This page provides a quick starting point on how to navigate around the scene in Chaos Vantage.
Navigation in Chaos Vantage's viewport is controlled through various inputs like mouse buttons, keyboard keys, or a combination of both. The navigation can be set to function like in 3ds Max, SketchUp, or Maya. See the Scene Navigation page for more details.
The shortcuts demonstrated in the videos here are set using the 3ds Max navigation preset.
For a full list of hotkeys, go to Edit > Mouse and Key Shortcuts, where you can select a preset and customize the shortcuts.
Want to follow along but don’t have a license?
Hold the middle mouse button to move the camera sideways (dolly).
To orbit, hold the Alt key and drag with the middle mouse button. You can control the center of rotation from the Navigate around buttons in the toolbar.
Ctrl+Alt+middle mouse button lets you smooth zoom in and out. You can also scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
Free look mode
In Free look mode ( button or hotkey `), you can use the W, A, S, and D keys to navigate in the scene.
The E and Q keys move the camera up and down.
Press the ` or Esc key to exit the mode.
Edit mode
While in Edit mode, holding the right mouse button allows you to use the W, A, S, D, E and Q keys for navigation as well.
With the latest versions, the hotkey for Free look mode is ` instead of F2.