This page provides information on the V-Ray and Enscape compatibility in Rhino.
Real-time Enscape scenes can be transferred into V-Ray’s photorealistic rendering engine creating a powerful AEC visualization pipeline.
Enscape 3D models and materials are supported by V-Ray, so your projects develop smoothly and seamlessly with effortless collaboration between designers and visualization specialists.
V-Ray reads Enscape scene data without modifying it, keeping Enscape workflow in place. This design allows users to seamlessly continue their Enscape work in V-Ray and take it to the next level of photorealism.
The Enscape compatibility is currently a one-way workflow from Enscape to V-Ray.
Material Support
If you wish to edit a Rhino or Enscape material with V-Ray to take advantage of advanced material options, use the Rhino Material panel to change the material type to V-Ray. Once a material is converted to V-Ray material, it is highly recommended to keep it like so to preserve all of its V-Ray-specific data.
Keywords are supported.
Grass and Carpet are not fully supported. Generation of grass or textile strands needs to be manually redone in V-Ray using V-Ray Fur.
Asset Support
All Enscape assets are supported by V-Ray with the exception of 3D PEOPLE assets.
For Enscape assets to render properly in V-Ray, you have to initialize Enscape first. This needs to be done only once for the assets data to be populated in the project. Afterwards, this step must be repeated only after introducing more new assets. Once done, you don't have to start Enscape again, even if you save the project and reopen it later.
The new adjustable assets introduced in Enscape 3.5 are now supported in V-Ray 6, Update 1.
Starting with V-Ray 6, Update 1, some of Enscape’s visual settings can be transferred to V-Ray. This helps with matching Enscape’s environment and illumination - Sunlight, Sky, and Camera exposure. The synchronization is done by manually performing the Apply Enscape Settings action from the V-Ray / Tools menu.
To stop the Enscape - V-Ray workflow, go to V-Ray menu > Preferences and disable the Enscape Compatibility option.