This page provides information about the Utilization rollout available under the Performance tab when the production render is V-Ray GPU.
The Utilization rollout gives access to the Progressive render settings in both production and IPR modes. You can control the ray size(s) and its trace depth.
UI Path: ||Render Setup window|| > Performance tab > Utilization rollout (Renderer set to V-Ray GPU)
Rays per pixel – The number of rays that are traced for each pixel during one image pass in Production rendering mode. The greater the value, the smoother the picture from the very beginning of the rendering with GI, but interactivity might be significantly diminished. Increasing this value also reduces the amount of data transferred from the render servers back to the client machine when using Distributed Rendering.
IPR Rays per pixel – The number of rays traced for each pixel during one image pass in IPR mode. Lower values make IPR update faster but noisier. Higher values produce smoother images but may slow down the IPR updates. If IPR updates are slow, use the Undersampling option to increase the responsiveness.
Rays bundle size – Controls the number of rays that are sent to the render servers for processing. When using Distributed Rendering, smaller values cause more frequent client/server communication with smaller network packets, thus decreasing the speed of the renderer but increasing the interactivity. Conversely, larger values increase the speed of the renderer but decrease interactivity. Note that this number is not the exact amount of rays, but is proportional to it. It is not recommended to increase this value beyond 512.
Undersampling – Controls the initial sampling rate of the image. It is especially useful for increasing the responsiveness of IPR updates. High values cause the initial updates to be done at a lower resolution which is progressively refined. In this case, increase the IPR Rays per pixel option to produce samples with less noise. When Undersampling is set to 0, the image is rendered directly at the final resolution.
IPR ray bundle size – Controls the number of rays that are sent to the IPR render servers for processing when using V-Ray IPR. When using Distributed Rendering, smaller values cause more frequent client/server communication with smaller network packets, thus decreasing the speed of the renderer but increasing the interactivity. Conversely, larger values increase the speed of the renderer but decrease interactivity. Note that this number is not the exact amount of rays, but is proportional to it. It is not recommended to increase this value beyond 512.
Override depth – Limits globally the reflection/refraction depth. When enabled, all materials and maps use the depth specified by the Override depth option.