Table of Contents

This page offers a quick starting point for distributing objects onto other objects using Chaos Scatter in Chaos Vantage.

Create Scatter objects

Click the Create new Chaos Scatter object (Vantage_Scatter_Create.png) button in the top toolbar.

Alternatively, go to the Objects tab in the Right panel, locate the Scene outliner and click the Create new Chaos Scatter object (Vantage_Scatter_Create.png) button.

This creates a Chaos Scatter object in the Objects list and displays the parameters of the Scatter object when selected.

Go to the Common settings tab of the Details panel. Using the Pick scene object(s) (Vantage_Scatter_Pick.png) button, pick a distribute-on target object. You can pick more than one object. The object(s) you picked serves as a surface on which the instances are distributed.

Then select an instanced model object using the Pick a scene object(s) (Vantage_Scatter_Pick.png) button. You can pick more than one object. The object is then instanced multiple times onto the distribute-on target objects.

With Chaos Vantage 2, update 4, if you have more the one Scatter objects, you can search for them in the Search Field of the Objects tab.

Modify Scatter objects

For more information about the individual Scatter parameters, check the Chaos Scatter Details page.

The Spline scattering tab allows you to control the number of instances on splines when the 1D scattering mode is set.

The Surface scattering tab allows you to control the number of instances and their alignment when the 2D scattering mode is set.

The Volume scattering tab allows you to control the number of instances and volume density when 3D scattering mode is set.

The video on the right shows the difference between the 2D and 3D scattering modes.

The Translate tab allows you to control the random positioning of the instances.

The Rotation tab allows you to control the random rotation of the instances.

The Slope and altitude limit tab allows you to limit the scattered instances to "slopes" at a specific angle or to a given altitude range.

The Look at tab allows you to turn scattered objects to specific directions.

The Scale tab allows you to scale the instances randomly.

The Areas tab allows you to modify affected scattering areas.

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