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This page provides information on the V-Ray Standard Render Vars LOP node.


V-Ray Standard Render Vars is a V-Ray specific HDA LOP node that simplifies the render element (AOV) setup. It provides easy access to all commonly used AOVs.

AOVs Setup

To add AOVs use the V-Ray Standard Render Vars LOP. Enable the render elements you need. If necessary, tweak their options too, from their respective Options rollouts.

Then connect a Render Product LOP and drag the AOVs from the Geometry Spreadsheet into the LOP's Ordered Render Vars field (Render Product LOP > Standard tab). Alternatively, add them from the Ordered Render Vars dropdown menu.

Finally, connect a Render Settings LOP. In its Standard tab, add the Render Product LOP to the Ordered Products field.



The Beauty tab provides a basic Back-to-Beauty composite with additional settings for each beauty element for the actual rendering. See the RGB Color page to learn more about the Back-to-Beauty composite.


The Utility tab provides common utility elements used in compositing: Shadow, Matte Shadow, Normals, Bump Normals, Velocity, Z-Depth, and Denoiser. Each element has settings for further adjustments.


The Sampler tab provides settings for outputs similar to the Ray-Level events for Karma.


The Denoiser tab provides settings for denoising the render. See the V-Ray Denoiser page for more information.


The Light Path Expressions tab provides a dynamic menu that generates Light Selects. See the Advanced Light Path Expressions page for more information.


The Matte tab provides a dynamic menu that generates MultiMatte render elements. With MultiMatte, a single red, green, or blue channel can be used directly as a matte, eliminating the step of selecting the color in the compositing software. See the V-Ray MultiMatte page for more information.


The Cryptomatte tab provides V-Ray Cryptomatte settings similar to those of the V-Ray Cryptomatte Render Element available in the |out| network. See the V-Ray Cryptomatte page for more information.


V-Ray Render Elements in Solaris

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