This page provides information on the Stereoscopic Rendering rollout under the V-Ray GPU Settings tab.
This rollout contains settings for stereo rendering.
UI Path: ||Render Setup window|| > Settings tab > Stereoscopic rendering rollout (Renderer set to V-Ray GPU)
Stereo mode – Determines the type of additional (stereo) display:
Disabled – Stereo rendering and additional display are disabled, and a single image is rendered in the VFB.
Left/Right – The left and right views are displayed in separate windows that can be maximized on different displays.
Interlaced – A separate window displays an interlaced blend of the left and right eye images. This is useful for displays that support interlaced stereo.
Checkered – A separate window displays a checker blend of the left and right eye images. This is useful for displays that support checkered stereo.
Anaglyph (Red, Cyan) – A separate window displays a red/cyan anaglyph preview of the stereo images. Matching anaglyph glasses are required to view the stereo effect.
Anaglyph (Green, Magenta) – A separate window displays a green/magenta anaglyph preview of the stereo images. Matching anaglyph glasses are required to view the stereo effect.
OpenGL stereo – A separate window alternates between the left and right eye images. Matching active shutter glasses and supporting video card are required to view the stereo effect.
Duplicate (mono) – Duplicates the contents of the VFB so that it can be maximized on another display. This is not a stereo mode.
OpenVR (mono) – Suitable for use with HTC Vive or other OpenVR supporting devices in mono mode.
OpenVR (stereo) – Suitable for use with HTC Vive other OpenVR supporting devices in stereo mode.
Oculus Rift (mono) – Suitable for use with Oculus Rift in mono mode.
Oculus Rift (stereo) – Suitable for use with Oculus Rift in stereo mode.
Output layout – Determines if the stereo output is going to be displayed Side-by-side or Top-bottom.
Swap left/right – Swaps left and right eye images when using V-Ray GPU IPR.
Eye distance – Specifies the eye distance for which the stereoscopic image is rendered.
Follow VR headset – When enabled, only that part of the stereo panorama visible through the Head-Mounted Display is rendered. It can be used with Open VR and Ouclus Rift stereo modes only.
The Follow VR headset option only works in V-Ray GPU IPR.
Focus method – Specifies one of the three following focus methods for the two views.
None – Both cameras have their focus points directly in front of them.
Rotation – The stereoscopic effect is achieved by rotating the left and right views so that their focus points coincide at the distance from the eyes where the lines of sight for each eye converge called fusion distance.
Shear – The orientation of both views remain the same but each eye's view is sheared along z so that the two frustums converge at the fusion distance.
OpenVR and Oculus Rift Stereo modes are meant to be used with Cube Camera type. For more information, please refer to the Rendering with V-Ray GPU directly to VR Headsets tutorial.