Table of Contents

This page provides information on V-Ray Camera settings.



The Camera Settings window can be accessed through the Exposure Value button on the V-Ray for Revit Ribbon.





UI Path


||Revit Ribbon|| > V-Ray tab > Camera panel > Exposure Value



Camera Settings

Mode – Specifies the type of camera to use for rendering. The cameras in V-Ray generally define the rays that are cast into the scene, which essentially is how the scene is projected onto the screen. V-Ray supports several camera types:

Standard Camera – A traditional pinhole camera.
VR Spherical Panorama  Spherical camera with independent horizontal and vertical FOV selection that is useful for generating latlong images for spherical VR use. 
VR Cubemap
 – A variant of the Box camera with the cube sides arranged in a single row. Unlike the Box camera's output, Cube6x1 does not produce an empty space in the output image and is useful in generating cubic VR output.

When the current view is set to an ortho 3D view, the Mode is locked to Standard Camera, while VR Spherical Panorama and VRCubemap are unavailable.

When rendering in Interactive mode in some specific cases and using the native Revit Undo/Redo command, the rendering stops and the Undo/Redo command has a priority.

Stereo  – Enables or disables the Stereoscopic rendering mode. Stereoscopic images are rendered Side-by-side or Top-bottom based on the Output Layout option. You do not need to re-adjust the image resolution as it adapts automatically. Note that when current view is set to an ortho 3D view, the Mode is locked to Standard Camera and this option is unavailable.


Exposure Settings

Exposure (EV) – Controls the render brightness in exposure value (EV) units. EV ranges correspond to the following lighting environments:

EV RangeEnvironment
25.0 to 14.0Bright Sunshine
14.0 to 12.0Sunshine
12.0 to 10.0Overcast Sky
10.0 to 5.0Bright Interior
5.0 to 0.0Floodlit Building
0.0 to -3.0Dim Ambient Light
-3.0 to -6.0Night - Full Moon
-6.0 to -15.0Night - Starlight

Auto – Automatically determines an appropriate exposure value for the render. It requires Light Cache to be set as a Secondary GI engine.

White Balance (K) – Specifies the color temperature in degrees Kelvin that appear white in the render. The following temperature ranges correspond to the following lighting environments.

Temperature RangeEnvironment
2000Candle Flame
2000 to 3250Incandescent Lighting
3250 to 4250Halogen Lighting
4250 to 5050Fluorescent Lighting
5050 to 6550Average Daylight
6550 to 10000Daylight

Auto – Automatically determines a suitable white balance value for the image. It requires Light Cache to be set as a Secondary GI engine.

Auto icon () – Transfers the auto calculated exposure/white balance value to the slider for further manual adjustments. Note that when no auto values are available, the buttons are grayed out.


This rollout is only accessible when the Camera Mode is set to Standard Camera.

Focus Source – Chooses the way in which the camera focus us determined.

Fixed Distance – Fixes the camera focus to the Focus Distance value.
Fixed Point – The focus distance is automatically calculated before the rendering starts and equals the distance between the camera position and the 3D point selected using the Pick Focus Point Command from the toolbar menu. If no point has been selected, the camera target is used instead as a default point.

Focus Distance – Specifies the distance from the camera where objects are in sharp focus. Note that Focus Distance depends on the selected Focus Source and its units are synchronized with Revit's project units.  

Defocus – Controls the strength of the defocus (bokeh) effect. Objects farther away from the Focus Distance appear blurry.

Vignetting – Controls the strength of the vignetting effect which gradually darkens the edges of the render.


Defocus and Focus Distance are in a relation. The Defocus (bokeh) effect is applied correctly after the setup of the Focus Distance option. 

To define the Focus Distance when Focus Source is set to Fixed Distance, open any floor plan view in Revit and measure the distance from the Current View camera to the object/s that you want to appear in sharp focus.  
To define the Focus Distance when Focus Source is set to Fixed Point, select the Pick Focus Point tool from the toolbar button under EV and click an object on the Revit 3D view that is set as Current View in V-Ray.

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