The V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB 2) is a second generation V-Ray virtual frame buffer.
UI Text Box
Since V-Ray 5, update 1, onward, the old V-Ray Frame Buffer is no longer supported.
The VFB is much more than a render image holder window, with Light Mix capabilities for modifying the scene lighting after rendering and Layer Compositing for a higher level of post-processing adjustments.
Image preview: Loads render elements channels via a dropdown list; Works with display corrections; Loads various 8bit and 32bit file formats, including V-Ray resumable files; Image comparison between 2 or 4 renders;
Image management: Keeps the rendered image in full 32-bit floating point format; Can store history of rendered images with their post rendering corrections; Can save corrected output to various image formats;
Image editing and post processing: Add Color Corrections to rendered image and its elements; Layer Compositing for anything from a simple Back to Beauty workflow or advanced compositing; LightMix adjustment of the scene lighting after rendering the image;
Scene editing: Can modify actual lights values by transferring updated intensity and color from LightMix mode;
Render management: Denoiser control; Region rendering control and test resolution; Allows you to choose the order in which the buckets are rendered.