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This page provides information about the V-Ray Enmesh geometry.


The VRayEnmesh geometry 'coats' an object’s surface with a repeating pattern of a rendered geometry that follows the UVW space of that geometry.

The default gizmo created in the viewport defines the reference object. Its size and placement can be adjusted. The Crop Box Size parameters reflect the gizmo size. When first assigned, the gizmo is auto-fitted to the object's extent in object space. When multiple meshes are selected, the crop box gizmo should fit them all.

Enmesh-Patterns are now available within the Chaos Cosmos Browser. See the Cosmos Browser page for more information.

Use small objects as Reference objects. The bigger the object is, the more computing power is needed for render. Thus, the render time is increased.  


Source Object – Shows the object used as a source.

Reference Objects – Meshes used as a repeating pattern are added to this list. To remove a mesh from the list, select the mesh and press the Delete key. When an object is added to the list, the  icon appears next to it. This determines whether the object's children are considered reference objects. It is disabled by default.

Crop Box Size X/Y/Z – Sets the gizmo size along the X/Y/Z axis.

Lock Crop Box Aspect Ratio When enabled, the aspect ratio of the current Crop Box size parameters is locked. Future changes to any Crop Box size parameter cause the others to adjust, so the ratio is kept.

Height % – Sets the resulting VRayEnmesh height based on the Crop box size Z. 100% means using the original crop box height.

Height offset % – Sets the VRayEnmesh geometry offset along the surface normals based on the Crop box Z size.

Use Polygon Selections – When enabled, only the Reference Object's selected polygons are used to create the enmesh. When disabled, the Source Object's selected polygons are used for the enmesh.

Use Mesh UVW Mapping – When enabled, uses the Reference Object's mesh UVW for shading. When disabled, it uses the Source Object's UVW for shading. This option is enabled by default.

Fit in Object Space – Тhe gizmo fits the position and size of the added object.

Surface Parameters

Tiling U/V – Sets a pattern tiling in UVW space. Use these parameters according to your UVs size.

Lock UV Tiling Aspect Ratio – When enabled, the ratio between the two Tiling options is locked. Future changes to any Tiling parameter cause the others to adjust, so the ratio is kept.

Rotation – Sets a pattern rotation in UVW space.

Offset U/V – Sets a pattern offset along the U/V axis.

Random Offset U/V – Takes the static U/V offset as a base and adds it when calculating the randomization effect.

Use Random Rotation Steps – When enabled, the Random rotation option is based on a 360/X where X is the Steps count. For example, if Random rotation is set to 4, the pattern mesh is randomly rotated on a 90-degree step (360/4) with a 30-degree offset - 30, 120, 210, 300, 390 (30).

Random Rotation – The pattern mesh is rotated in the +/- interval of the given value.