Table of Contents

This page provides information about the V-Ray Infinite Plane.



The V-Ray Plane is a very simple option that implements a procedural infinite plane primitive for V-Ray.



UI Paths


||V-Ray Asset Editor|| > Geometry (right-click) > Infinite Plane

||V-Ray Asset Editor|| > Create Asset (left-click) > Geometries Infinite Plane


||V-Ray Objects Toolbar|| > Infinite Plane

Rhino Menus Ribbon

||V-Ray|| Objects > Infinite Plane





The V-Ray Infinite Plane does not have any V-Ray specific parameters.



Rhino Ground Plane

The Rhino Document Ground Plane is a unique asset present in the V-Ray Asset Editor. Its options are accessible on Rhino side (command _GroundPlane), whereas in the V-Ray assets list it serves as an alternative method of toggling the Ground Plane on/off - just like a standard V-Ray Infinite Plane.

An illustration of the Rhino Ground Plane feature in Raytraced (left) and V-Ray Interactive (right) viewport display modes.




  • Infinite Plane can be created via the _vrayInfinitePlane command in the Rhino Command Line.