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This page provides information on the Bump to Normal Map.


VRayBump2Normal is a V-Ray utility texture that derives a normal map from a bump map texture. The VRayBump2Normal map samples the bump values from an input map to transform them into RGB values used for normal maps. How the RGB values are calculated depends on the space used.

VRayBump2Normal map is useful for materials that do not have slots for bump maps and use only normal maps. VRayBump2Normal is also useful when combined with relief mapping plugins.

More information on bump and normal mapping is available here: Bump and Normal Mapping in V-Ray.


Bump map – A slot to load the bump map that you want to convert to a normal map. 

Mode – Specifies the type of normal map to create.

Tangent space – Creates a normal map in tangent space.
Local XYZ – Creates a normal map in object space.
Screen space – Creates a normal map in screen space.
World space – Creates a normal map in world space. 

Map channel – Specifies the map channel to which the normal map is created. 

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