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The Transformations rollout is part of the Chaos Scatter parameters.


Moves the instances From the given distance To the given distance on the corresponding axis. A map can be attached. If the map is enabled, it overwrites the translation values. RGB maps can be used to control translations in specific axes (Red = X; Green = Y; Blue = Z). Grayscale maps control all axes proportionally.

Mode – Determines how the map is interpreted to control the translation.

Map fixed – Black areas of the map represent the From values. White areas of the map represent the To values. No randomization occurs.

Random amount – Black areas of the map do not have any randomization applied. In the white areas of the map full randomization occurs. The From and To values represent the lowest and highest translations allowed for the randomization.

Stepping distance – Determines a distinct distance between all instances in the enabled axes. If the values is left at zero, instances are translated continuously.


Rotates the instances From the given degrees up To the given degrees continuously. A map can be applied. If it is enabled for a given axis, its rotation values are overwritten by the map. RGB maps can be used to control the rotation of each axes individually ( Red = X; Green = Y; Blue = Z). Grayscale maps control the rotation of all axes proportionally. See the Rotation [°] example below.

Mode – Determined how the map is interpreted to control the rotation.

Map fixed – Black areas of the map represent the From values. White areas of the map represent the To values. All values in between are on the grayscale spectrum. No randomization occurs.

Random amount – Black areas of the map have no randomization applied. In white areas of the map full randomization occurs. The From and To values specify the lowest and highest rotation allowed for the randomization.

Stepping angle – Determines a fixed degree by which all instances rotate for the enabled axes. See the Stepping angle example below.

Normal vs. Z – When a value different than 0 is entered, the instances are aligned according to the world Z axis. This is useful when the Distribute-on target object is curved and the scattered objects need to remain vertical, not follow the curve of the surface. Positive values mean that the instances are aligned to the +Z axis (vertical up) and negative values mean that the instances are aligned to the -Z axis (vertical down). See the Normal vs. Z example below.

Preserve model rotation – When enabled, instances preserve the original rotation of the Instanced model object. Otherwise. the original rotation is ignored. See the Preserve model rotation example below.

Look at – When enabled, instances in a range get turned towards a specified direction. See the Look at example for more.

Target object – Picks an object according to which the direction is calculated. When a geometry object is picked, each instance gets oriented towards the center of the object’s bounding box. When a camera object is picked, each instance gets oriented towards the camera.

Look axis – Selects which of the model object's axes gets turned towards the direction.

Reverse – When enabled, the reverse of the selected axis gets turned towards the direction.

Horizontal – When enabled, the selected look-at axis gets turned only within the plane which is perpendicular to the normal.

Falloff distance – Specifies the range in which instances get affected by the look-at specifications. When non-zero, only the in-range instances get affected; otherwise, all the instances get affected. There is no effect when a sun object is picked. See the Falloff distance example for more.

Example: Rotation[°]

This example is set with Surface Scattering UV map Grid Pattern.

Example: Stepping angle

This example is set with Surface Scattering UV map Grid Pattern and Rotation [°] = X 0-0; Y 0-0; Z 0-360

Rotation [°] = X 0-0; Y 0-0; Z 0-0

Rotation [°] = X 0-90; Y 0-0; Z 0-0

Rotation [°] = X 0-0; Y 0-90; Z 0-0

Rotation [°] = X 0-0; Y 0-0; Z 0-90

Rotation [°] = X 0-360; Y 0-360; Z 0-360

Stepping angle = Z 0

Stepping angle = Z 45

Stepping angle = Z 90

Example: Normal vs. Z

When a value, different than 0 is entered, the instances are aligned according to the world up axis.

Example: Preserve model rotation

The Preserve model rotation option determines which way the instances are rotated.


= 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-360; Normal vs. Z = -0.75


= 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-360; Normal vs. Z = -0.5


= 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-360; Normal vs. Z = -0.25


= 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-360; Normal vs. Z = 0


= 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-360; Normal vs. Z = 0.5

X = 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-0; Preserve model rotation = Off (Instanced object not rotated)

X = 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-0; Preserve model rotation = Off; Instanced object rotated  = 90

X = 0-0; Y = 0-0; Z = 0-0; Preserve model rotation = On; Instanced object Rotated  = 90

Example: Look At 

In this example, the sunflower objects are scattered along a plane and the Look At option is enabled. The VRaySun is assigned as the Target object, and it is moved along the sky as if it was setting over the horizon. The Horizontal option is enabled, allowing the sunflowers to rotate more realistically. Slide through the images to see the movement of the sunflowers.

Example: Falloff distance 

In this example, the sunflowers are looking at the blue butterfly. Adding Falloff distance creates an area around the Target object where the effect is applied. Setting the value to 0 applies the effect to the entire scattered geometry. Scrolling through the examples quickly reveals the area which remains affected.

Falloff distance = 0.0

Falloff distance = 3.0

Falloff distance = 9.0

Scale [%]

Scales the instances From the given value To the given value continuously. When Uniform scale is enabled, the X axis values are applied on the whole Distribute-on target object. A map can be applied. If it is enabled for an axis, the values of that axis are overwritten. RGB maps can be used to scale axes individually ( Red = X; Green = Y; Blue = Z). Grayscale maps control the scale of all axes proportionally. See the Scale example below.

Mode – Determines how the map is interpreted to control the scale.

Map fixed – Black areas of the map represent the From values. White areas of the map represent the To values. All values in between are on the grayscale spectrum. No randomization is applied.

Random amount – Black areas of the map have no randomization applied. In white areas of the map full randomization occurs. The From and To values represent the lowest and highest scale allowed for the randomization.

Legacy – The From values determine the areas where full randomization occurs. The To values determine areas where no randomization is applied. Black areas of the map have zero scale. White areas of the map have maximum scale.

Stepping percentage – Determines a percentage of scaling to be applied to all instances. Otherwise, scaling is continuous.

Uniform scale – When enabled, all instances in all axes are scaled according to the values of the X axis.

Preserve model scale – When enabled, instances preserve the original scale of the Instanced model object.

Example: Scale

This example shows how the instanced model objects' scale is modified. See the difference of the scaling with Uniform scale on and off.

Scale = X 100 - 100; Uniform scale = On

Scale = X 100-200; Uniform scale = On

Scale = X 100-100; Y 100-100; Z 100-200; Uniform scale = Off

Scale = X 50-50; Y 50-50; Z 100-200; Uniform scale = Off

Scale = X 50-150; Uniform scale = On; Stepping percentage = 0

Scale = X 50-150; Uniform scale = On; Stepping percentage = 50

Scale = X 50-150; Uniform scale = On; Stepping percentage = 100

Scale X = 100-100; Uniform scale = On; Preserve model scale = Off (model not scaled)

Scale X = 100-100; Uniform scale = On; Preserve model scale = Off (model scaled down)

Scale X = 100-100; Uniform scale = On; Preserve model scale = On (model scaled down)


Bounding Box Scattering



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