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Table of Contents

This page provides information on the VRayTexLayered node.



The VRayTexLayered is a tool for merging two V-Ray Compatible textures and images using various blend modes.





UI Path: ||Toolbar|| > V-Ray menu icon > Textures > VRayTexLayered





The following parameters can be mapped with textures and images.



A – The texture to to merge with input B.

B – The texture to merge with input A.

mask – The mask blending between A and B inputs.



Operation – Sets the Merge algorithm to use. 

atop – Shows the shape of image B, with A covering B where the images overlap.
average – The average of the two images. The result will be darker than the original images.
copy – Only shows image A.
difference – Subtracts either the B from A or A from B, depending on which has the greater brightness value. 
divide – Divides the values but stops two negative values from becoming a positive number.
exlusion – A more photographic form of difference.
from – Image A is subtracted from B.
geometric – 2AB/(A+B) An alternate way of averaging two images.
hypot – Resembles the plus and screen operations. The result is not as bright as plus, but brighter than screen.
in – Only shows the areas of image A that overlap with the alpha of B.
mask – This is the reverse of the in operation. Only shows the areas of image B that overlap with the alpha of A.
matte – Premultiplied over. Use unpremultiplied images with this operation.
max – Whichever pixel is brightest is displayed. Same operation as Lighten.
min – Takes the minimum values of both images. Same operation as darken.
minus – Subtracts B from A.
multiply – Multiplies the values but stops two negative values from becoming a positive number.
out – Only shows the areas of image A that do not overlap with the alpha of B
plus – The sum of image A and B. Note that the plus algorithm may result in pixel values higher than 1.0.
screen – Multiplies A with the Inverse of B. Screening with black leaves the color unchanged.
stencil – This is the reverse of the out operation. Only shows the areas of image B that do not overlap with the alpha of A.
under – This is the opposite of the over operation. Layers image B over A according to the alpha of image B.
xor – Shows both image A and B where the images do not overlap.

Opacity – Blends between A and B.

Mask – Dropdown to select which channel or channels to use to create the corresponding mask.

Invert – Uses the Inverse of the input as the mask.

Alpha from Intensity – Specifies the mode in which alpha is applied.

Bitmap Alpha – The information for the alpha is taken from the specified Alpha channel in the texture.
Color Intensity/luminance – The alpha information is taken from the Luminance of the RGB channels. 
Force Opaque – All alpha information is ignored.

Invert – Invert resulting image RGB values.

Invert Alpha – Flip Alpha output.


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