Mode – Switches between the CPU, CUDA or RTX rendering modes of V-Ray.
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When the Mode is set to CUDA/RTX, unsupported parameters of all V-Ray nodes in the scene become disabled.
GPU Devices – Opens up the V-Ray GPU Device Select dialog where you can choose which devices to use for GPU, RTX or hybrid rendering. Learn more on the Set Up GPU Rendering page.
Use Physical Camera Settings – When enabled, the V-Ray physical camera settings are applied when using IPR.
Use V-Ray Frame Buffer – When enabled, starting an IPR session (either using the Viewport IPR tool or the Render View panel) also triggers the creation of a new V-Ray Frame Buffer instance. This is intended to provide the additional functionality that comes with the Frame Buffer.
Use Denoiser – Enables the Denoiser during IPR rendering.
Use Render Elements – When enabled, the selected render elements channels are visible in the VFB during IPR.
Batch Render
Ignore VFB Settings – When enabled, ignores the VFB settings for batch rendering.
Ignore Render Region – When enabled, ignores VFB render region for batch rendering.
Export Settings
Export Mode – Specifies whether to only export a .vrscene file, export & render, or only render, when No Export is selected.
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When a VDB is exported directly into the VRScene, i.e. baked, the following warning message is printed: "Failed to find volume file path for /obj/VDB: unsupported node type volumewrangle (/obj/VDB/volumewrangle1). Baking volume data into the scene." This means that the user setup forces V-Ray to evaluate the voxel data instead of simply providing V-Ray with a disk file path. This usually happens when a volume is loaded with a File SOP and then modified. If the voxel data is modified, V-Ray always bakes the volume into the VRScene, which slows down the export and increases the VRScene size significantly.
The supported nodes after loading a VDB with a File SOP are only Transform, Material and Merge SOPs.
The best practice when loading VDBs is to set the File SOP's Mode parameter to Packed Disk Primitive. That makes it certain that the voxel data cannot possibly be modified and V-Ray can proceed with simply exporting the disk file path.
Export Filepath – Specifies the location where the output of the render process is saved. Use the ${F} tag to enable pre-frame export. Note that when submitting to Deadline with the V-Ray Deadline node, it may contain a ${FBATCH} tag.
Export Data In Hex Format – When enabled (the default), the mesh data are written in hexadecimal format in the .vrscene file. This makes the files smaller and faster for processing, but less readable to a user. When disabled, the mesh data are written in normal decimal format.
Export Compressed Data – When enabled, basic compression is applied to the .vrscene file. This option can only be used together with Write mesh data in hex format.
Export Transforms In Hex Format – When enabled (the default), transform data are written in hexadecimal format in the .vrscene file. This makes the files smaller and faster for processing, but less readable to a user. When disabled, the data are written in normal decimal format.
Separate Files – When enabled, V-Ray exports separate files for different components of the scene (e.g. geometry, materials, textures, etc).
Strip Paths – When enabled, the paths for assets (bitmap textures, proxies, GI caches loaded from file, etc.) are removed from the exported file and only the file names of the assets remain.
Preserve Variables – A field to specify a space-separated list of environment variables that will not be expanded when exporting the VRScene. Note: this is only supported when the Export Mode is set to Export.
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Fancy Bullets
When rendering or exporting a .vrscene with a heavy geometry or volumes in it that are not cached in an external file, a warning displays that heavy uncashed objects may slow down the rendering till the first pixel appears.