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This page provides information on the render settings in V-Ray for Houdini.


The V-Ray Renderer (vray) ROP contains a multitude of options for V-Ray. These settings include rendering speed and quality, global overrides, indirect illumination, caustics, and distributed rendering.

Additional rendering settings related to environment overrides can be accessed from the V-Ray Environment (env) node.

UI Paths

||V-Ray Shelf|| > ROP Parm button

V-Ray menu > Render Settings 

||out Network|| > V-Ray > V-Ray Renderer

||out Network|| > V-Ray > V-Ray Environment

V-Ray Renderer ROP

Render to Disk – Starts a V-Ray render.

Controls... – Launches the Houdini Render Control window.

Valid Frame Range – Specifies the frame(s) to render.

Render Current Frame – Renders the current frame.
Render Frame Range – Renders frames from the specified range set below as well as other frames if they are referenced by in-range frames.
Render Frame Range Only (Strict) – Only renders the frames in the specified range set below.

Start/End/Inc – Specifies the range of frames to render (start frame, end frame, and increment).

Render With Take – Renders using the settings from a specified take.

Bake to Texture – When enabled, exposes the Bake tab which contains the Texture Baking controls for the Renderer. V-Ray produces an image in UV space instead of rendering through the specified camera.

Camera – Specifies the camera to render from. The camera specified by this path must be a valid camera object in the scene, otherwise nothing is rendered and an error is logged in the console.

Additional Cameras – Specifies additional cameras to export to a .vrscene file. Later, they can be used with their scene_name parameter.

Override Camera Resolution – When enabled, the camera's resolution is overridden, and the resolution specified from the V-Ray Renderer is used instead.

Resolution Scale – Specifies the resolution of the camera.

Resolution – Specifies the resolution when the Resolution Scale is set to User Specified Resolution.

Pixel Aspect Ratio – Specifies the pixel aspect ratio.

Environment – Specifies the Environment ROP to use with the current Renderer. Multiple V-Ray Renderer nodes can link to the same Environment.

V-Ray Renderer Tabs

  • Export – Provides IPR rendering options, as well as setting .vrscene export and selecting the rendering engine (GPU, RTX, CPU).
  • Bake – Provides options for texture baking. Visible only when Bake to Texture is enabled.
  • Images – Controls the output render image settings.
  • Renderer – Holds a number of important settings defining the final V-Ray output.
  • Effects – Controls the V-Ray Volumetric effects.
  • Objects – Specifies a list of objects/lights to be exported for rendering. This tab also contains parameters that are standard for Houdini. For more information, visit Houdini's documentation.
  • Script – This tab is standard for Houdini. For more information, visit Houdini's documentation.
  • Post Translate – Exposes options for Python Post Translate of .vrscenes.

Environment Node

The Environment node render settings are accessed by creating a V-Ray Environment node. See the V-Ray Environment page for additional information.


  • You can set different ROP parameters in a scene. Shift+Left-click on the ROP Parm shelf button to switch between different ROP settings.
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