: Exporting animated proxy into a single file would occasionally cause Houdini to become unresponsive
- Incorrect import of Remap Texture from a VRScene file exported from Maya
- Incorrect import of volumeNoise (3D noise) from a VRScene file exported from Maya
- VRScene "Unpack to Polygons" does nothing if a node named "vrayscene_unpack" is already present in the same SOP network
- VRScene "Unpack to Polygons" does not create a material network
- Crash when importing materials from .vrscene
- Issues with silent installation + config.xml
- Houdini 19.x can't open local help when V-Ray is installed due to QT lib errors
License server is no longer installed unless specified
Font color and background are the same in the new Installer on Linux
Chaos Cosmos
- Update the packing script to ignore the missing Cosmos files
- Cosmos Browser window does not store position
- Assets import is creating overlapping nodes
- Models are imported mirrored by X axis
- Crash on start with Houdini 19.5.303
- Removed Hair Properties *Use Global Hair Tree" controls
- Displacement Properties shelf tool does not work
- Crash when clicking on the "Transfer Function" menu of the Image File VOP in Houdini 19.5
- Ocean Spectra Texture fails when using "Filter above resolution" option
- The Ocean Spectra texture with motion blur produces slightly different displacement than without motion blur
- Frame token for Ocean Spectra texture does not work