This page provides information on the V-Ray Bitmap to VRayBitmap converter tool.
V-Ray includes a MaxScript tool for converting standard 3ds Max Bitmap textures to VRayBitmap textures. It also includes the option to automatically convert the texture files to tiled .tx files.
UI Path: ||V-Ray menu|| > Converters > V-Ray bitmap to VRayBitmap converter
Starting with V-Ray 7 for 3ds Max 2022 and later versions, the V-Ray Bitmap to VRayBitmap converter tool is located in the new combined converter tool at ||V-Ray menu|| > Converters > V-Ray scene converter.
In V-Ray 6 for 3ds Max, this tool has been moved to the V-Ray Menu and is no longer available in the quad menu. For earlier V-Ray versions, go to 3ds Max Quad menu > V-Ray Bitmap to VRayBitmap converter.
Converter Window
Once the VRay Bitmap to VRayBitmap Converter has been selected, the converter window will appear.
Convert bitmaps to tiled EXR/TX – When enabled, the converter script automatically invokes OpenImageIO's maketx converter to convert non-TX textures to tiled, MIP-mapped textures. Afterwards, all Bitmap maps within the scene are replaced with VRayBitmap maps. If the option is disabled, the original bitmap files are used with the VRayBitmap maps.
Convert All scene Objects' Bitmap texmaps to VRayBitmap texmap – When disabled, the tool converts bitmaps to VRayBitmap found in materials, modifiers, environment and Render setup. When enabled, also converts all Bitmap maps found in Cameras, Lights and V-Ray geometry (and some 3rd party geometry like ForestPro and Ornatrix) to VRayBitmap maps as well.
- It is generally a good practice to save the scene before running the converter and to verify that everything is converted correctly afterwards.
- In certain lighting conditions or when using certain global illumination solutions, the render start up times can be improved by using the VRayBitmap map to load all textures.
- For earlier V-Ray versions, if the command is missing from the quad menu, It can be added by pressing the V-Ray menu registration button found on the right side of the V-Ray Toolbar. Alternatively it can be done with MaxScript using the command registerVRayMenus().