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This page provides information on using the V-Ray Frame Buffer for post-production of EXR images rendered in Chaos Cloud.

The information on this page concerns V-Ray versions earlier than V-Ray 5.





The V-Ray Frame Buffer can be used to apply post-production color corrections to EXR images rendered in Chaos Cloud. For V-Ray versions newer than 4.12, images have all color corrections baked in. For older V-Ray versions, EXR and VRIMG are raw image formats and no corrections are written to them by default. That is why it is recommended to save your color correction presets separately. This page explains how to save the color corrected image from the VFB for older V-Ray versions.

In case you do not select any output format for Chaos Cloud rendering from your 3D platform, that automatically creates an EXR image.


Generating Different Types of Images with VFB

Chaos Cloud supports all output image formats on the 3D host app, except for Deep EXR, Tile EXR, TIFF, and TGA. If you need an image output in one of the unsupported formats, you can do the following:

  1. Generate your output in EXR or VRIMG format.
  2. Open the EXR / VRIMG files in the VFB on the host app and you can save it with the Save Current Channel button in the output you need.


Applying Color Corrections to EXR Images Rendered in Chaos Cloud

By default, Chaos Cloud rendering generates an EXR and JPG versions of render jobs submitted to Chaos Cloud, unless another format is set within the settings of the 3D editing platform used. The EXR image can then be loaded within the VFB to apply color corrections manually or using a saved preset.

If you have enabled the Include additional JPG output toggle in the Options page, Chaos Cloud rendering generates an additional high-quality JPG file for your output at no extra cost.



To apply corrections manually, you first have to load the EXR image within the VFB. This is done through the File > Load image option inside the VFB. The Layers panel is exposed by default.  You can use different layers to add some color corrections and adjust the appearance of the image as you wish.



Once ready, you can save the processed image in any desired image format using the Save current channel () button on the VFB.





Color corrections can also be saved and applied as a preset. Jobs submitted from 3ds Max will have their color corrections written to the .vrscene file and rendered on the cloud; but if the render output is set to EXR, no color corrections will be written to it since it's a raw image format. In that case it is useful to save your color corrections separately.



Separate color corrections can also be saved and loaded using the buttons. Once a preset is applied, you can use the Save current channel () button to save the image in the format of your choice.

Please note that the VFB has to be opened in 3ds Max at least once in order for the color corrections to be exported and rendered on the cloud.

For more detailed information on color corrections with the VFB, please visit the following page.

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