Table of Contents

Official Release

Date - November 11, 2021




New Features

Material tab

  • Material name searching, type filtering and sorting(name and creation)
  • Select the material of the selected object button


  • Drag-and-drop material assignment with preview
  • Alt+drag-and-drop replaces material on all object with same material
  • Ctrl+drag-and-drop assigns material to objects and its children


  • Support for ply, obj, bin, geo, hclassic, bgeo, bhclassic, prt, and partial (no animation, hair and particles) support for alembic files





  • Cosmos browser doesn't show importer choice inside Chaos Vantage when multiple importers are running

  • Motion blur is not allowed for non-perspective (Cube 6x1, Spherical and stereo) cameras.


  • Optimized memory usage of texture files with a single color

  • Optimized memory usage for material previews

  • Implemented HDRI environment and dome light creation and updating


Live Link

  • Several parameters not working in the Render Animation via Live Link dialog in 3ds Max


  • Incorrect frame rate when rendering through console

.vantage file

  • Animation editor settings not getting saved to .vantage file

Material tab

  • Wrong material thumbnails after loading a new scene
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