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Table of Contents

The Scattering rollout is part of the Chaos Scatter parameters.


Scatter Lister – Opens the Chaos Scatter Lister. It can be used to toggle individual scatters on and off and to control their properties such as displayed amount, scattering count and limit, names, and more. 

Enable – Enables scattering.

1D - On splines – Scattering mode where objects are scattered along splines. Open or closed splines can be used for this.

2D - On surfaces – Scattering mode where objects are scattered on surfaces. It doesn't matter if the surface is horizontal, vertical or if it is part of a complex 3D object. Closed splines can also be used with this mode. In that case, instances are distributed in the area enclosed by the spline.

3D - In bounding box – Scattering mode where objects are scattered inside the object's bounding box. Keep in mind that bounding boxes are cube-shaped, therefore using this mode on a round object scatters instances in a cube around it. This mode is useful when scattering dust particles inside a room, fish in an aquarium, books on a bookshelf and similar.

Random seed – Determines the random distribution used. Changing this value causes random permutations of the scattered object(s). When enabled, instances colliding with each other get discarded. See the Random seed example below.

Temporal consistency – When enabled, instances are scattered in the selected Rest-pose frame and stick to the surface, even if it gets deformed in other frames. Otherwise, instances get scattered in each frame separately and that might cause anomalies.

Rest-pose frame – Determines the initial frame, where the instances are scattered for all following frames.

Avoid collisions – When enabled, instances that would collide with each other get discarded. This results in no overlaps between instances. Note that enabling this option might lower the number of instances. When enabled, instances colliding with each other get discarded. See the Avoid collisions example below.

Spacing [%] – Controls the size of the bounding boxes used to detect collisions. Smaller values result in denser instances with some collision, higher values result in larger distances between instances. Values above 100% mean that the distance between objects is larger than their bounding boxes.

If the Temporal consistency option is enabled, Avoid collisions does not apply to frames outside of the initial Rest-pose frame.

Example: Random seed

This example shows the random Scatter seed distribution.

Example: Avoid collisions

This example shows how the Avoid collisions function works. Higher values result in larger distance between instances.

Random seed = 1

Random seed = 2

Random seed = 3

Avoid collisions = Off

Avoid collisions = On; Spacing [%] = 50

Avoid collisions = On; Spacing [%] = 100

Avoid collisions = On; Spacing [%] = 200


Camera Clipping


Spline Scattering

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