
Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
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Table of Contents

The Bounding Box Scattering rollout is part of the Chaos Scatter parameters.


This submenu is only available when the scattering mode is set to 3D - In bounding box.

Count – Determines the exact number of instances to scatter. If the Per cube option is enabled, the scattering is defined by the density (Per cube). See the Count example below.

Per cube – When enabled, the Count amount is multiplied by the specified edge length (value next to Per cube). See the Per cube example below.

Edit Instances – Switches to 'Instances' sub-object mode. This allows individual instances to be manipulated. Only the instances visible in the viewport can be edited. This option is only useful for small numbers of instances, otherwise it might cause a crash. If you select 100 or more instances, Chaos Scatter displays a warning. To switch out of this option, click Edit Instances one more time. The edited instances are ignored by the Avoid collisions option, the Include/Exclude splines option, Slope limitation and by Camera clipping.

Keep in mind that if you edit the original model of the scattered instances, after you've edited them, they will be reset back to their original state. To avoid this, edit your instances after finalizing the state of the original model and the Scatter.

Convert to Max geometry – When enabled, converts the Chaos Scatter instances into 3ds Max instances. This option is only useful for small numbers of instances, otherwise it might cause a crash.

Examples: Count and Per Cubе

This example shows the bounding box instanced model objects distribution for the Count and Per cube parameters. The bounding box is 500x500x100cm.

Count = 250

Count = 2500

Count = 1; Per cube = 100

Count = 1; Per cube = 25

Count = 1000; Per cube = 500

Count = 1000; Per cube = 100


Surface Scattering



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