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This page provides information about the VRayNoiseTex texture in V-Ray for 3ds Max.


V-Ray Noise Tex is a procedural noise texture that offers a great deal of control. This texture is also part of the VRayPluginNodeTex.


These parameters are the regular 3ds Max coordinates parameters as found in the general 3ds Max textures.


Common Parameters

Compatibility with – Matches the result of the texture to that in either 3ds Max or Maya.

3ds Max – The resulting alpha of the texture is the intensity of the texture.
Maya – The resulting alpha of the texture is the color luminescence.


Color 1 – Controls the first of the two colors used by the Noise procedural.

Color 2 – Controls the second of the two colors used by the Noise procedural.

Size – Determines the size of the noise function. 

Phase – Determines the speed of animation of the noise function. This option is used when the noise is animated. 

Levels – Number of iterations for the fractal generator. Disabled when using a Regular Noise Type.

Invert color – When enabled, inverts the colors in the final result.

Type – Determines the noise type.


Threshold High/Low– Interpolates the texture between the specified low and high values. The result is 0 if it is below the lower threshold and 1 if above the higher threshold.

Color mult. – Controls the multiplier for the texture.

Color offset – Used as an additional offset for the texture color.

Bitmap settings

Placement – Select how to place the texture.

Full – (default setting) Renders the material the same on both sides.
–  Uses a section of the texture.
– Adjusts the position of the image.

U/V – Adjusts the texture location - specifies the location of the top left corner of the image. 

Width/Height – Adjusts the width and height of the texture. When the Placement is set to Crop, the values specify the portion of the texture that is cropped. When the Placement is set to Place, the values specify the scale of the map.

No UVs Color – Controls the color displayed when there are no uvw coordinates. This works in combination with the Texture UV option called Placement Type.

Tile U/V – Tiles the texture in the U and V direction. If the option is disabled, the Default texture color is used outside the 0 to 1 UV square. 

Jitter – The amount of random placement variation.

Alpha settings

Alpha parameters (Alpha From Intensity, Alpha Mult, Alpha Offset) are supported only by the V-Ray Layered and V-Ray OSL textures. Other V-Ray textures are considered to have an alpha of 1, so these parameters are ignored in those cases.

Alpha source – Specifies where to take the alpha from.

Image alpha – (default setting) Renders the material the same on both sides. 
Intensity – Renders the back side of polygons as invisible for the camera. 
None (opaque) – Renders the back side of polygons as invisible to all rays except shadow rays.

Invert Alpha – Inverts the alpha channel if Invert color is also enabled.

Alpha mult – Controls the multiplier for the texture alpha.

Alpha offset –  Used as an additional offset for the texture alpha.

UV Noise

On – Enables the noise. 

UV Noise amount – Specifies the UV noise amount.

UV Noise size – Specifies the UV noise size.

UV Noise phase – Specifies the amount of random fluctuation in the noise frequency.

UV Noise levels – Specifies the UV noise iterations.


The Maps rollout defines the various textures applied to the parameters of the VRayNoiseTex. You can control the blending and toggle the maps on and off. To see each of the parameters listed and what they do, see the Common Parameters section of this page.


The VRayNoiseTex map has the standard Autodesk 3ds Max output parameters.

Invert – Reverses the hues of the map.

Clamp – When enabled, limits the values of the colors to equal or less than 1.0. Use this option when increasing the RGB Level, to prevent the map from looking self-illuminated. Note that when Clamp is on and the value of RGB Offset is above 1.0, all colors become white.

Alpha from RGB Intensity – When enabled, an alpha channel is generated based on the intensity of the RGB channels in the map.

Enable Color Map – Enables the use of the Color Map.

Output Amount – Controls the amount of the map that is being mixed into a composite material. This parameter affects the map's saturation and alpha values.

RGB Offset – Adds colors to the RGB values of the map based on the amount set by the spinner, which affects the tonal value of the colors.

RGB Level – Multiplies the RGB values of the map colors by the amount set by the spinner, which affects the saturation of the colors.

Bump Amount – Adjusts the bumpiness amount when the map is used as a bump map.

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