© Bertrand Benoit

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This page provides a table of currently supported features by V-Ray for Unreal.

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These features are supported by V-Ray for Unreal. Currently supported versions of Unreal Engine are 4.24.3, 4.25.4 and 4.26.1

For best results when importing vrscene files make sure your scenes are authored and optimized for V-Ray GPU Next or V-Ray GPU 3.6.

All supported features from Unreal Engine are listed in the Rendering table below.

Only Render nodes for V-Ray Next are supported.

V-Ray for Unreal only supports normal maps in tangent space.

V-Ray for Unreal uses only the V-Ray Hybrid engine.



Listed Supported Features

Importing vrscene files

3ds Max Physical Camera (info)

  • Film/Sensor - Preset; Width
  • Lens - Focal Length; Specify FOV; Aperture; Custom Focus Distance
  • Shutter - Type 1/seconds; Duration
  • Exposure Gain - Manual
  • White Balance Custom

VRay Physical Camera (info)

Focus Distance; Target Distance; Field of view; Film gate; Focal length; Film Speed (ISO); F-number; Shutter speed(s^-1); Exposure; Custom White balance;  Near Clipping Plane
  • Triangle meshes
  • VRayProxy - initial support, no animated meshes
  • UV channels 0, 1, 2, 3
  • Initial support for displaced/smoothed meshes
  • Standard  (info)
    • Spotlight - Light - On/Off; Shadows - On/Off; Multiplier; Decay type - None, Inverse Square; Hotspot; Falloff
    • Omni - Light - On/Off; Shadows - On/Off; Multiplier; Decay type - None, Inverse Square
    • Direct - Light - On/Off; Shadows - On/Off; Multiplier
  • Photometric (info)
    • Photometric web - Light - On/Off; Shadows - On/Off; Photometric Web profile; Filter Color; Intensity in lumens
  • V-Ray
    • Dome light (info) - Light - On/Off; Units - Default image; Multiplier; Color; Texture
    • Sphere light (info) - Light - On/Off; Color; Temperature; Units - Default image, Luminous power; Multiplier; Cast Shadows - On/Off
    • Rectangle light (info) - Enabled - On/Off; Light color; Temperature; Intensity multiplier; Units - Default image, Lumens; Invisible - On/Off;   Directional; Shadows - On/Off
    • (plus) NEW - Mesh light (info) – Light - On/Off; Units - Default image; Multiplier; Color; Temperature; Invisible - On/Off;
    • IES light (info) - Enabled - On/Off; IES file; Cast shadows - On/Off; Color; Temperature; Intensity type - lumens
    • Sun (info) - Enabled - On/Off; Turbidity; Sky model - Hosek et al.
  • VRayMtl (info) - Diffuse; Reflect; Refract; Bump; Refl. Gloss; Refr. Gloss; IOR; Fresnel IOR; Opacity; Self-Illumination
  • VRay2SidedMtl (info) - Front material; Translucency
  • VRayBumpMtl (info) - Base mtl; Bump map; Bump amount
  • VRayLightMtl (info) - Color; Multiplier; Texture; Opacity
  • Bitmap
  • VRayHDRI
  • VRayNormalMap

Textures with file format:

  • .bmp
  • .png
  • .tga
  • .jpg
  • .hdr
  • 3ds Max Exposure Control
  • VRay Exposure Control
Importing vrscene files

VRay Physical Camera

  • Focus Distance; Target Distance; Field of view; Film gate; Focal length; Film Speed (ISO); F-number; Shutter speed(s^-1); Exposure; Custom White balance; Near Clipping Plane
  • Triangle meshes
  • VRayProxy - initial support, no animated meshes
  • UV channels 0, 1, 2, 3
  • Initial support for displaced/smoothed meshes
  • V-Ray
    • Dome light - Light - On/Off; Units - Default image; Multiplier; Color; Texture
    • Sphere light - Light - On/Off; Color; Temperature; Units - Default image, Luminous power; Multiplier; Cast Shadows - On/Off
    • Rectangle light - Enabled - On/Off; Light color; Temperature; Intensity multiplier; Units - Default image, Lumens; Directional; Shadows - On/Off
    • (plus) NEW - Mesh light – Light - On/Off; Units - Default image; Multiplier; Color; Temperature; Invisible - On/Off;
    • IES light - Enabled - On/Off; IES file; Cast shadows - On/Off; Color; Temperature; Intensity type - lumens
    • Sun - Enabled - On/Off; Turbidity; Sky model - Hosek et al.
  • VRayMtl
  • VRay2SidedMtl
  • VRayBumpMtl
  • VRayLightMtl
  • File
  • Gamma

Textures with file format:

  • .bmp
  • .png
  • .tga
  • .jpg
  • .hdr
  • VRay Exposure Control

Rendering and Light Baking
  • Camera Actor – Transformations
  • Cine Camera Actor – Transformations
  • Static Meshes (info)

  • Geometry Brushes (info)
  • Blueprint Actors with Static Meshes (info)
  • Foliage (info)
  •  Landscapes (info)
  • Point Light (info) – Intensity; Light Color; Intensity Units - Unitless, Candelas, Lumens; Source Radius; Temperature; Affects World; Cast Shadows; Use Inverse Squared Falloff; Specular Scale
  • Spot Light (info) – Intensity; Light Color; Intensity Units - Unitless, Candelas, Lumens; Inner Cone Angle; Outer Cone Angle; Source Radius; Temperature; Affects World; Cast Shadows; Use Inverse Squared Falloff; Specular Scale; IES Texture
  • Rect Light (info) – Intensity; Light Color; Intensity Units - Unitless, Candelas, Lumens; Source Width; Source Height; Temperature; Affects World; Cast Shadows
  • Directional Light (info) - Intensity; Light Color; Temperature; Affects World; Cast Shadows; Light Source Angle
  •  Sky Light – Source Type; Cubemap; Source Cubemap Angle; Intensity Scale; Light Color; Affects World; Cast Shadows; Lower Hemisphere Is Solid Color; Lower Hemisphere Color

Supported expressions:

  • Constant (info)
    • Constant
    • Constant2Vector
    • Constant3Vector
    • Constant4vector
    • Time
    • TwoSidedSign
    • VertexColor
    • ViewProperty
  • Coordinates (info)
    • ObjectRadius
    • Panner
    • Rotator
    • ScreenPosition
    • TextureCoordinate
    • WorldPosition
  • Depth (info)
    • PixelDepth
  • Functions (info)
    • FunctionInput
    • FunctionOutput
    • MaterialFunctionCall
    • StaticBool
    • StaticSwitch
  • Material Attributes (info)
    • BreakMaterialAttribute
    • GetMaterialAttributes
    • MakeMaterialAttribute
    • SetMaterialAttributes
  • Math (info)
    • Abs
    • Add
    • AppendVector
    • Arccosine
    • ArccosineFast
    • Arcsine
    • ArcsineFast
    • Arctangent
    • Arctangent2
    • Arctangent2fast
    • ArctangentFast
    • Ceil
    • Clamp
    • ComponentMask
    • Cosine
    • CrossProduct
    • Divide
    • DotProduct
    • Floor
    • Fmod
    • Frac
    • If
    • LinearInterpolate
    • Logarithm2
    • Max
    • Min
    • Multiply
    • Normalize
    • OneMinus
    • Power
    • Round
    • Saturate
    • Sign
    • Sine
    • SquareRoot
    • Subtract
    • Tangent
    • Truncate
  • Parameters (info)
    • ScalarParameter
    • StaticBoolParameter
    • StaticSwitchParameter
    • VectorParameter
    • TextureObjectParameter
    • TextureSample2DParameter
  • Texture (info)
    • TextureObject
    • TextureSample
  • Utilities (info)
    • BumpOffset
    • ConstantBiasScale
    • DDX
    • DDY
    • Desaturate
    • Distance
    • Fresnel
    •  RotateAboutAxis
    • SphereMask
  • VectorOps (info)
    • CameraPositionWS
    • CameraVectorWS
    • ObjectPositionWS
    • PixelNormalWS
    • ReflectionVectorWS
    • Transform
    • TransformPosition
    • VertexNormalWS

Supported Inputs (info) :

  • Base Color
  • Metallic
  • Specular
  • Roughness
  • Emissive Color
  • Opacity
  • Opacity Mask
  • Normal
  • Subsurface Color
  • Clear Coat
  • Clear Coat Roughness
  • Clear Coat Bottom Normal

Supported Blend Modes (info) :

  • Opaque
  • Masked
  • Translucent
  • Alpha Composite

Supported Shading Models (info) :

  • Unlit
  • Default Lit
  • Subsurface
  • Clear Coat
  • Two Sided Foliage

Supported Material Options

  • Tangent Space Normal

Texture with Compression Settings (info) :

  • Default
  • Normalmap
  • Masks
  • Grayscale
  • Displacementmap
  • HDR
  • Alpha
  • HDRCompressed

Texture Settings (info) :

  • Flip Green Channel

  Adjustment Settings (info) :

  •  Brightness
  • Brightness Curve
  • Vibrance
  • Saturation
  • RGBCurve
  • Hue

Textures with file format:

  • .bmp
  • .png
  • .tga
  • .jpg
  • .hdr
  • Sequencer animation with Static Meshes
  • Project packaging/cooking into a standalone application
  • Unreal tone mapper and Post Processes  in viewport rendering
Rendering and Light Baking
  • VRayPhysicalCamera BP (info)
    • Current Camera Settings – Sensor Width, Sensor Height; Focus Method; Manual Focus Distance; Current Focal Length
    • V-Ray Physical Camera Settings – Enable Exposure; 3ds max Compatible; Film Speed(ISO); Shutter Speed S^-1; F-number; White Balance, Reinhard Burn Value; Distortion Type; Amount; Near Clip Plane
  • VRaySunAndSky BP (info) –  On, Azimuth, Elevation, Turbidity, Ozone, Intensity Multiplier, Size Multiplier, Set for Light Bake, Affect Diffuse, Affect Specular
    VRayLightDome BP (info) –  On, Use Dome Tex, Dome Tex, Dome Tex Rotation, Dome Color, Intensity, Invisible, Set for Light Bake,  Dome Tex Resolution, Affect Diffuse, Affect Specular, Affect Reflections
  • VRayLightRect BP (info) – Enable, Is Disc, Length/Radius, Width, Multiplier, Cast Shadows, Color, Directional, Invisible, Set for Light Bake, Affect Diffuse, Affect Specular, Affect Reflections
  • VRayLightMesh BP (info) – Enabled, Static Mesh, Multiplier, Cast Shadows, Color, Invisible, Affect Diffuse, Affect Specular, Affect Reflections
Material Instances, V-Ray Material Instances with V-Ray Parent Materials:


  • VRayMtl (info)
  • VRayCarpaintUberMtl (info)
  • VRayPBRMtl (info)
Light Baking
  • Light bake with V-Ray Bake (info)
  • Exporting Lightmaps (info)
  • Process Atlases
  • Importing Lightmaps (info)
Render Elements
  • Denoiser (NVidia Ai, V-Ray) (info)
  • Background, GI, Lighting, Reflection, Refraction, Specular, Self Illumination, Sub Surface Scattering (info)
  • Diffuse Filter, Reflection Filter, Refraction Filter, Shadows (info)
  • RenderID (info)
  • NEWCryptomatte (info)
  • Normals, Bump Normals, Sampler Info, Velocity, ZDepth (info)
  • Light Select (info)
  • Sample Rate, Unclamped Color, Noise Level (info)
  • Export .vrscene file 
  •  Export Light bake atlas .vrscene file
  • (plus) NEW - Chaos Cloud

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