This page provides details on the Channels settings available in V-Ray for Revit.
Standard Channels
The Render Channels Container allows you to extract one or more render elements from the final image.
Lighting – The diffuse direct surface lighting.
Specular – The surface specular highlights.
Self Illumination – The self-illumination of the surface.
GI – The diffuse surface global illumination.
Refraction – The refractions on the surface.
Background – The image background as set in the project, with the rest of the image rendered as black.
Reflection – The reflections on the surface.
Diffuse – The pure diffuse surface color.
Shadows – The diffuse light that was blocked by other objects.
Atmosphere – Atmospheric effects.
Sample Rate – Shows an image where the pixel brightness is directly proportional to the number of samples taken at this pixel.
Bump Normal – The normals generated by bump maps.
DR Bucket – Allows you to extract an image which shows which bucket was rendered by which machine during distributed rendering.
Normals – The surface normals.
Material ID – Provides a mask for individual objects and materials that are easy to select in compositing software.
- Shows each material as a solid unshaded color.
- Supports anti-aliasing at the edges of objects where they meet other objects or the background.
- This channel is not supported in RT GPU rendering.
Material ID (no AA) – Provides a mask for individual objects and materials that are easy to select in compositing software.
- Shows each material as a solid unshaded color.
- Assigns a Material ID to each pixel in the render element
- Does not support anti-aliasing as each pixel can have only a single Material ID assigned to it.
- This channel is supported in RT GPU rendering.
Render ID – Creates selection masks based on the node handle of each object.
MultiMatte Materials – Creates red, green and blue selection masks based on the ID Number set within the V-Ray material.