Table of Contents

This page provides information on the Corona Mix Map map, its settings, and usage.


The Corona Mix map allows for blending two input maps (be it procedural maps or bitmaps) and a "Mix amount" mask, using operations similar to blending modes commonly found in 2D compositing software.

CoronaMix works correctly with the Bump channel in a CoronaMtl.


Mix Parameters

Mix Operation – Available blending modes:

  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Multiply
  • Divide
  • Minimum (Darken)
  • Maximum (Lighten)
  • Mix
  • Gamma
  • Difference
  • Screen
  • Overlay
  • Color Dodge
  • Color Burn
  • Linear Burn
  • Linear Light (Add Sub)
  • Soft Light
  • Hard Light
  • Vivid Light
  • Pin Light
  • Hard Mix
  • Exclusion

Mix amount – Defines the amount of mixed layers.

Perform mixing in sRGB space – When enabled, this map operates in the sRGB color space, similar to popular 2D image editing software, making the results of advanced operations such as Screen and Overlay identical between Corona and these applications.

Click here to learn more about the "Perform mixing in sRGB space" checkbox...

This scheme illustrates how the "Perform mixing in sRGB space" affects the final result of the mixing operation. 

When the checkbox is enabled, it converts the inputs to the sRGB space, mixes them, and then converts the result back to linear space. 

When the checkbox is disabled, it mixes the inputs without any conversion. 

Top Layer

Input – Allows to select the color for Top Layer using Corona Color Picker or load a texmap.

Multiplier – Value that makes the top layer stronger/subtler.

Contrast – Controls the contrast of the Top Layer input.

Base Layer

Input – Allows to select the color for Base Layer using Corona Color Picker or load a texmap.

Multiplier – Value that makes the base layer stronger/subtler.

Contrast – Controls the contrast of the Base Layer input.


Displacement details

In this example, a 3ds Max Gradient Ramp map and a Noise map are blended together using the Corona Mix map. The result is used as displacement to create a material simulating a simple landscape.

The original geometry seen in the viewport

Material setup (using the Add operation)

Mix operation: Add

Mix operation: Color Dodge

Mix operation: Difference

Mix operation: Multiply

Mix operation: Overlay

Mix operation: Screen

Coloring and color randomization

In this example, a grayscale tree leaf bitmap is colorized using the Corona Mix map in Multiply mode. The grayscale map is mixed with a Corona Multi Map, which additionally allows for per-leaf color randomization.

Rendered result:

Blending Ambient Occlusion with the underlying texture

In this example, the Corona Mix map is used to blend the base texture (concrete) with an Ambient Occlusion node to produce weathering effect.

Rendered result:

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