This page gives an outline of how to troubleshoot and report issues with V-Ray for Unreal.
All processes and events that are executing in Unreal are exported in the Output and Message Logs. From the Output log you can filter the shown information via the Categories flags.
UI Paths
||Window|| > Developer Tools > Output Log
||Window|| > Developer Tools > Message Log
V-Ray Log
V-Ray Message Log
You can see all related V-Ray messages in the Message Log accessible from the Developers Tool of the Window menu.
Issue Reporting Guide
When reporting issues provide as much information regarding the problem as possible.
Below are listed the files, folders and the required additional information that will be useful:
- Steps to reproduce the problem
- The log from the Output window (||Window|| > Developer Tools > Output Log), preferably filtered by "VRayLog".
- Content of PROJECT_NAME/Saved/Crashes and PROJECT_NAME/Saved/Logs folders
- VRay.dmp located in %temp% (may not exist)
- KernelBase.dll and ntdll.dll located in C:\Windows\System32
- Test project/scene that reproduces the problem
- Screenshot(s) of the Unreal editor's viewport
- Screenshot(s) of the V-Ray settings panel, details panel, or any other UI that is appropriate for the issue
- Screenshot(s) of the VFB
- Hardware specs of your workstation
To report an issue you can go to any of the following places:
- Visit the Chaos Help Center.
- Post in the Issues section in the V-Ray for Unreal forum.