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Table of Contents

This page provides details on the Channels settings available in V-Ray for Revit.



Standard Channels

The Render Channels Container allows you to extract one or more render elements from the final image.   

Lighting – The diffuse direct surface lighting.   

Specular – The surface specular highlights.

Self Illumination – The self-illumination of the surface.

GI – The diffuse surface global illumination.

Refraction – The refractions on the surface.

Background – The image background as set in the project, with the rest of the image rendered as black.

Reflection – The reflections on the surface.

Diffuse – The pure diffuse surface color.

Shadows The diffuse light that was blocked by other objects.

Atmosphere – Atmospheric effects.

Sample Rate – Shows an image where the pixel brightness is directly proportional to the number of samples taken at this pixel.

Bump Normal – The normals generated by bump maps.

DR Bucket – Allows you to extract an image which shows which bucket was rendered by which machine during distributed rendering.

Normals – The surface normals.

Material ID – Provides a mask for individual objects and materials that are easy to select in compositing software. 

  • Shows each material as a solid unshaded color.
  • Supports anti-aliasing at the edges of objects where they meet other objects or the background.
  • This channel is not supported in RT GPU rendering. 

Material ID (no AA) – Provides a mask for individual objects and materials that are easy to select in compositing software. 

  • Shows each material as a solid unshaded color.
  • Assigns a Material ID to each pixel in the render element
  • Does not support anti-aliasing as each pixel can have only a single Material ID assigned to it. 
  • This channel is supported in RT GPU rendering. 

Render ID  Creates selection masks based on the node handle of each object.

MultiMatte Materials   Creates red, green and blue selection masks based on the ID Number set within the V-Ray material.


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