Randomize by– Using this option, the occlusion can be controlled by a texture map or shader.
Primitives – When this mode is used, each of the items (color or textures) are randomly distributed on each mesh primitive (triangle). Material name – When this mode is used, the items (color or textures) are randomly applied to the different materials the Multi shader is assigned to. Objects – When this mode is used, each of the items (color or textures) are randomly distributed on each of the instances (objects). Material tag index – When this mode is used, each of the items (color or textures) are randomly distributed based on the object’s material ID. Material ID – When this mode is used, each of the items (color or textures) are randomly distributed based on the material’s Buffer ID.
UI Text Box
Material IDs can be set via the advanced tab in each material.
Object buffer ID – When this mode is used, each of the items (color or textures) are distributed based on the object’s Buffer ID.
UI Text Box
Object Buffer's IDs can be set using the Corona Compositing tag for each object.
Mesh Element – When this mode is used, items (color or textures) are randomly distributed on all mesh elements (in case the mesh consists of multiple elements). Polygon – When this mode is used, items (color or textures) are randomly distributed on all mesh faces. (only available in Corona 8 and newer) Decal – When this mode is used, items (color or textures) are randomly distributed per decal object. (only available in Corona 8 and newer) Tile ID– Randomizes by different tiles if Corona Tile Map is used. Multiple properties – This option allows you to randomize the result by combining different modes.
Batch load textures – This option allows you to load multiple texture maps at the same time.
Layer count – This value defines the number of elements (layers) that are randomized.
Mix amount – This value controls the blending of all elements (layers). A value of 100% completely blends all element's colors or textures.
Seed – This value creates different randomizations.
Hue random – This value randomizes the Hue for each element (layer).
Saturation random – This value randomizes the Saturation for each element (layer).
Gamma random – This value randomizes the Gamma for each element (layer).