Table of Contents

Build 2.10.02

Official release

Date - Jan , 2024

Download Chaos Player

New Features

  • Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8;

Improved Features

  • Faster loading of EXR files;

Bug fixes

  • Fixed installer errors preventing re-installing Chaos Player;
  • Fixed a crash when an image sequence was replaced with a video file;
  • Fixed OCIO color space applied incorrectly in some cases;

Build 2.10.01

Official release

Date - Mar 22, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a crash on startup;
  • Fixed a slowdown at startup while waiting to obtain a license;
  • Fixed corrupt export to MP4 when low compression is used;
  • Fixed stuck frames in video playback;
  • Fixed --attach flag not starting a new instance if no instances are running;
  • Fixed --attach flag not bringing the running instance to the foreground;
  • Fixed --attach_nf flag not working for attaching to an instance without bringing it to the foreground;
  • Removed file association for .PSD files;
  • Added missing file association for .CHPCMD Chaos Player Command Files;

Build 2.10.00

Official release

Date - Oct 26 2022

New Features

  • Contact Sheet

Modified Features

  • Added an option to choose a default color mapping table per file type
  • Updated playback hotkeys with J, K, L to for play backwards, stop, play forwards
  • Added additional ALT+ hotkey binding for choosing the R, G, B, A, L image channels
  • Renamed some UI elements with more intuitive names
  • Added flag aliases with the new more intuitive UI element names
  • Added a --frame command flag that aliases the --time flag for setting the current frame
  • Color sampling now shows a fixed number of digits in the information bar
  • Removed the e-mailing options from the menus
  • Associated .TX files with Chaos Player
  • Updated OpenEXR to version 2.3.0

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed command-line exporting not working because of wrong order of passing the flags (--save*, --export*)
  • Fixed halted script execuation caused some command flags triggering pop-up messages
  • Fixed corrupt header error thrown by DWAA compressed EXR files in some cases
  • Fixed numpad hotkey bindings for changing the FPS not working
  • Fixed clamped pixel info values with .HDR files
  • Fixed files with multibyte characters in the filename do not open
  • Fixed a crash when deleting multiple layers in ABCD wipe mode
  • Fixed missing file association for Chaos Player composition files
  • Fixed segmentation fault on exit on Linux
  • Fixed installation warning on Linux caused by missing check for the "chaosplayer" symlink

Build 2.00.22

Official release

Date - Apr 29 2022

New Features

  • Added read support for tiled mip-mapped .tx and .tex TIFF files

Modified features

  • Implemented OpenGL rendering for faster playback
  • Added a --enable_cpu_render startup flag for CPU rendering mode
  • Moved the pixel sampling information to the main info bar
  • Added a startup shortcut link on Linux
  • Limited the layer stack's height to display only a reasonable number of layers
  • Playback is now automatically paused when rendering to file
  • The property panel can now be scrolled by mouse dragging
  • Now reading metadata from V-Ray Image .vrimg files
  • The default color correction mode is now Gain

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken --attach command-line flag
  • Fixed wrong state of some toolbar icons
  • Removed wrong .dng file association on Windows
  • Fixed "Open Containing Folder" for layer not working

Chaos Player

Official release

Date - Jan 17, 2022

Build 2.00.21

New Features

  • Export to MP4 video files
  • Added A/B wipe compare with up to 4 inputs
  • Added HiDPI interface scaling
  • Added support for OCIO v2 configurations
  • Changed the interface color theme to neutral grey
  • Added interface workspaces layouts
  • Integrated the Chaos installer

Modified Features

  • Improved floating-point precision handling
  • Changed caching defaults for improved performance
  • Improved Full-Screen workflow
  • Extended toolbar for easier access to often used tools
  • Premultipled Alpha is now the default alpha blending mode
  • Removed the Premultiplied Mask alpha blending mode from the interface

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