The V-Ray Masks are used to refine only selected parts of the rendered image in the VFB. They can be applied to Color correction layers, Lens Effects, the Denoiser, Folders and also to Render Elements (when the Source layer is set to Composite) in the VFB layers tree.
V-Ray Mask can be created using the Add layer button. The same option is available in the right-click context menu of the layer tree under the New layer category. There's also a quick Mask creation button in the Properties area of folders and layers. When one or more masks are applied to a folder or layer, a mask icon is placed in front of it in the layer tree to signify its presence. The parameters of each mask are available in their own separate tabs to the Properties of the masked layer or folder.
The masked areas are defined by selection of objects, materials, groups, layers, etc. To specify them, respective Render Elements must be available in the rendered image. Currently, there are three Mask types: Integer Mask, MultiMatte Mask, and Cryptomatte Mask.
UI Path:
||V-Ray Frame Buffer|| > Layers > Select layer or folder > Add button ||V-Ray Frame Buffer|| > Layers > Select layer or folder > right-click menu New Layer option ||V-Ray Frame Buffer|| > Layers > Select layer or folder > Properties > Add new mask layer button
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Note that you must select a Folder, the Lens Effects layer, the Denoiser layer, or a Color Correction layer to use masks. Otherwise, the masks are inactive.
Image Modified
The following parameters are common for all masks:
Blending – Determines how multiple masks are blended together over a single correction layer:
Overwrite – Sets the current mask as it is, without blending it with the masks before it (standing on its left). Add – Adds the current mask to the result of all masks before it. This is the default mode. Subtract – Subtracts the mask from the result of all masks before it. Multiply – Multiplies the mask with the result of all masks before it. Divide – Divides the mask by the result of all masks before it.
Element – Specifies the render element from which the mask is read. Only render elements available in the rendered image and compatible with the type of the mask are listed in the drop down.
Opacity – (Mask opacity multiplier) Determines to what degree the selected layer obscures or reveals the layer beneath it. Even if there’s only one mask child, you can modify its opacity. The opacity is multiplied with the mask color.
Show preview when selected - When enabled, shows a preview of the mask if the mask is selected.
Invertmask – When enabled, inverts the mask results.
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Multiple masks can be combined, e.g. an Exposure layer with two masks to it. The blending mode parameter to the first mask (the one on the left) is not considered and is always grayed out.
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Note that all masks are created with Blending mode set to Add. If there is only one mask child, the blending mode has no effect.
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When seeing masks in preview (i.e. the Show preview when selected option is enabled), the name of the layer/folder that contains the mask(s) is in bold in the layers tree.
Note that the preview cannot be saved.
– Аdds a new mask layer.
– Shows all tabs of the currently selected color correction layer.
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When a mask is added to a layer, the Show masks' preview option is available in the layer's Parameters tab. This options shows a preview of the masks when selected.