Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Checker node in V-Ray for Cinema 4D.



The Checker node can be set to any color and generates a procedural checkerboard texture.




White Color – Specifies a color or texture for what would usually be the white squares on the checkerboard.

Black Color – Specifies a color or texture for what would usually be the black squares on the checkerboard.

Contrast – Controls the contrast between both colors. A lower than 1 value results in less contrast.





Color Mult – Corrects the color of the node by multiplying the RGB color values with the RGB color values specified here.

Color Offset – Corrects the color of the node by adding the RGB color values specified here to the RGB color values of the node.

Invert – Inverts the RGB texture values. 


Alpha Source – Specifies what the alpha source is:

Bitmap Alpha – Alpha channel is drawn from the texture.
Color Intensity/luminance – Alpha is generated from pixel intensity.
Force Opaque – Alpha channel is fully opaque.

Invert AlphaWhen enabled and Invert from Color Tweaks is also on, the resulting texture alpha is inverted as well.

Alpha MultSpecifies a multiplier for the texture alpha.

Alpha OffsetSpecifies an additional offset for the texture alpha.

No UVs Color – Specifies a color for all geometry without UVs.




 Placement – Specifies the way the valid portion of the texture is applied:

Whole Texture is Valid – Uses the full valid portion of the texture.
Crop – Specifies a section of the texture using the parameters below.
Place – Specifies a section of the texture and how to place it using the parameters below.

Tile U – Enables horizontal tiling.

Tile V – Enables vertical tiling.

U – Specifies the U coordinate of the valid texture sector.

V – Specifies the V coordinate of the valid texture sector.

Weight – Specifies the width of the valid texture sector.

Height – Specifies the height of the valid texture sector.

Jitter – Controls the amount of random placement variation.



UV Noise


UV Noise On – Enables noise for the texture.

Animate UV Noise – Enables noise to be animated.

UV Noise Amount – Specifies the amount of noise to add to the texture.

UV Noise Levels – Specifies the amount of noise iterations.

UV Noise Size – Controls the scale of the noise.

UV Noise Phase – Controls the noise pattern iterations.





Context – Allows the attachment of a Context node (UVW generator) to adjust the UVWs of the texture. For more information, visit the Context Nodes page.




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