This page provides details on how to use the VRmat Material for transferring materials across platforms.
Useful for working across multiple platforms, the V-Ray MtlVRmat loads a V-Ray shader from a file (.vrmat, .vismat, .vrscene) and makes the materials in these files available for use in the scene. These files can be exported from Maya or 3ds Max and used on any platform.
The VRMat workflow for sharing materials cross-platform is straightforward: an existing V-Ray material is converted through the VRMat Converter, the output of which can then be read into a scene using the VRMat Material (MtlVRmat) in the material editor of the destination platform. This allows you to use a material originally created in 3ds Max or Maya in a Houdini scene.
Note: If you load a shader from a .vrscene file, you can only use it directly; you will not be able to edit it.
Material File – Selects the .vrmat, .vismat, or .vrscene file to open.
Material Name – Specifies which material tree to use, e.g. Top-level <Asset> name or MtlSingleBRDF name if .vrscene.