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This page contains information about the V-Ray ColorCorrect node.


The V-Ray Color Corect (Max) texture works with the Red, Green and Blue channels of a texture map and allows them to be remapped to different colors. In the example shown here, the Red Offset is set to -0.5, the Green Offset is set to 0.5 and the Blue Offset is set to 0.5. The texture itself is a fabric texture. The image on the Left is the original texture and the one on the right shows the texture after being changed by V-Ray Color Correct.



Texture Map  The input texture slot. Any kind of texture map can be used.


This rollout is used to pre-process the colors in RGB space.

Enabled – Turns on/off all of the RGB space pre-processing operations.

Brightness  An amount added to all RGBA channels. Affects alpha.

Contrast – Scales the RGBA channel values around 50% intensity. 0% contrast produces 50% gray regardless the input color. Affects alpha.

Gamma  Modifies the RGBA channel values exponentially. Gamma is a non-linear operation which does not change black (0%) and white (100%) while changing the other values. Higher gamma values produce darker mid-tones while lower gamma values produce brighter mid-tones. Affects alpha.

Make Grayscale – R, G and B channels are set to average of those 3 channels, gives a gray-scale image.

Invert – RGB channels are inverted around 50% resulting negative of the input image.

Unmultiply the Alpha  If the source texture has alpha channel, RGB channel values are normally multiplied with the alpha channel value. For example, if a white pixel has 50% alpha, it's stored as %50 gray. This provides faster compositing operations since RGB values are already multiplied with alpha. 

Clamp  RGBA channels are clamped by the specified Clamp Min/Max values. The normal range of the parameters is [0..1] but it can still specify values out of this range to clamp HDRI images. Affects alpha.

Clamp Min/Max – Controls Clamp.

Normalize Clamped Input (0-1)– Available only when the Clamp is enabled. Clamps colors are scaled so that they map to [0..1] range again after the clamp operation. Affects alpha.

HSL Correction

Manipulates the channels in HSL space. If this section is active, RGB color from the previous rollout is converted to HSL space, processed and then converted back to RGB space before passing to the next stage.

Enabled – Enables the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance controls.

Hue Offset  Offset value is added to the Hue channel.

Hue Gain – Offset value is added to the Hue channel, not multiplied.

Saturation Offset – Offset value is added to the Saturation channel

Saturation Gain – Saturation Channel is multiplied by the Value.

Lightness Offset  Offset value is added to the channel.

Lightness Gain – Lightness Channel is multiplied by the Value.

HSV Correction

Manipulate the channels in HSV space. If this section is active, RGB color from the previous rollouts are converted to HSV space, processed and then converted back to RGB space before passing to the next stage.

Enabled – Enables the Hue, Saturation, and Value controls.

Hue Offset – Offset value is added to the Hue channel.

Hue Gain – Offset value is added to the Hue channel, not multiplied.

Saturation Offset – Offset value is added to the Saturation channel.

Saturation Gain – Saturation Channel is multiplied by the Gain.

Value Offset – Offset value is added to the channel.

Value Gain – Value Channel is multiplied by the Gain.

RGBA Channel Mapping

This section is used to remap channels RGBA channels and apply offset and gain to them.

Enabled – Turns on the RGBA channel mapping.

R, G, B and A channel selectors – These 4 drop-downs remap different values in each channel. Select from channel values at different stages of the ColorCorrect pipeline.

  • Red, Green, Blue, Alpha: These are the resulting channel values of all previous operations.
  • Intensity: Average of the Red, Green and Blue channels.
  • In Red, In Green, In Blue, In Alpha: These are the unprocessed input channel values.
  • In Intensity: Average of the In Red, In Green and In Blue channels.
  • HSL Hue, HSL Saturation, HSL Lightness: These are the HSL stage's result values.
  • HSV Hue, HSV Saturation, HSV Value: These are the HSV stage's result values.

Offset & Gain – For each channel there are two parameters Offset and Gain. An offset value is added to the channel while the gain is multiplied.

Premultiply the New Alpha – Multiply RGB channels with the resulting alpha value.


Enabled – Turns on/off post-processing.

Make Grayscale – R, G and B channels are set to average of those 3 channels, gives a gray-scale output.

Invert  RGB channels are inverted around 50% resulting negative of the input image.

Clamp – RGBA channels are clamped by the specified min and max values. The normal range of the parameters is [0..1] values out of this range  can be used to clamp HDRI images. Affects alpha.

Clamp Min/Max – Controls Clamp.

Normalize Clamped Input (0-1) – Available only when the Clamp is enabled. Clamps colors are scaled so that they map to [0..1] range again after the clamp operation. Affects alpha.

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