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This page offers a quick starting point on operating with objects in Chaos Vantage.

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Here are some of the operations you can perform with objects in Chaos Vantage:

Load objects

You can drag-n-drop any supported file (.vrscene, .vrmesh, .ply, .abc, .obj, .fbx, .3ds, .stl, .ter, .dae, .gltf) directly into Chaos Vantage and choose Open to load it.

When loading a scene, if the assets (textures, proxies) are missing from their original paths or the scene folder, Chaos Vantage looks for them next to where the .vrscene file is in a folder that has one of the following names:

assets, maps, proxy, textures, vray_proxy

Merge / Place objects

You can drag-n-drop a .vrmesh or .vrscene file, choose to Place (adds the asset at the position and orientation of the indicator) or Merge (adds the asset at world position 0,0,0) the new asset in the currently opened scene.

This example places a .vrscene file and adds a .vrmesh file.

Select objects

Any object in a scene can be selected with the help of the Select (Vantage_TopToobar_Select.PNG) tool (hotkey: Q).

Move, Rotate, and Scale objects

You can rotate, scale, and move each object around. Select the object and press W for moving, E for rotation, and R for scale. Press the Q key to go back to selection. Use the Esc key to deselect all objects in the scene.

Alternatively, use the top toolbar buttons for Move (Vantage_TopToobar_Move.PNG), Rotate (Vantage_TopToobar_Rotate.PNG), and Scale (Vantage_TopToobar_Scale.PNG).

Assign materials to objects

The Materials tab can be used to assign any material to the selected object using the Assign this material to the selection(Vantage_Objects_AssignMaterial.png) button or by simple drag-and-drop.

Hide / Unhide objects

You can also set object's visibility from the Objects tab or use the default shortcut keys, after selection, V to hide and Shift+V to unhide .

The right-click dropdown menu offers a variety of options for material assignment. To show the options, simply right-click on any material thumbnail in the Materials tab.

To use the dropdown menu options, first select an object(s) in the viewport.

To assign a material with drag-and-drop you don't need to select the object in advanced.

When drag-and-dropping a new material onto an object that has another material already, press Alt and hold to assign the new material on all objects in the scene that have that object's original material.

Holding Ctrl when drag-and-dropping a material onto an object assigns the material to the object and its children.

Locate all objects with a specific material in the scene via the Select objects with this material dropdown option.

When in use, the Rotate, Move, and Scale tools are equipped with a gizmo designed to facilitate their respective operations. The gizmo has three axes - X, Y, and Z which enable the scaling, movement, or rotation of an object along their corresponding axes. To perform an operation across all axes simultaneously, use the pivot point (the circle in the middle of the gizmo).

When moving an object using the pivot, the object orients itself based on the normal.

Hold Shift and start moving the object to lock the object's current orientation. Release Shift and continue moving the object to change the current orientation, then hold Shift again while moving to lock the object's new orientation.

Transforms dialog menus 

Right-click on the Rotate, Move, or Scale toolbar buttons to open a Transforms dialog menus that allows finer control over the position, rotation, and scale of the selected object.

Move pivot point

Click on the Move Pivot (Vantage_TopToobar_MovePivot.png) button in the top toolbar to edit the position of the pivot point of the selected object. Right-click to open a Translate Pivot menu that allows finer control over the position of the pivot point.

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