Official Release
Date - December 16, 2021
Place tool now locks the selected object's current orientation while SHIFT key is pressed
- A sample HDR file is loaded when opening non-vrscene files
- Added progress indication when importing FBX, OBJ, 3DS, PLY, STL, TER, DAE, GLTF file formats
- Better parity when using the VRayUVWRandomizer in V-Ray for Cinema4D
Non-vrscene files
- Default up direction (now Y) for OBJ and 3DS files
Live Link
- Animation rendering started with Vantage UI renders the same frame over and over
- Animation synchronization bug in 3ds Max
.vantage file
- Deleting an instance of an appended scene resulting in an incorrectly saved .vantage file
- Excessive shared GPU memory usage with certain large .OBJ scenes
- HDR rotation not importing with vrscene generated from Revit
Non-vrscene files
- TerraGen (.ter) files doesn't import
- Camera view getting reset to the original camera after placing an asse
- Pressing ESC while using Place tool makes selected object to be unselectable
- Issues when switching between Still and Sequence in the Render setup dialog