This page provides information on V-Ray Attributes that can be added to transform nodes.
V-Ray Extra Attributes are attributes that may be added to various object nodes in Maya to add additional V-Ray functionality to the object(s). Extra Attributes may be added to a node through the Attribute Editor's menu bar: Attributes > VRay when the object's node is currently selected.
Transform Attributes are specific to transform nodes in Maya to accomplish a variety of tasks allowing you to exempt or skip the object from rendering, assign the object an ID number, or assign the object a user-defined attribute.
UI Path: ||Select transform node|| > Attribute Editor > Attributes menu > VRay > (select attribute set)
Skip Rendering
This group allows you to exclude parts of the scene from rendering.
Skip rendering – When enabled, the objects below the transform are not included in the V-Ray scene and are not be rendered.
Object ID
This group allows to assign an object ID to parts of the scene, for use with the Multimatte render element.
Object ID – Specifies an ID for the objects below the transform.
User Attributes
Allows the user to specify their own attributes, which can then be accessed with the VRayUserColor and VRayUserScalar textures to provide per-object values for shading attributes. They can also be used in the file name of File nodes to resolve the bitmap file name on a per-object basis. Several attributes can be specified in the string, separated with a semicolon ';' character. User attributes can also be specified on shape nodes. The final string of user attributes for a given object is a concatenation of the user attributes specified on the shape of the object and the user attributes specified on its parent nodes along the DAG path. This allows to conveniently add attributes to a large part of the DAG hierarchy.
User attributes – A list of attributes separated by semicolons that are assigned to the mesh.