This page provides information on the V-Ray Directional Light.
The V-Ray Directional Light is a V-Ray specific light source plugin that can be used to create physically accurate area lights.
V-Ray Directional light can be instanced by using Array or Alt+drag the light object in the Rhino viewport.
UI Path
||V-Ray Lights Toolbar|| > Directional Light tool
Rhino Menus Ribbon
||V-Ray|| > Lights > Directional Light
Creating a Directional Light
To create a Directional Light, use the button in the V-Ray Lights tab. Select a point position in the viewport. If a list of input positions is connected, multiple lights are generated. The number of input positions determines the lights count.
The point position and target point combined determine the light orientation vector.
Color – Specifies the color of the light.
Intensity – Specifies the strength of the light.
Shadow Radius – Controls the size of the light. Where 0.0 is a point light, larger values produces soft (area) shadows.
Shadows – When enabled (the default), the light casts shadows. When disabled, the light does not cast shadows.
Affect Diffuse – When enabled, the light affects the diffuse properties of the materials.
Affect Specular – When enabled, the light affects the specular of the materials.
Affect Atmospherics – Specifies whether the light influences the atmospheric effects in the scene. The value determines the amount of involvement.