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This page provides information on the MDL Material.


The VRayMDLMtl material loads NVIDIA Material Definition Language files (.mdl) and renders them directly with V-Ray.

V-Ray supports NVIDIA Material Definition Language, version 1.7.2.

The MDL Material does not work within Distributed Rendering at this time.

The MDL Material is currently not supported by V-Ray for Maya 2024, running on macOS.

UI Path: ||Right-click on the geometry|| > Assign New Material...

||Right-click on the geometry|| > Assign New Material... > VRay section > VRay Mtl MDL

||V-Ray Shelf|| > Right-click to Create V-Ray Materials button > VRay Mtl MDL

||Hypershade|| > Window tab > Create... > VRay section > VRay Mtl MDL

Installed Material Library

The following MDL material files are included when installing V-Ray for Maya. They are located in Local Disk (C:) > Program Files > Chaos Group > V-Ray > Maya 20yy for x64 > vray > mdl.

Aluminum Anodized



Carbon composite

Carpet Berber White

Ceramic Tiles Small


Coated Flipflop Paint

Coated Flint Glass

Colored Wax


Concrete Polished


Granite Black

Mahogany Floorboards

Marble White

Metal Examples

Noise Flow Glossy

Noise Perlin Glossy

Noise Worley Glossy

Pattern Blended

Pattern Checker Glossy


Resin Polyurethane Matte

Rubber Studded Black


Walnut Semi-Gloss


The Basic rollout provides the attributes used to set the path to the .mdl file that you wish to load into your chosen material, and an Update button needed to refresh the other attributes available, based on the material file used.

MDL file – Specifies the file path and .mdl file loaded.

Chosen material – If more than one material definition is included in the loaded .mdl file, the selected materials will be seen in the rollouts below.

MDL parameters– The Update button refreshes the additional material-specific attributes for the loaded .mdl file.


Any additional material-specific attributes (if any) are listed in this rollout. The example below shows parameters for the Coated Flip-flop Paint material.

 MDL material attributes that can accept Render Nodes to map color values can now use File textures as input. Note that while other texture types may also be used, only File textures are guaranteed to work properly.

Asphalt parameters


Max Ray Depth – Specifies the maximum reflection/refraction depth for the shader.

Remap Roughness – When enabled (default), determines whether the plugin expects squared values for GGX Roughness settings.

System Attributes

Filename – Specifies the file path and .mdl file loaded.

Importing NVIDIA vMaterials

In order for the MDL Material to correctly import NVIDIA vMaterials, the following two paths should be set in the environment variable shown below:

VRAY_MDL_PATH_MAYA20yy_x64=%PROGRAMFILES%\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Maya 20yy for x64\mdl;%PROGRAMDATA%\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl;%USERPROFILE%\Documents\mdl

where yy is the version of Maya installed.


VRAY_MDL_PATH_MAYA2018_x64=C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Maya 2018 for x64\mdl;%PROGRAMDATA%\NVIDIA Corporation\mdl;%USERPROFILE%\Documents\mdl

Importing MDL Files from Substance Designer 

In some cases, when using MDL files exported from Substance Designer, V-Ray may fail to load some modules. In order to load these modules, a folder needs to be set up before starting Maya, as explained below:

1.  Make a folder, for example, X:\MDL, that will act as the MDL repository. Put the MDL modules that are exported from Substance Designer into this folder.

2.  Put the textures needed by the MDL materials in the same repository in their respective subfolder (for example, X:\MDL\MDL_Plywood_02).

3.  Tell V-Ray where the MDL repository is by appending it to the VRAY_MDL_PATH_MAYA20yy_x64 environment variable.

4.  Find the folder where Substance Designer keeps its MDL modules (usually C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Designer\resources\view3d\iray\alg but may differ from version to version) and append its path to the same environment variable. 

In the end, the environment variable should look something like:

VRAY_MDL_PATH_MAYA2018_x64=C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Maya 2018 for x64\mdl;C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Designer\resources\view3d\iray\alg;X:\MDL

Known Limitations

  • material_emission.mode is ignored
  • material.backface is ignored
  • df::diffuse_transmission_bsdf is not supported

  • df::backscattering_glossy_reflection_bsdf is not supported

  • df::measured_bsdf is not supported

  • From the “alternative distribution functions”, only df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf is implemented

  • df::measured_edf and df::spot_edf are not supported

  • df::anisotropic_vdf is not supported

  • 3D textures are not yet supported

  • The multiscatter_tint parameter in simple_glossy_bsdf, microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf, ward_geisler_moroder_bsdf is ignored.
  • The tint (color reflection_tint, color transmission_tint, bsdf base) modifier overload for separate tinting of the reflective and transmissive light paths is not supported.
