This page provides details on the V-Ray for Unreal Project Settings.
In V-Ray Project Settings you set global option for the entire project.
When the Project Settings button is pressed in the drop-down menu next to the V-Ray button in the toolbar, the V-Ray Category in Projects Settings pops up.
||V-Ray toolbar|| > Project Settings
||Edit|| > Project Settings > Plugins > V-Ray
In General category you can set the following options:
- Toggle check at start up for latest versions. Check the V-Ray for Unreal Update Notifier page for additional information.
- Toggle the Chaos Telemetry. Check the Chaos Telemetry page for additional information.
VRay CUDA GPU Device Select
You may not want to use all available GPU devices for rendering, especially if you have multiple GPUs and you want to leave one of them free for working on the user interface or you may want to combine your CPU and GPU together. Enable the desired render device by ticking the checkbox.
We recommend in situations when the video memory of the graphics card is insufficient to use only the CPU as a rendering device. This way you will use the system RAM instead of the VRAM of the graphics card.
You can also set CPU/GPU devices available for rendering outside of Unreal using the vray_gpu_device_select tool located in"C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\Unreal\tools\vray_gpu_device_select.exe" or you can use the shortcut from ІІStart MenuІІ>Programs>V-Ray for Unreal. This tool is useful when setting up CPU/GPU devices on render servers for distributed rendering.
For more information on V-Ray and RTX graphic cards, see the OptiX and NVLink FAQ page.