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Table of Contents

This page describes the use of Batch Rendering in V-Ray for Rhino.


The V-Ray Batch Render tool is useful when multiple scenes need to be rendered with different rendering views or objects that may change between scenes. With Batch Render, scenes can be set with views and rendered with one button. Additionally, you can use Batch Rendering in the Cloud. 

The Batch Render tool loads a scene as an external source. If any changes to the scene are made, they need to be saved first before rendering in batch. For convenience, a prompt appears before starting a Batch Render job in order to make sure you have saved all changes.

UI Paths

||V-Ray Toolbar|| > Batch Render (left-click) > Shows the Batch Render panel

Rhino Menus Ribbon

||V-Ray|| > V-Ray Rendering > Batch Render

Using the Batch Render

Batch Render can be directed to use the views and pre-recorded animation from both the current and other existing Rhino projects as well as .vrscene files. Named Views can also be added. They are created using Named Views > Save As... in the Rhino Named View panel.

Choose as many files, animation sequences or views as needed and select the Start button to begin the Batch Render.

Add current model – Adds all views of the current model to the Batch Render.

File – Chooses an existing Rhino project or V-Ray VRScene file.

Refresh – Refreshes the list to correspond with the recent changes in the listed files.

Start – Starts rendering the selected views and files. 

 All unsaved changes in the current project will be lost when you start the rendering process. Make sure to save them promptly!

Chaos Cloud – Submits the current jobs for rendering in Chaos Cloud. For more information see the Chaos Cloud Batch Render section on the Chaos Cloud Rendering page.

Options – Opens Batch Rendering Options window. 


Context Menu

Right-click anywhere in the Batch Render window to open the context menu.

Add Current Model – Adds all views of the current model to the Batch Render.

Open Output Image – Opens the rendered image with the default image viewer. 

Open Output Folder – Opens the folder in which the selected image has been saved.  

Delete – Deletes the selected view. 

Delete All – Deletes all loaded views. 


Override Output Path – Sets a common output location for all files in the batch. If disabled, each output image is saved in its respective project file location. The render output file path specified in the V-Ray's settings is not respected in either case.

File Format – Allows the selection of different output types (.png, .jpg, .bmp, .tga, .hdr, .sgi, .rgb, .rgba, .exr, .pic, .tif, .tiff, .vrimg).

Render – Enables V-Ray to render the image to the frame buffer and then save an output image file. 

Export VRScene – Enables V-Ray to export the scene to a .vrscene file.

Render and Export VRScene – Enables V-Ray to both render the image and export a .vrscene file. 


  • Enable or disable a view from rendering by ticking the checkbox.


  • Animation, default viewport views, cameras, snapshots and named views have different icons for easier differentiation.
  • .vrscene files can be loaded and rendered using Batch Render. Batch Render can also load a sequence of .vrscene files located in the same directory as long as they follow the same index enumeration, e.g. file_01.vrscene, file_02.vrscene, file_03.vrscene and NOT file_1.vrscene, file_02.vrscene, file3.vrscene, etc. When selecting a file that is part of a valid sequence, a dialog window prompts you to choose whether to load the whole sequence or the singe file. If a file sequence is available, the Batch Render tool does not apply an additional index to the render output files.
  • When aborting a Batch Render job, the current project's V-Ray render output file path is substituted by an invalid one. Upon finishing a Batch Render job, the last active project's output file path is substituted in the same way. This is a known limitation. To avoid it, initiate Batch Render jobs always in a new project and upon completion avoid saving the currently loaded one. Loaded .vrscene files are unaffected.
  • When the View option from Rendering tab of the Rhino Properties Panel is manually specified, it overrides the render output.
  • Snapshots are loaded in the Batch Render panel only by adding the current model. Refreshing the Batch Render list will remove the Snapshots.
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