© Taichi Kobayashi

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This page provides information on the Post Translate tab of the V-Ray Renderer settings.


The Post Translate tab exposes options for Python Post Translate of .vrscenes. You can import a script file or write a script directly in Houdini to control plugin parameters.

The V-Ray for Houdini's Post Translate support is based on AppSDK Python binding.

Main Parameters

Use File – Enable to use a Python post-translate file.

File – Adds a Python post-translate file.

Use Script – Enable to use a Python post-translate script.

Script (Python) – Adds a Python post-translate script.


Advanced Parameters

File – Shows the number of post-translate files.

Add – Adds another instance.

Delete– Removes last instance.

Clear – Clears all instances.

Remove – Removes a post-translate file.

Insert Before – Inserts a post-translate file before the current file.

Use – Enable to use the post-translate file.

File (*.py) – Adds a post-translate file.


Example: List Scene Plugins

import os
import vray
from vfh import vfh_utils

with vray.VRayRenderer() as renderer:
    for plugin in renderer.plugins:
        vfh_utils.logInfo('plugin ' + plugin.getName() + ' (class ' + plugin.getType() + '):\n')

Example: Change Color

import vray
r = vray.VRayRenderer()
p = r.plugins["|mat|vrayMaterialBuilder|vrayMtl"]
p.diffuse = vray.AColor(0, 1, 1, 1)

Example: Automatically Switch off Displacement for Phantom objects

import vray

from vfh import vfh_utils

renderer = vray.VRayRenderer()

for node in renderer.plugins:
    if node.getType() != 'Node':
    if not node.object_properties:

    objProps = node.object_properties
    needFix = objProps.camera_visibility == 0 or objProps.matte_surface == 1
    if not needFix:

    instancer = node.geometry
    if not instancer.instances:

    for instance in instancer.instances[1:]: # First item is time
        instancedNode = instance[-1] # Node is last
        if type(instancedNode) is not vray.Plugin:
        if instancedNode.getType() != 'Node':
        if instancedNode.geometry.getType() in {'GeomDisplacedMesh', 'GeomStaticSmoothedMesh' }:
            instancedNode.geometry = instancedNode.geometry.mesh

            vfh_utils.syslog("Disabling displacement for \'%s\"" % instancedNode)

Here, you can check how the script changes the render. 


Example: Convert textures to TX format before rendering

import os
import vray
import subprocess
from vfh import vfh_utils

def convertToTX(f):
    make_tx = os.path.join(os.environ['VRAY_APPSDK'], 'bin', 'maketx.exe')
    cmdArgs = [
    call = ' '.join(cmdArgs)
    proc = subprocess.Popen(call, universal_newlines=True)
    return os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.tx'

with vray.VRayRenderer() as renderer:
    for plugin in renderer.plugins:
        if (plugin.getType() == 'BitmapBuffer'):
            if(os.path.splitext(plugin.file)[1] != '.tx'):
                if( not os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(plugin.file)[0] + '.tx')):
                    plugin.file = convertToTX(plugin.file)
                    plugin.file = os.path.splitext(plugin.file)[0] + '.tx'

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