This page provides assistance for creating dump files.
If you encounter any crashes, 3dsmax_minidump.dmp and VRay.dmp files might be very useful for our Support Team as they contain information that helps troubleshooting and fixing the issue.
Below you can find detailed steps on where to find the needed files or how to generate them.
Collecting the 3dsmax_minidump.dmp file when Autodesk Error Report Window is Available
How to get the minidump file?
When 3ds Max crashes, it usually displays the 3ds Max Error Report window and a 3dsmax_minidump.dmp file is automatically generated. To find its location follow the steps below:
- Do not close the error report window during this whole process.
3ds Max 2022 and earlier
3ds Max 2023
2. Click the View Report Details option for 3d Max 2022 and earlier, or the Report Details option for 3ds Max 2023.
3ds Max 2022 and earlier
3ds Max 2023
3. In 3ds Max 2022 or earlier, hover your mouse over 3dsmax_minidump.dmp to see its location. In 3ds Max 2023, click View report contents option.
3ds Max 2022 and earlier
3ds Max 2023
4. Go to that location and find the .dump file. It is better to send the file, if available, as it contains all the necessary dump files.
3ds Max 2022 and earlier
3ds Max 2023
Collecting the 3dsmax_minidump.cmp file if Autodesk Error Report Windows is not Available
Sometimes 3ds Max freezes without showing the Autodesk Error Report Window or V-Ray exception occurs:
1. Open the Windows Task Manager from the Start Menu.
2. Right-click on the application in the Processes tab to select the Create dump file option, while the app displays the notification that unexpected error has occurred.
3. The crash dump file is created in the Temp folder.
Collecting the VRay.dmp dump file
If you are rendering with V-Ray GPU in 3ds Max or V-Ray Standalone and a crash occurs, a VRay.dmp file is generated automatically. The VRay.dmp file is located by default in the Windows Temp folder:
In this case it is recommended to send both the 3dsmax_minidump.dmp and the VRay.dmp file.
In case you are rendering a .vrscene file using V-Ray Standalone and the app crashes, just the VRay.dmp file is required.