This page provides some details on the settings available for the Force Field (PhoenixFDField) object.
This field enables the involvement of Maya particles and other dynamic objects in the fluid's motion. It requires the simulation to be performed with Velocity output channel switched on. Note that you don't need this field for particles created by the simulator itself.
When doing Liquid simulations, Phoenix populates the grid Velocity channel only for cells / voxels inside the liquid volume - empty (air) voxels contain no velocity information. To generate velocity information for the empty voxels, enable Simulate Air Effects under the Dynamics rollout of the Liquid Simulator and re-run the simulation.
See Also: Output Channels | Frame Index Transform
||Phoenix FD menu|| > Create > Force Field
Simulator Node | simNode – The name of the Phoenix Simulator node as a string.
Influence | influence – Determines how strong the fluid holds the particle. 100% means that the particle will follow the fluid exactly. Influence less than 100% causes an approaching of the particle's speed to the fluid's speed. Influence of 10% means that at every integration step the velocity of the particle will overcome 10% of the difference between its velocity and fluid's velocity.
Ignore play speed | ignoreTimeScale – If checked, the Play speed attribute of the node and the frame duration during the simulation are not taken into consideration.