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Table of Contents

This page provides information on the VRayScene node.


VRayScene loads a previously saved .vrscene file for rendering inside of V-Ray for Houdini. Thus, VRayScene allows for assets to be shared between all platforms that run V-Ray.

The V-Ray Scene is loaded as a custom delayed-load primitive of type "VRaySceneRef" – please avoid passing it through a Pack SOP or an Assemble SOP to ensure proper handling of copying and instancing.


File (*.vrscene) – Specifies the .vrscene file to load.

Reload Scene – Reloads the scene file.

Flip Axis – Controls which axis is used as a vertical - the Y or Z axes for the loaded vrscene. You can choose between:

None – No changes in the axes are applied.
– It aligns the vertical axis of the vrscene with the vertical axis in the scene in cases where the vrscene was not exported from Houdini. Use the Auto mode when loading a USD file.
Z-up to Y-up
– Switches the Y and Z axes.

Expand Primitives – When enabled, a Primitive Group is created for each object in the .vrscene file. In the case of vrscenes coming from Maya, for example, each Shape node generates a new Primitive Group.

Expand All Primitives – When enabled, expands all primitives without hierarchy. Works only when Expand Primitives is enabled.

Allow Unpacking To Polygons – When enabled, allows unpacking to polygons. Works only when Expand Primitives is enabled, and Use Preview Faces is disabled.

Viewport Preview

Use Preview Faces – When enabled, uses a limited amount of preview faces.

Preview Faces – Sets the number of preview faces to be displayed.

Animated Preview – When enabled, a Poly-Reduced version of any animated present in the vrscene is displayed in the Viewport.

Proxy Preview Type – Specifies one of the following modes for previewing V-Ray proxies from the .vrscene:

Placeholder – Displays the proxies contained in the .vrscene file as simple placeholders with a fixed size.
Bounding Box – Displays a preview of the proxies contained in the .vrscene file using bounding boxes.
Preview – Displays a preview of the proxies contained in the .vrscene file using their automatically generated preview.

Preview Hair – When enabled, loads a preview for the hair.

Animation Overrides

Use Animation Overrides – Enables the use of animation overrides.

Playback Type – Sets the way any animation in the .vrscene plays within your current scene.

Loop – The animation plays from the .vrscene using the Anim Length setting and if the time range in your current scene is longer than the length of the animation, it repeats the beginning of the animation again.
Once – The animation in the .vrscene plays just once and the end of the animation holds if the time range is longer than the length of the animation.
Ping-Pong – The animation plays from the .vrscene and if the end of the animation is reached, the animation plays in reverse towards the beginning of the animation and continues back and forth until the end of the time range.
Still – The animation holds the Anim Start frame for the duration of the time range.

Anim Speed – The pace at which the animation plays. The default of 1 plays at the speed for which the animation was created.

Anim Offset – The number of frames shifted between the animation and the time range.

Anim Start – The frame used for the beginning of the animation.

Anim Length – The number of frames used to play the animation.

Shader Overrides

Use Shader Overrides – Enables the use of shader overrides.

Num. Overrides – Sets the number of overrides.

Plugin Overrides

Use Plugin Overrides – Enables the following parameters found in the Plugin Overrides tab.

Num. Mappings – Specifies the number of plugins that are to be exported as materials.

Op. Path – Specifies the path to the material node.

Plugin Name Specifies the name of the plugin that is to be overridden.

Snippet (*.vrscene) – Editor box expects data in the vrscene format. It allows code snippets for editing the scene override settings.

Filepath (*.vrscene)  Directory pointing to the .vrscene file that is used for the scene override.


Import Material – Imports materials from the .vrscene file as nodes.

Unpack to Polygons – Generates a node network from the .vrscene geometry and materials.

Multi Material Mapping – Specifies how to handle multiple materials assigned to a single geometry.

Add Default Remapping – Generates default UV channel index remapping.

UV Mappings – Allows mapping of a UV ID during import (e.g. when importing a .vrscene file from 3ds Max) with a UV attribute name.

UV Index – Specifies a UV index that is mapped to a name when importing materials.

UV Name – Specifies a name to which the UV Index is mapped when importing materials.

Path Remapping – Remaps assets paths.

Usage Example

This example demonstrates the import of a .vrscene from 3ds Max. The first picture shows the scene and the render in the VFB. Once imported in Houdini, the render is the same.

The scene in 3ds Max and the render in VFB

The imported .vrscene in Houdini and the render in VFB


  • When rendering or exporting a .vrscene with a heavy geometry or volumes in it that are not cached in an external file, a warning displays that heavy uncashed objects may slow down the rendering till the first pixel appears.
  • Path user attributes can be used as object paths.
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