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This page provides information on V-Ray Attributes that can be added to 2d Placement and 3d placement nodes.



The V-Ray Additional Attributes can be added to 2d Placement and 3d placement nodes. This is done from the Attributes > VRay menu in the Attribute Editor with the placement node selected.

In cases where geometry objects have multiple UV sets, this allows for explicitly specifying the uv set to be used without the need for going through the UV Linking menu in Maya, and thus avoiding any connections between nodes by simply inputting the name of the UV set.

In cases where the geometry is a VRayProxy File Formats reading a .vrmesh or .abc (Alembic) file(s), the UV set field can be used to specify custom attributes coming in with the proxy. One of the most common use-cases is to read Rest Position attributes from Alembic files coming in from Houdini to make 3D textures follow the object deformation.

The same attribute can be added to Maya's SamplerInfo node to help specify the UV set to be used when using the samplerInfo's U and V output connections.


2D Placement and 3D Placement Options

Placement Options

UV set index – Specifies a UV set index to be used. If a UV set name is specified, it is used instead. -1 (negative one) is a special index value that links against the first UV set found for a mesh.

UV set name – The name of the UV set to be used.

Motion Blur Samples Options (available only for 3D Placement)

Override motion blur samples – Overrides the count of motion blur samples.

Motion blur samples – Specifies the motion blur samples.

Expression Editor icon () – Opens the Expression Editor.

Add to node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup place2dTexture1 vray_2d_placement_options 1;

Remove from node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup place2dTexture1 vray_2d_placement_options 0;




setAttr -type "string" place2dTexture1.vrayUVSetName "uvSet1";

Add to node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup place3dTexture1 vray_3d_placement_options 1;

Remove from node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup place3dTexture1 vray_3d_placement_options 0;




setAttr -type "string" place2dTexture1.vrayUVSetName3D "uvSet1";




SamplerInfo node

The 2D Placement Options attributes can also be added to Maya's samplerInfo node. This can be used to output UV passes for a specific object and a specific UV set in case the object has multiple UV sets. To do this, the samplerInfo's U and V outputs can be connected to the R and G texture inputs of the VRayExtraTex render element. Then the UV set to be used is specified in the UV set name field of the 2D Placement Options attributes assigned to the samplerInfo. If needed, multiple samplerInfo nodes with different UV set names specified can be used with multiple VRayExtraTex render elements to output more than one UV passes at the same time.

An alternative and easier way is to use the Sampler Info render element, which includes an UVW Channel field.


UV set name – The name of the UV set to be used.

Add to node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup samplerInfo1 vray_2d_placement_options 1;

Remove from node:

vray addAttributesFromGroup samplerInfo1 vray_2d_placement_options 0;




setAttr -type "string" samplerInfo1.vrayUVSetName "tralala" "uvSet1";





  • The UV set name field is case-sensitive. V-Ray will not be able to use the correct UV set if its name is mistyped, in which case the currently linked UV set, as specified in the UV Linker, will be used.

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