This page provides detailed information on Viewport Rendering in V-Ray.
Viewport Rendering (VPR) is a render output overlay on top of Rhino's viewport. It is rendered interactively and if scene changes are made, the rendered result is updated.
UI Paths
Active View > V-Ray Interactive
The Viewport rendering is accessible via command lines as well. Type SetDisplayMode command in the Command line and click on Mode to display the list of available display modes. SelectVRayInteractive to activate Viewport rendering.
Viewport Rendering
The size of the default Viewport render output is set to 100% of the active View size. To change it, enter the vrayVPRSettings command, select the Scaling option and then enter the new scale factor. This changes the VPR render resolution which results in faster rendering when you simply want an ongoing preview while working on the scene. It also reduces the resources used for rendering on the machine.
Dragging the sides of the viewport also changes the preview size.
Use the Reset option of vrayVPRSettings to reset the V-Ray Interactive display mode. If another Rhino instance is started, where the current render engine is set to Rhino, the V-Ray Interactive display mode (in all the Rhino instances) disappears. In such cases use the Reset option to restore the V-Ray Interactive mode.
Note that the V-Ray render output is not taken into account. Instead, VPR uses the Rhino View resolution and updates its size interactively. To change the V-Ray render output, go to Asset Editor > Settings > Render Output and set the Aspect Ratio to Match Viewport. Adjust the image's Width and Height to match the Aspect's Width and Height.
VPR displays the effectResult channel when Denoiser is active.
VPR Stamp
The VPR stamp (in the bottom left corner of the Viewport) shows you the current resolution as well as the time elapsed. It is activated when you start the Viewport Rendering.
Stop Rendering
There are several ways to cancel the rendering process:
Switch the View to another display mode.
Click the Interactive Render button in the V-Ray toolbar.
Click the Show VFB button from the V-Ray toolbar to display the VFB, and then click the Stop rendering button the VFB.
Click the Stop Render button in the V-Ray Asset Editor.
The Rendering tab of the Rhino's Properties panel allows selecting a specific View to render regardless of the currently active view.
V-Ray respects this choice. If Specified Viewport, Named View or Snapshot is selected, the V-Ray render output will always match this option.
To disable this override, set it back to Current Viewport.
- V-Ray Vision is an alternative to the Viewport rendering and can be used instead. However, V-Ray Vision is currently not directly available in the viewport.