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This page collects various useful utilities like the V-Ray Fur Styler, the mudbox2vrmesh, the vdenoise for Nuke and other tools related to V-Ray, which are not part of the official V-Ray installations.

VRMat migration utility tool

This command line tool allows batch migration of outdated XML-based .vismat or .vrmat files.

By default each file is updated to a version corresponding with V-Ray 5.1. This output version can be specified to accommodate for earlier V-Ray versions as well.
Note that legacy .vismat files that are not xml-based will not be migrated. If the contents of a .vismat file are not readable when opened with a text editor, it means the file cannot be migrated.


vrmatmigrate [-h] [-v version] [-ow] [-gh] <paths>...

Command line options:

-h : Displays the tool's help info and a version lookup table
-v version : Upgrade the file(s) up to the specified version instead of the latest
-gh : Generates the color/float texture handler plugins
-ow : Overwrites the input file on save, instead of creating a copy with appended "_mig" suffix
-s : Specifies to search the subdirectories if the input path(s) are directories
<paths>... : One or more paths to files or directories to search for vismat/vrmat/vropt files


vrmatmigrate -ow -s "C:\%UserProfile%\Desktop\legacy_vismat_mtls"

Download version 1.0 (March 8th, 2021)

VRayFur styler

This modifier allows you to paint the initial and bend directions for VRayFur objects so that you can sort of "style" the appearance of VRayFur.

Download for 3ds Max 2020-2025: VRayFurStyler_VRay6.2.zip

For 3ds Max versions that use the Plugin Package Format (2022 and later) the .dlo file needs to be added to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\VRay3ds Max20nn\plugins, and the XML must be manually edited so that it includes the new DLO in the list here: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\VRay3dsMax20nn\PackageContents.xml (where nn stands for the number of V-Ray for 3ds Max version).


<ComponentEntry AppName="VRayFurStyler" Version="6.10.08" ModuleName="./plugins/vrayfurstyler2022.dlo" />

Mudbox to .vrmesh exporter

This is a Mudbox exporter plugin that allows the user to export .vrmesh files directly from Mudbox. The exporter allows to choose a subdivision level to use as viewport preview, and can store painted color maps as vertex colors for use in shaders.

Download for Mudbox 2015-2016: mudbox2vrmesh.zip

VRayDenoiser plugin for Nuke

A freeware Nuke plugin that implements the V-Ray denoiser as a Nuke node.


Download for Nuke 8-15.0 for Windows and Linux: vdenoise_nuke.zip

For more information on how to use the plugin, visit the V-Ray Denoiser | VRayDenoiser page.

V-Ray Lens Effects plugin for Nuke

A freeware Nuke plugin that implements the V-Ray Lens Effects as a Nuke node.


Download for Nuke 11.0-15.0 for Windows and Linux: lenseffects_nuke.zip

For more information, visit the VRayLensEffects page.

maketx 1.4.12

A 64-bit recompile of the maketx tool from the OpenImageIO library. Can be used to convert common texture formats to tiled .tx or .exr files for use with V-Ray.

Download version 1.4.12, 64-bit: maketx-1.4.12.zip


This little program can be used to blend multiple images together. Originally it was designed to blend images produced by the photon mapping engine of V-Ray when you need to shoot an enourmous amount of photons. It can also be used to sort of render progressive path tracing in distributed rendering mode, where you blend the PPT images produced from several different machines.

Download: blendimg.zip

Bercon Metaballs 1.14

This is a recompile for V-Ray 2.0 of the original open-source plugin Bercon Metaballs 1.14 by Jerry Ylilammi; includes full source code under Apache License 2.0.

Download for 3ds Max 9-2013 for V-Ray 2.x: bercon_metaballs_vray23.zip

Bercon Maps

This is a recompile for 3ds Max 2020 of the original open-source plugins Bercon Map by Jerry Ylilammi; includes full source code under Apache License 2.0.

Download for 3ds Max 2013-2020: BerconMaps_3ds_Max_2013-2020

Note that 3ds Max 2021 can work with the BerconMaps file for 3ds Max 2020. The BerconMaps file for 3ds Max 2020 must be copied in the Plugins directory of 3ds Max 2021. There is no need to rename the file.

vrscene dehexer

This tool can be used to un-hex vrscene files written with hex-encoded transform and/or mesh data. The resulting un-hexed vrscene is written out separately. Another use for the tool is to compare vrscenes and return a status (false) if they are different.

Usage: Run the executable from a command prompt.

  • to un-hex a vrscene, use the -u flag. Example: vrscene_dehexer.exe -u source.vrscene result.vrscene.
  • to compare vrscenes, use the -d flag. Example: vrscene_dehexer.exe -d scene1.vrscene scene2.vrscene.
  • run the program without arguments to print a help message.

Download for Windows: vrscene_dehexer.zip

Normal map equalizer tool

This tool is used to correct any biases in the normal map so that, on a large scale, it appears neutral and can be rotated without affecting the look of the material. All materials in the Chaos Cosmos material library are expected to have their normal maps processed with this tool so that they can be safely used together with the VRayUVWRandomizer texture.

Usage: This is a command-line tool; running it without any parameters in the Command Prompt prints a short usage guide. To equalize a normal map, use the following command:

normal_map_equalizer inFile outFile [-area fff] [-showProgress] [-numThreads nnn]

The -area parameter is important and it roughly controls the size of the features (in texture space) that we want to “equalize”. The default value works fine for many maps but it might need adjustment in specific cases. For normal maps that represent noisy surfaces, this can be a larger value, and for normal maps that represent surfaces with regular features (tiles, bricks), a lower value might be needed to avoid distortions.

Note that the tool currently does not handle mip-mapped .tx files. Any mip-mapped .tx file should be applied to regular PNG/JPG etc files. Any conversion to mip-mapped files (.tx or .exr) must be done on the resulting equalized texture.

Download the precompiled version of the tool for Windows: normal_map_equalizer_tool.zip

For more information, see the Normal Map Equalizer Tool page.

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